We are pleased to announce that the first paper using the ENIGMA VBM tool has been published in Molecular Psychiatry. The paper which reports robust changes in gray matter in Early Onset Psychosis (EOP) is open access and is available at https://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41380-023-02343-1

This site hosts the ENIGMA VBM (Voxel Based Morphometry) tool which is being currently being used in various ENIGMA work groups. The tool processes MRI data in a standardised way to allow the transfer of group data to a coordinating site which will undertake a voxel-wise meta-analysis. For further details see the manual below. 

We have specific instructions for different ENIGMA Working Groups so please click the link of the specific group below:

Early Onset Psychosis (EOP) ENIGMA VBM Instructions and Tool

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)  ENIGMA VBM Instructions and Tool

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) ENIGMA VBM Instructions and Tool

Bipolar Disorder ENIGMA VBM Intructions and Tool

Major Depressive Disorder ENIGMA VBM

You can also read the general ENIGMA VBM manual here

A quick overview of tool can be seen in the presentation given at the ENIGMA All-Hands Virtual Meeting 2020

A more detailed technical explanation of how the tool works can be found here

If you are interested in using the ENIGMA VBM tool please get in touch with me @kcl.ac.uk

Matthew Kempton, King's College London