I'm trying to display a form in a "Show" View and am wanting to use Foundation's equalizer to make the divs the same height but for some reason it doesn't work with one div being taller than the other.

Equalizer will have no effect if the items are stacking (if the offset().top value of all of them is not equal) and you have set equalize_on_stack: false. Try adding this configuration to your main js file:

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My first thought, is that Equalizer is working and it is making both s the same height. Unless you have some visual clue to differentiate them such as different background colors or a border setting it may be hard to tell if Equalizer is working properly. Please note that I have made this mistake before.

If your intention was to make the s the same height, you would need to move the data-equalizer-watch from the s to the s. This would also allow you to visually see if Equalizer is working, because of 's border.

I created this codepen, , with two examples. One is your code above where I added a dashed border to both of your s. The other example is your code above where I moved the data-equalizer-watch to the s.

Not sure if this applies to you, but when you are using foundation's equalizer you must ensure the following for each ancestor of elements with "data-equalizer-width" that are also children of the element with the "data-equalizer" attribute:

Also, you must ensure the controls being "equalized" are visible when the equalizing code is called. So, if you are using equalizer in a tab that is hidden on page load, you need to trigger equalizer again when that part becomes visible. You can do this by triggering a resize event on the window object.

PulseEffects application has a system-wide equalizer that you can control on a per-application basis. The application also provides various sound effects / enhancements, like limiter, compressor, reverberation, equalizer and auto volume effects.

Edit: to install PulseEffects follow the setup Flatpak and Flathub using this quick guide. Then visit the PulseEffects FlatHub page and click install. You can also search for PulseEffects in Ubuntu Software (after setting up Flatpak and Flathub like I mentioned).

This is a follow-up (and maybe a bit of a rant) for fans of PulseAudio-Equalizer (PAE) and PulseEffects (PE). As most users have found out by now with Ubuntu 18.04, PAE is no longer supported, having been available for years. For audio fans like myself, this was a very annoying setback as I found the use of PAE noticeably enhanced the sound in Ubuntu giving a really pleasant listening experience. But so far nobody seems to have come up with a workable means of installing PAE with 18.04. However thanks to the info from user Logix we now have PE, so the loss of PAE doesn't seem that important any longer.

PE has a lot more bells and whistles than PAE although I have little idea what most of them do. I have no instructions or manual that guide me or explain what the various applications within mean. Except we do have an equalizer, the main reason why I installed PE. And that one works in a very similar way to PAE, where you can set your own frequencies or presets and name-save them. I see you can even import them from a file of presets which I saved from PAE, but haven't tried this out yet.

As for downloading and installing PE, until recently this was a real PITA. There is Github, but as so often is the case with them, no instructions on how to install that I've come across. So unless you have a degree in Computer Science, good luck with that. There's also Flatpak, which is an alternative to Snap if no package is found in there nor the repositories. The trouble with Flatpak is that it's slow to start from a fresh boot

Pulse effects didn't work in my case. And the new pulseaudio-equalizer (that is called qpaeq in 18.04) has a horrible latency. I spent weeks trying to find the solution, and it looks like there is another option to install pulseaudio-equalizer. Just download the version for 16.04 from here:

I'm a long time user of Poweramp Player. Recently tried the Equalizer app to be able to equalize sound from other apps but can't make it do anything to the sound. I turned off Equalizer built-in into Poweramp Player. Tried turning DVC and Absolute Volume in Developer Options off and on multiple times in both the Equalizer app and the Player. The Equalizer app doesn't see of my other players. Finally it started to see the VLC player but still the Equalizer doesn't do anything.

PA EQ works with any apps that are designed to allow their output to be manipulated by external processes - however many do not allow for this. The ADB DUMP procedure allows for even apps which don't support this facility to still be manipulated.

It is a good idea to set both PA and the EQ app to not allow Android to optimise their power usage for better battery performance, as otherwise their performance can be affected when the device goes to sleep.

DVC bypasses a lot of the processing added by manufacturers, and allows more direct access to the audio firmware/hardware. It does not require extra power as far as know (maybe less?) although other things like high-res audio processing do consume a little bit more power. If your ears can't hear a difference in real-world listening though, it's a moot point.

When I apply the equalizer, it doesn't process audio from any app.

Also, at any point of my testing today, PAEQ wasn't turning the EQ when the Bluetooth device is connected, even though I set the preset to run only with this BT device.

You can enable MusicFX in the main PA app (activate the button via Poweramp Settings > Advance Tweaks, then you can enable or disable it in second tab of the the EQ screen in Poweramp). However it's not a good idea to run two equalisers at the same time, and definitely not a good idea to set them both to use DVC (they will clash).

1. Sound, played through PA-EQ into Bluetooth headset cuts out beginning of the sound, maybe 500ms. So when a short notification plays, only a tail of it is heard. When music is playing from a freshly opened app, beginning of a song (500ms or so) cuts out, but when next song of the same player plays - everything is fine. Does PA-EQ need time to engage? Is there a way around it?

Hi. After following your tutorial on how to make Poweramp Equalizer work in this thread by changing phone system settings, there's a big synchronization issue: audio lags significantly in any video watched on my phone in any player. Is there a way to toggle a setting to enable/disable Poweramp EQ so that I could watch videos even without EQ, but at least they would be in sync?

Hi. I've been using the Poweramp Equalizer app applied with all ADB permissions so it fully recognizes and equalizes every source of audio on my phone (including non-player apps). And it works pretty well until I shut the screen off. Whenever the screen's off, even having all applications involved not restricted by battery restrictions for background function, it still begins to consistently cut the audio at some point. I've tried every option regarding battery restrictions available on the phone settings and still haven't had any success trying to solve this problem.

I would like to add to this. I would also like to see a 5-7 band equalizer. I noticed my hearing in my left ear has become problematic. Went to an audiologist and found my left ear has a significant drop at 4k Hz. To compensate for this, it was suggested boosting the 4k frequency up. So, besides allowing people to adjust the sound to their own taste, it would allow people like me to compensate for some hearing impairment issues. I also found myself needing closed captioning when watching TV, even with the Sonos Arc (my problem also makes it harder on picking up various words and sounds).

And I am not in favor of all possible expansions of the equalizer with a lot of adjustment options of frequency bands and equalizer presets, I have seen / heard it on other products and it has never done anything good for the sound.

Sonos never gives updates on what they are working on. However, I would not expect a full band equalizer. Sonos leans heavily towards Trueplay automatic equalization, which is the opposite of a manual full band equalizer.

In my experience the only way to manually configure a multi-band PEQ/GEQ acceptably is if someone or something has done a response sweep first and auto-generated the corrective adjustments. A good example is the AutoEq project for headphones based on Oratory1990 et al.

I need help I bought a new Samsung Galaxy A14 yesterday and I was setting up sound effects and Dolby Atmos.... the problem is that I don't see the equalizer so where is the problem? I tried to put the smartphone in the charger, but the equalizer simply cannot be displayed, so what should I do?

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How do you disable the equalizer? Each time I use my phone, the quality of the music become unsatisfactory. 

I have a Samsung Galaxy S9+ -- Android 10 --

Spotify version:

I have tried to uninstall the app several times, already did clear cache and clear data but I can't seem to disable the equalizer. I can tell the difference since I have my Chromebox - Another device - connected on my account, you can really tell that the quality is lessen when using my main Samsung Phone. I'd like to ask for a step by step tutorial (if possible/available). I have been looking over the existing forums and found vague answers and suggestions of installing external apps for an equalizer that requires a root. I have no need for that. 

I just wanted the equalizer disabled. I can't stress this enough. Looking forward hearing from you soon! 

Thanks. 152ee80cbc

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