Video Streaming over LTE Network

ENSC 427: Communication Networks

Spring 2020

Group: Team 12

Group members: Leung Po Yee (30127 0683,

Shubin Li (301240625,

YiJun Zhu (301267593,


Nowadays, video streaming is one of the most populated service in mobile internet, accounting for about 50% of total mobile data traffic. This motivates us to perform simulation and analysis of video streaming performance over LTE network. Most popular video streaming services such as YouTube and Netflix use HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS). ns-3 is one of the most widely used new models of network simulators due to its rich network library and basic traffic generator models such as on-off traffic model. Thus it satisfies the need for HAS traffic generator framework for mobile networks.


[1] "LTE_(telecommunication)" [Online], Available:

(Links to an external site.)

[Accessed: February 9, 2020]

[2] William David and Diego Maza, "A Framework for Generating HTTP Adaptive Streaming Traffic in ns-3" [Online], Available:

(Links to an external site.)

[Accessed: February 9, 2020]

[3] Mohsen Ansari, "Parallel HTTP for Video Streaming in Wireless Networks" [Online], Available:;jsessionid=A2C527D36F9CB2CFEEDBB01C61CDCB9B?sequence=3

(Links to an external site.)

[Accessed: February 9, 2020]

[4] Wilmar Yesid Campo-Muñoz a, Evelio Astaiza-Hoyos a and Luis Freddy Muñoz-Sanabria b, "Traffic modelling of the video-on-demand service through NS-3" [Online], Available:

(Links to an external site.)

[Accessed: February 9, 2020]

[5] Abdurrahman Fouda, Ahmed N. Ragab, Ali Esswie, Mohamed Marzban, Amr Naser, Mohamed Rehan, and Ahmed S. Ibrahim, "Real-Time Video Streaming over NS3-based Emulated LTE Networks" [Online], Available:

(Links to an external site.)

[Accessed: February 9, 2020]