Cinderella Escapes!

Welcome to this Cinderella Escapes! virtual escape room. Can you help Cinderella get to the ball? Solve the clues and puzzles that follow to get her to her happily-ever-after!

This escape room is appropriate for teens and up, or early elementary students if done with family.Hint: You might want scrap paper to write on as you work out the clues! Feel free to send questions to our Facebook ( if you get stumped.This virtual escape room was created by Stefanie Reed, Youth Services Supervisor at Henika District Library in Wayland, Michigan ( you to Erin Honeycutt at Moultrie-Colquitt County Library System in Moultrie, Georgia for her tutorial and inspiration from her Escape from Wonderland escape room.

Cinderella lives in a big house with her stepmother and her two not-particularly-nice stepsisters. Her father died many years ago, and her life has been hard since he passed. Her stepmother does not like her very much, and her stepsisters follow everything she does. So for many years she has been their servant, cleaning and cooking and making clothes for the rest of her family, while she only has one dress that is always dirty with soot.

One day, the king of their land announces that there will be a ball so that the prince can meet all of the eligible ladies in the land, and maybe find someone who will eventually be his wife. The stepmother and stepsisters eagerly prepare for the ball, but of course Cinderella is not allowed to go. She is desperately sad that she cannot go, and wishes there was some way it could be possible.



Cinderella needs to get to the ball -- but she can't do it on her own. She needs to find her fairy godmother! She knows her fairy godmother is somewhere nearby, but she doesn't know where to look for her.

  1. Where is Cinderella's fairy godmother? (uppercase letters) *

Solve the maze to put the letters together. The letters will spell where Cinderella's fairy godmother is!

Click here to see the picture

Cinderella has found her fairy godmother in the garden. She tells Cinderella she will send her to the ball with all the trimmings -- dress, shoes, pumpkin coach and all. But she warns that these beautiful things will only last until the stroke of midnight.

There's only one problem -- Cinderella doesn't know how to get to the castle! She's spent long hours inside cleaning, and certainly has never been to the palace before, let alone to a royal ball. To help Cinderella find her way, you need to decode the directions to get there by solving clues.

Each time Cinderella turns, you need to guess which direction she should go. Figure out which object in the picture the clue refers to, then figure out what direction that object is pointing!

  1. Which direction should Cinderella go?

a. Left b. Right. c. Up (forward)

Clue #1

Cod, carp, herring and salmon Flounder, trout and anchoviesSole, red snapper and tuna.

What types of creatures are these?

Click here to see the picture

3. Which direction should Cinderella go?

a. Left b. Right. c. Up (forward)

Clue #2

I’m something that is often round But I’m not a pizza baseI have hands but don’t have fingers And have numbers on my face

Click here to see the picture

4. Which direction should Cinderella go?

a. Left b. Right. c. Up (forward)

Clue #3

Arms and legs aren't always betterPlus we only need one letter

Click here to see the picture

Congratulations! You have successfully gotten Cinderella to the ball. It's more beautiful than she could have ever hoped for. The music is dizzying, the food is delicious, and the palace is elegant beyond belief. Then the prince asks her to dance! She can't believe it. They dance one song, then another and another, and they find as they dance that they love talking to each other and never want to stop. All of the partygoers notice how focused the prince is on this mystery woman, but Cinderella and the prince don't notice.

Suddenly, in the middle of their conversation, the clock starts to chime midnight. Cinderella comes back to herself and panics. She needs to get out of the palace before her beautiful dress and coach disappear. She apologizes to the prince and runs, frantically trying to find her way back out of the palace.

Cinderella finally finds a back door through which she can escape, but the door is locked! Not only that, but the lock requires that someone enter a 4-digit code to unlock it. She thinks back on her conversation with the prince, and remembers that he said that the castle has some strange, funny tricks inside it, and secrets hide behind many of its doors. Cinderella realizes that the code for the lock might be hidden somewhere behind the colored doors by the exit. Look behind the colored doors to try to find the answer.

When you think you know the code, select "I'm ready to enter the code."

5. What door would you like to open? or what code opens the door?

Click here to see the doors or click on the doors below

a. Blue door. b. Red door. c. Green door. d. Yellow door

If you discover the code, congratulations, you got Cinderella out the door of the palace! She runs down the steps; she can feel the magic wearing off as she runs. Behind her, the prince has almost caught up to her, calling "Wait! Please!" But she can't let him see her in her rags, once her fabulous gown disappears, so she keeps running. She moves so quickly that one of her beautiful slippers falls off her feet, but she doesn't dare stop to grab it. She doesn't slow down until she gets home, even as it starts to rain. When she finally stumbles in the door, she is back to wearing her tattered old dress, and she is soaked through.

Prince Charming is devastated that the mystery woman disappeared into the night before he found out her name. He is so angry with himself; he was enjoying talking and dancing with her so much that he completely forgot to ask her name! But then he never guessed she might bolt before the night was over.

He worries that something terrible made her leave, and he is so worried about her. His only clue to find her and make sure she's okay is the single slipper she dropped on the steps as she left.

With only the slipper to locate his mystery woman, the prince is not sure what to do. Thankfully, he has a clever and supportive friend at court who can help track the lady down. He sends out inquiries requesting all of the foot sizes of the ladies in the kingdom, so that the royals might send out shoes from the royal cobbler as a thank you. The prince's friend then makes a list of every family in the kingdom that contained a lady with the right shoe size.

But the prince knows that shoe size alone is not enough to track her down. After all, so many ladies have the same size feet. The prince also has several clues about the lady's family name, though, and this will help him figure out in which house to look for her.

6. What is Cinderella's family name? (all uppercase letters)

Click here to see clues

The prince has the following clues about the lady's family name:

1) Her name has more than 4 letters but fewer than 8.

2) Her name does not end in a vowel.

3) Hers is the only family with that letter at the beginning of its name.

4) Her name contains more than two vowels.

The prince figures out that his mystery lady must live in the Lavier house. He and his men go out the house and knock on the door, asking the butler to gather the ladies of the house. Cinderella's stepmother quickly gets together her daughters and comes to greet the prince.

The prince is confused. "Are these the only ladies that live in the house?"

The stepmother is sneaky. "These are my daughters," she says.

"But are there other ladies who live here, besides your daughters?"

The butler, who knows Cinderella was secretly at the ball, speaks up and says, "There is also Cinderella."

"Who is Cinderella?" the prince asks.

"She is our maid," the stepmother says, then adds grudgingly, "She is also my stepdaughter."

The prince demands that Cinderella be brought to him. She comes in and is shocked to find the prince in their home. Despite her different appearance, he knows her at once.

“Finally!” he cries. “The lady I have searched for. You left so quickly from the ball, I did not have a chance to ask your name.”

Cinderella says, “I’m sorry, your highness. My fairy godmother told me my beautiful dress would only last until midnight. In truth, I was not allowed to be there.”

The prince glances at the lady of the house. “I suspected there was something rotten in this house. It is unbelievable how you have treated your own stepdaughter. This must end now."

He turns to Cinderella. “You are so wonderful, and so different from anyone I have ever met. Would it be alright with you if I courted you?” Courting is what they called dating back then. (It is a little early to propose marriage, after all.)

Cinderella likes the prince very much as well. She happily says yes, and they hug.

The prince goes on to court her for several months. Cinderella’s stepmother must treat her more nicely from now on, since the prince regularly visits their home. Eventually, he asks Cinderella to marry him! She says yes, and they live happily ever after!