Welcome to my mathematics homepage! I am a Krener Assistant Professor (KAP) at the Department of Mathematics in UC Davis with Quinglan Xia as my mentor. 

I am not teaching from mid March to June in 2024,  so if anyone wants me to give a talk, please email me! I am also on the job market! 

Lake Como after Cortona 2019 conference.

Research Interests

I am interested in geometric measure theory, its applications, and applied topology.  Recently, I have been interested in manifold learning, which aims to find ways in which one can approximate properties of a submanifold from a dense enough sample of it. Some of the applications that I have been involved in include liquid-liquid interfaces, energy landscapes, quantum chemistry, along with other data sets coming from biology. 

Some mathematical objects that consistently think about are (in no particular order): optimal transportation plans, currents, rectifiable sets, holder curves, Vietoris-Rips complexes, Reeb spaces, cycle spaces, Mapper graphs. 



My advisors were Kevin R. Vixie and Bala Krishnamoorthy. The rest of my committee was formed by Aurora Clark and Matthew Sottile.


ealvarado at math dot ucdavis dot edu