Protect Your Environment - Growing Economies

Living in a world of pollution is a reality. We see acid rains and other global warning issues that are causing severe damage to the environment. Since almost 100 years, environmentalism and economics have been closely linked. Without the tireless efforts of economists and environmentalists, the world would be a very poor place. Economic growth is often cited as a prerequisite for ensuring high living standards and a better budget Relationship Between Economy And Environment.

While economists generally believe that economic growth leads to an improvement in the environment, past experience has shown that economic growth can also lead to environmental degradation. Many scientists have spent a lot of time studying the impact of economic growth on the living standards and the environment. Here, we will only discuss the environmental damage in developing economies.

Risks are a part of economic growth. The economic growth of a country can be measured by its spending, income, and national output. However, rapid growth in the economy can cause many short-term as well as long-term problems.

Environmental Effects

Economic growth has always had an impact on the environment. Rapid growth in consumption and production can also lead to negative effects, such as increased noise and air pollution in the environment. Another reason for environmental damage in developing economies is road congestion. The environmental damage can adversely affect the quality of life and living standards of individuals, and they may not be able to grow at their full potential.