

Name of the project: Together at school and in the life

Start: 01-09-2018 - End: 31-08-2020

Project Reference: 2018-1-PT01-KA229-047538

EU Grant: 78900 EUR

Programme: Erasmus+

Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices

Action Type: School Exchange Partnerships

Children with SEN and children with learning problems can easily be isolated from their community and even worse than themselves because they do not feel confident in themselves and make them feel inappropriate in every context. This also reflects and affects their daily lives because they usually have difficulty attending kindergarten and school or participating in community day-to-day activities.

We believe that exclusion comes from the beginning because of a lack of confidence, so our project aims to help children with SEN begin on their own to overcome the barriers they can easily build to unite society; they give them the confidence to believe in themselves and to "spread" their selfconfidence and confidence around themselves.

Essentially, this concerns support for pedagogical and methodological assistance to teachers working with these children. For this purpose, five training modules will be organized, which will be implemented with the participation of teachers from partner educational institutions. Within the framework of organized mobilities, a number of seminars, workshops, round tables, pedagogical practices, will be organized in schools and kindergartens.