
Greatest Civil Engineers Research

Driving question: Why are these people important to civil engineering?

Civil engineers

Vladimir Grigoryevich Shukhov
Born in 1853 in Belgorod Oblast. Vladimir Shukhov is often referred as the Russian Edison for the sheer quantity and quality of his pioneering works. He was an engineer-polymath, scientist and architect renowned for his works on new methods of analysis for structural engineering that led to breakthroughs in industrial design of the world's first hyperboloid structures, diagrid shell structures, tensile structures, gridshell structures, oil reservoirs, pipelines, boilers, ships and barges. He is also the inventor of the first cracking method.

Dmitrii Ivanovich Zhuravskii
One of the pioneers of bridge construction and structural mechanics in Russia. Zhuravskii attended the Nezhin lycée and entered the St. Petersburg Institute of the Corps of Railroad Engineers where he was influenced by the academician Mikhail Ostrogradsky. In the beginning of his career he took part in the surveying and planning of the Moscow - Saint Petersburg Railway. In 1857-58 he led the reconstruction of the Peter and Paul Cathedral in Saint Petersburg. In 1871-76 he took part in the reconstruction of the Mariinsky Canal System.

Nikolay Vasilyevich Nikitin
Born in 1907 in Tobolsk, Russia graduated from the Tomsk Technological Institute with training in construction. In 1932, he designed the train station of Novosibirsk. By 1937, he was living and working in Moscow. He turned his attention to calculations for the foundation of the monumental Palace of Soviets which was to be constructed at the site of the demolished Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. In 1957, he was appointed chief designer of Mosproekt-2 - Institute for the Planning of Housing and Civil Engineering Construction in the City of Moscow.

Lavr Dmitrievich Proskouriakov
was one of the foremost authorities on bridge engineering and structural mechanics in the Russian empire and the early Soviet Union. The research and practical activities of Lavr Proskouriakov were aimed at the elaboration of a perfect bridge structure, and he managed to achieve his goal: this was the noble 1,000 metres (3,300 ft) long railway bridge across the Yenisei near Krasnoyarsk that was built between 1896 and 1899. Overall, Proskouriakov managed to elaborate the most suitable types of spans for a variety of bridges. He designed many unique multi-span bridges, including the bridges over Oka near Kashira (1897), Belev (1897) and Murom (1912), Vyatka on the Cherepovets-Vologda-Vyatka line (1902), Volkhov (1902), Amur near Khabarovsk (1916) on the Trans-Siberian Railway, and so forth.

Vsevolod Nikolaevich Nasonov
Born in 1900 in Warsaw. Soviet scientist in structural design; doctor of technical sciences (1962). Nasonov has produced a number of designs for large engineering structures and buildings, such as a vehicular bridge over the Iset’ River, an overpass in Perm’, the assembly shop of the Lugansk Steam Locomotive Plant, a complex of buildings of the M. V. Lomonosov Moscow University, the Palace of Science and Culture in Warsaw, and the Central Stadium in Luzhniki (Moscow). His scientific career is associated primarily with the design and development of lightweight building structures, including those using plastics, light alloys, and asbestos cement.

a. The work of today’s civil engineers would be a lot more challenging were it not for the forefathers of civil engineering whose innovations changed the world forever. Through their discovery and clarification of even the most fundamental principles of the practise, these now world famous civil engineers made incredible contributions to the Industrial Revolution and beyond.

Who’s the greatest? To find out we’ve compiled a list of famous civil engineers. Read the information above, watch the video to learn more about each engineer, and then vote in our poll below.

You can find out more about civil engineers from the past: P. L. Nervi, Eduardo Torroja, Rober Maillart, Felix Candela … And modern: Jörg Schlaich, Lelsie Robertson, Christian Menn, Santiago Calatrava

b. Think of a great civil engineer, find information about him and make a short research report.
Make sure you find out why this person is important to civil engineering and why he has made an impact
on our life.

c. What important decisons did they have to make in their life? (invent decisions similar to the one in game on

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