姓 名: 洪嘉欣 老師

職 稱: 助理教授


國立政治大學 心理學系博士(主修 社會與人格心理學)






  1. Hong, J. –S & Sun, C. -R. (2017). To Defend or to Affiliate: The Effects of Categorical Similarity Cues after Social Exclusion. The Journal of Social Psychology (SSCI)
  2. 孫蒨如、林慧慈、洪嘉欣(2017)。當自我資源耗竭面對維持正向自我評價需求時:自我調控的啟動與運作。中華心理學刊(TSSCI),59,3,163-181。
  3. 洪嘉欣、孫蒨如(2015)。社會排斥之雙歷程因應模式:後續團體類別相似線索之影響。教育與心理研究期刊(TSSCI),38,2,59-85。
  4. 陳皎眉、洪嘉欣、楊家雯(2012)。國家考試與性別設限。國家菁英季刊,8,1,39-51。
  5. 張珏、謝佳容、洪嘉欣、高瑞協、林玉華、徐森益、王秀燕、鍾鳳枝(2010)。國中生笑笑功練習之成效初探。中華心理衛生學刊(TSSCI),23,2,219-239。
  6. 洪嘉欣、陳皎眉(2009)。刻板印象如何影響行為?談刻板印象效果的內在歷程與影響。教育與心理研究期刊(TSSCI),32,4,1-22。


  1. Hong, J. –S, & Gardner, W. L. (2019, July). Social Rejection Results in Self-Concept Confusion. Oral poster presented at the 16th European Congress of Psychology, Moscow, Russia.
  2. Hong, J. –S, & Gardner, W. L. (2017,11月). 社會排斥降低自我概念清晰度。邀請演講,政治大學心理學所,台北。
  3. Hong, J. –S. & Sun, C. –R (2016, November). To Defend or to Affiliate: Social Exclusion and Categorical Similarity Cues of Social Targets. Invited presentation at the Department of Psychology at the Northwestern University, IL.
  4. Hong, J. –S, & Sun, C. -R (2016, April). I Can tell that We’re Going to be Friends: Using Recategorization to Reduce Social Exclusion Effect. Poster presented at The Asian Conference on Psychology and the Behavioral Sciences, Kobe, Japan.
  5. 洪嘉欣、孫蒨如(2015年,8月)。社會排斥與類別相似性線索。『第9屆全球華人心理學家學術研討會』口頭發表之論文,上海師範大學,中國大陸。
  6. Hong, J. –S, & Sun, C. -R (2014, July). Finding Inclusion or Preventing Rejection? Social Exclusion Affect Interpersonal Perception. Poster presented at the 22th Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Reims, France.
  7. Hong, J. –S, & Sun, C. -R (2013, July). A Two-Stage Model of Social Exclusion. Poster presented at the 13th European Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, Sweden.
  8. Hong, J. –S, & Sun, C. -R (2012, July). Avoiding and approaching? Effect of similarity cues on social exclusion. Poster presented at the 21th Congress of International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Stellenbosch, South Africa.
