Department of Physics, Kyushu University

Emergent Quantum Matter group


 The huge number of electrons and spins that strongly interact with each other cause various interesting phenomena as quantum mechanical many-body problems. In our laboratory, we are mainly interested in high-temperature superconductivity, novel superconducting states, heavy fermion states, quantum critical phenomena, quantum spin systems, and so on. These studies are strongly connected with fundamental problems in modern physics related to other fields such as cooled atoms and nuclear physics, and are also closely related to cutting-edge applied technologies in the 21st century. We are challenging to develop and elucidate novel phenomena and states of electrons in materials through various experimental techniques, such as electron transport and thermal measurements at cryogenic temperatures and high magnetic fields, development of ultra-pure single crystals, scanning tunneling microscopy, and fabrication of systems that do not exist in nature using advanced nanofabrication techniques and artificial superlattices. We are challenging to develop and elucidate novel phenomena and states of electrons in such materials through various experimental techniques.

For those who wish to join our group as graduates or under graduates

Our laboratory is accepting applications from students who wish to enroll in the master's and doctoral programs.

Please feel free to contact us for a laboratory tour.

Postdoctoral Fellowship

Our laboratory welcomes applications for JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Please contact us for more information.

What's new


The Emergent Quantum Matter group has been established.