Erb's Palsy Lawyer Downtown Indianapolis, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Downtown Indianapolis, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys - (463) 258-2301 

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Downtown Indianapolis, IN - Erb's palsy is a condition that causes paralysis of one side of the face and neck. It occurs when the facial nerve is injured during childbirth or when an infant is born with a forceps or vacuum-assisted delivery. The most common symptoms of erb's palsy are drooping eyelid, weakness or paralysis of the eye muscles on the affected side of the face, and paralysis of the muscles that control the tongue and jaw on the affected side of the face. The nerve damage in erb's palsy is permanent, and it typically takes months for the full extent of the paralysis to be evident. Fortunately, erb's palsy rarely leads to long-term disability or death. At Hoosier Injury Attorneys, we understand the challenges of living with Erb's Palsy. Our Indianapolis law office offers a free case evaluation. We will review your case thoroughly and provide you with a written report of our findings. We will explain to you what your options are. We will also inform you of your rights and obligations. You deserve the best possible representation, and we want to help you obtain the results you need. We believe that no matter what the outcome of your case, you will be happy with our service.

Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Downtown Indianapolis, IN

433 N Capitol Ave # 100

Indianapolis, IN 46204

(463) 258-2301

What is Erb’s Palsy? 

Brachial plexus palsy occurs when the baby’s arm and shoulder muscles are damaged during childbirth. In the case of Erb’s palsy, the damage can occur when the baby’s shoulder or arm muscles are pulled into the birth canal. The injury results in loss of function or paralysis in the arm and shoulder area. If left untreated, the injury can lead to permanent disability. Erb’s palsy is the most common birth injury and it is a result of medical negligence and obstetrical complications. Brachial plexus palsy can be a devastating injury for a baby and his or her family. The injury is often not discovered until the baby is several months old. Some babies with Erb’s palsy develop shoulder dystocia, a painful condition where the shoulder becomes stuck during delivery. In extreme cases, the baby’s arm can become trapped between the baby’s body and the mother’s pelvic bones. The doctor may have to perform a C-section to deliver the baby and the baby may need to have a special brace to correct the problem. Brachial plexus injuries can also be a result of a birth asphyxia injury. Birth asphyxia is when the baby does not get enough oxygen during the birthing process. This can happen when the baby’s umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck, which can cause a lack of oxygen. Brachial plexus palsy is also a possible complication of a birth by c-section. In a c-section, the baby may be born through a large incision in the mother’s abdomen. This can damage the baby’s nerves and cause the baby to develop Erb’s palsy.  A birth injury lawyer helps parents navigate the legal system and file a birth injury lawsuit. At Hoosier Injury Lawyers Downtown Indianapolis IN, we understand the emotional toll that a birth injury can take on a parent or guardian. We know that the best way to help you is to give you a fair amount of compensation for your pain and suffering and your child’s future care. 

Can I Sue for Erb’s Palsy? 

In Indiana, birth injuries such as Erb’s palsy are considered medical malpractice. A birth injury lawyer will be able to evaluate your situation and help you file a lawsuit against the medical provider. At Hoosier Injury Attorneys Downtown Indianapolis, we can help you with your birth injury case. The good news is that birth injuries are preventable and in most cases, these injuries are completely avoidable. There are many causes of birth injuries including: lack of prenatal care, lack of prenatal testing, obstetrical emergencies, fetal distress, fetal distress, or c-sections. As a birth injury lawyer, our job is to help you get the medical care you need and compensation for your pain and suffering. We understand how difficult it can be to deal with a birth injury and we will take care of you as if you were our own family.

How Long Does It Take For An Erb's Palsy Lawsuit To Go To Court? 

Erb's Palsy Lawsuit Takes Time: Erb’s palsy is a birth injury that results in temporary or permanent paralysis of an infant’s arm and shoulder. It is most commonly found in premature babies and is the result of a lack of oxygen during birth. The injury can occur at any time after birth and affects about 1 out of every 2,000 infants. An Erb's palsy lawsuit usually takes anywhere from a few months to a few years to resolve and can include compensation for pain and suffering, lost income, medical expenses, rehabilitation, and other expenses. 

Brachial plexus palsy is one of the most severe types of birth injuries. It occurs when the brachial plexus nerve roots are damaged during childbirth. Brachial plexus injury can affect a baby's arms and hands and can cause permanent disability. Brachial plexus palsy can occur in babies born with multiple birth defects, or babies delivered by a C-section. There are two types of Erb's palsy. The first is the complete Erb's palsy, which is the most common. It occurs when the brachial plexus nerve roots are injured during delivery and the baby loses the ability to move his or her arm. The second is the partial Erb's palsy, which is rarer and only affects the shoulder. Brachial plexus palsy can be treated, but it can be very difficult for the baby and the baby’s parents to return to normal life after such a traumatic event. 

It is important to find an experienced Erb’s palsy lawyer who will take your case on a contingency fee basis, which means that you do not pay anything until your case is settled. The Erb's palsy lawyer will be able to provide you with a free consultation and will discuss your case with you to learn about the details of your situation. At Hoosier Injury Lawyers Downtown Indianapolis IN, we understand the emotional and physical toll that an Erb's palsy lawsuit can have on families and we know how to make sure you get the compensation you deserve.