Tutoring at the English Lab

About Tutoring

The English Lab’s peer and faculty tutors work one-on-one with you at any stage of the reading and writing process: understanding assignments, texts, and main ideas, gathering evidence, brainstorming, planning an outline, developing a thesis, revising, and proofreading.

Because our goal is to help you become a more independent and confident reader/writer, we do not correct essays for you or explain what texts mean; instead we provide constructive feedback and ask questions that help you develop strategies to improve your reading and writing.

*Please Note: Since our services are drop-in based, we don't take appointment requests to see a tutor. Whenever you are ready to receive assistance for your assignments, staff at English Lab will be available to help you sign-up to see a tutor.

Online Tutoring Services

The English Lab is offering live, online English essay tutoring with an English faculty member as well as an essay submission option to receive feedback on your assignments at a later time. To receive assistance, visit the English Lab Online. Please note: To access the English Lab online, you must have your Canvas log-in information.