The Android Debug Bridge (abbreviated as ADB) is a programming tool for debugging Android-based devices. The daemon on the Android device communicates with the server on the host PC through USB or TCP, which communicates with the end-client users via TCP. Google has been making open-source software under the Apache License available since 2007. Features include a shell and the ability to backup data. The ADB software runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It has been abused by botnets and other malicious software, for which mitigations like RSA authentication and device whitelisting have been developed.

On Ubuntu 20.04, there are three options for installing android-tools-adb. Apt-get, apt, and aptitude are all available. Each strategy of installation will be described in detail in the following sections. You may select any of them.

Android-tools-adb For Linux Download

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I searched the stack and even googled for an answer before posting here.I am new to linux (installed it only yesterday) I am running it from a virtualBox, it is the Santoku linux (which as far as I understand is based on lbuntu, so I hope this is the right place to post my question)

after updating the android sdk manager every time the machine was booting in I got an error staying that something is wrong with the android-tools-adb & android-tools-fastboot. I thought I probably was due to corrupt installation so I tried to reinstall the packages but I kept getting an error:

adb and android-tools-adb packages both exist but if I try to install both, apt complains of unmet dependencies and that adb breaks android-tools-adb. Another version of adb exists in the Android SDK Platform Tools location. Which one should I use?

Ubuntu suggested installing the packages adb or android-tools-adb. I tried installing both together and got the error. I then installed android-tools-adb but the version is quite old (1.0.32) according to this web site:

That looks better but I am confused. Should I update my path variable? Should I follow bernaerts' instructions? Should I merely copy the new adb to /usr/bin? Something else? What if I run apt-get upgrade again?

Yes, you cannot install the adb and android-tools-adb packages at the same time, but as far as I know both of them provide adb version 1.0.32. So it does not help to remove android-tools-adb in favour of adb.

I thought as much. Perhaps it is a bit confusing to me that there are two packages that nominally seem to have the same purpose. Should one of them be deprecated or named differently? Anyway, you answered my specific question well enough although I must admit my root problem is still unsolved. In spite of this, I will go ahead and press the "Problem Solved" button anyway! :-)

ADB provides a terminal interface on your linux computer to interact with your android device file system. This can be useful for many things like installing and uninstalling apps, disabling and enabling apps , logcat, and many other things.

Just for future reference, there is no need to replace it. The $USER would work. It contains the username.

So basically the answer to the question should be no. Use the command as @linux-aarhus wrote. Also do not forget to log out or reboot.

Hi, I am using ADB and Fastboot to install costum roms on my android phone. In debian based distros it was quite easy to use ADB and Fastboot - you just had to install Android SDK Tools. After setting up clearlinux, I did install the Android SDK Tools as a flatpak, but it seems, that I cannot use ADB and Fastboot now via my terminal. Can anyone give me a hint, how I might be able to get ADB and Fastboot working in clearlinux?


If I may reopen this case. Unfortunately running adb from did not work out. It highlights: no permissions (user in plugdev group; are your udev rules wrong?); see [Run apps on a hardware device | Android Developers]

I think thats what you mentioned with add udev rule. I am unfortunately not aware how I can add a udev rule under /etc/udev/rules.d. Can you maybe help me out how to perform this?

i have a acer spin 311 chrome-book and i have installed the linux option and updated it and upgraded the linux install, and set it for adb and also installed android tools i am trying to put film+ on it ,with the apk file i moved it to linux files

Since I wanted to use Android with eclipse, first I installed eclipse 3.4.1 from pacman. Then I downloaded android zip file and extracted in a directory. Then according to the instructions available on their website, I tried to install ADT plugin for Eclipse. Since, Android editor depended on wst plugin, and wst depended on some other plugin, I forgot about installing wst and just installed Android Development Tools (ADT).

In the next step, I had to map the sdk directory to the eclipse by going to Window - Preferences - Android. After pressing browse I found my extracted SDK directory. When I pressed apply, I got the following error:

I just downloaded Android SDK on my 32 bit ubuntu laptop. Then I went to tools, and double clicked on emulator on nautilus and was able to see the emulator. However, I'm not able to see such thing using my 64 bit Arch Linux machine.

I think there are some components of openjdk6 left on my computer. I remember when I first installed Arch, it came out with openjdk6. Once I was trying to install Vuze, but because of openjdk6 it didn't work. I uninstalled it and then installed Sun JDK, but still Vuze didn't download bittorrent files. Because of that, I forgot about Vuze and installed rtorrent. Since rTorrent was a really CLI based application I really liked it.

A few weeks ago I was going to give a try to KDE, so when I installed it, it complained about the conflict between JDK and openjdk. That is, I uninstalled JDK in order to installed KDE. After using KDE for a few days, I didn't like it, so I uninstalled it.

Yesterday, to get android working, I uninstalled openjdk and installed Sun JDK. That's why I think there are some components of openjdk left on my computer that don't allow me to run the android emulator using ./emulator command.

I've been trying to make it works but those packeges aren't avalaibles and it does not work with lib32 wich i have tried.Ā 

adb returns:

adb: error while loading shared libraries: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64

I had this problem recently installing on Arch64. I finally got it working by installing the aur/eclipse-jee package (this took me a while to find because I grepped for j2ee!). I also had to add in /opt/java/bin and /opt/eclipse to my path, because for some reason the package build didnt add it. Then instead of downloading the sdk, I used the eclipse upgrade URL for the ADT:

Nice. I'm trying to look into Android development, which means I have to learn som java too I guess . I want to stream audio from android with TCP to an rsound serverĀ 

Well, I got some C code running at least :'o Is there a good way to start a C program without an emulator?

This is because you must make an image (avd) to use with the emulator. To do so, you can run 'android' from the terminal, select the "Virtual Devices" option, and create avds. In addition this tool allows you to install documentation, sample code, and different platform versions.

I'm trying to get the android development software installed on my archlinux machine. I have android-sdk, eclipse, the eclipse-android plugin, and any other package I can find. However, I must not have installed something because I don't have the 'adb' command. What package am I missing?

I would like to hear if any have ideas about, how to use android devices like (cheap tablets) for running android apps, as a part of a multisystem setup, with the linux-system as the main controlling device. It would of course be via a USB-hub or something like that. Preferable with any graphical output on X.

I want to access the phone from my computer, currently running Debian wheezy. ADB was recommended to me. I installed android-tools-adb, and after enabling Developer Options and USB Debugging, I was able to access the phone via adb shell, for example.

How should I modify this file in order to give user access? The natural way seems to be to give access to a group. Along those lines, here is one suggestion,namely an answer to "Android Debug Bridge (adb) device - no permissions" which suggests

So, should I add GROUP="plugdev" to that file above, or is there a better way? Also what does the ATTRS{idVendor}=="18d1" part mean, and would that work for any device? Also, what does ATTRS{idProduct}=="d001|d002" mean?

To address your other questions on the USB identifers, the vendor and product ids identify specific devices. You can see your identifiers using dmesg or lsusb. E.g. when I plug in my phone, dmesg reports:

You can find your usb device to check its permissions using the usb bus and device number. lsusb reported Bus 004 Device 005 and the device path contains .../004/005. As long as you can read/write to this device you will be able to use adb and other programs that require access to the phone.

I uninstalled Google play store from my phone as I a privacy respecting person and installed Aurora Store. But now as I have to give buy a new phone and sell the old one, I thought of reinstalling Google services, especially the play store. Then I used ADB for installing it but faced an error. But then I found a command for ADB that installed it without giving me any error. I was relieved a lot.Ā 

Now, I thought that I should share it with the community as someone out there might also be facing the same issue.

In this command we are basically uninstalling the play store for the User 0 that is the default user only. Without root it can't be uninstalled completely from the phone. This doesn't disable software updates from your OEM/Phone manufacturer. '' is the name of the package the play store has. I know it is a very confusing name. That is the reason I asked the name of the package on reddit. Now, we need a software for installing apps.

You have to download their apk from their websites and then just put them on your phone storage and then just click on the apk in the phone and Install it by clicking the install button. But you may need to enable the option in the settings that says 'install apps from Unknown sources', this setting will be available in the developer options. 152ee80cbc

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