Ezra Pound and Friendship
Kyoto, 24 June - 26 June, 2022, Online

29th Ezra Pound International Conference

About the Conference

The 29th Ezra Pound International Conference will be held Friday, 24 June–Sunday, 26 June 2022 from Kyoto, Japan.

Because it is unlikely that those living outside Japan who wish to attend the conference will be able to travel safely and comfortably to Kyoto in June 2022, the EPIC-Japan Committee and the Conveners have agreed that this conference will be held as an online conference. To accommodate the different time zones across the world where participants and others interested live, Panels, Sessions, and Plenary Sessions are scheduled in two separate time blocks per day that will allow people from different regions to meet on ZOOM at relatively reasonable hours, according to their home locations. In addition, all sessions will be recorded and later made available, so that those who register but cannot attend during different time blocks can watch and/or listen to sessions they will have missed.

Given this unusual change in format and the number of proposals submitted, the EPIC-Kyoto meeting consists of two concurrent or single plenary sessions, meeting in blocks of three consecutive 75-minute time frames per block, with breaks between. The EPIC will open on Friday evening, June 24 (Japan time) and continue through Sunday evening, June 26 (Japan time).

To be sure, all of us are terribly saddened by the conditions which keep us from meeting in person in Kyoto, as EPICs past have always thrived through the direct professional and personal interactions of Poundians, scholars, poets, readers, and others from throughout the world. But the conference as planned should provide us the opportunity to greet each other again (or for the first time), to hear and catch up on some of the excellent work that Poundians are doing, and to refresh each other in our collaborative efforts on behalf of Pound and his worldwide impact.

There seems no better time for a meeting on “Pound and Friendship” than this year. We are looking forward to your involvement in the 29th EPIC this summer.

John Gery, Secretary & Co-Convener, 29th EPIC-Kyoto

Walter Baumann, Co-Convener

Akitoshi Nagahata , Co-Convener

EPIC-Kyoto Conference Committee:

Mark Byron, University of Sydney

Andrew Houwen, Tokyo Woman's Christian University

Yoshiko Kita, Chuo University

Matthew McLaughlin, Rikkyo University

Akiko Manabe, Shiga University

Akitoshi Nagahata, Nagoya University (Chair)

Miho Takahashi, Kansai University

Aya Yoshida, Kyoto University
