Regular English Lessons

This card set contains audio & text lessons.

Contents (Cards):

1. Afraid or Scared

2. Anger

3. Bank and Money

4. Baseball

5. Basketball

6. Being Worried

7. Birthday

8. Body Parts

9. Books and Magazines

10. Bored - General Phrases

11. Broken Heart , Expressions

12. Car

13. Child Care

14. College Partying

15. Computers

16. Dating

17. Dating - On the Date

18. Dental Care

19. Dieting

20. Drinking , Terminologies

21. Driving a Car

22. Eating Together

23. Engagement

24. Examinations

25. Excited - General Sentences

26. Exercise , Questions

27. Exercise Gym - Lifting Weights

28. Family and Friends

29. Favorite - What's your Favorite

30. Football

31. Fraternity and Sorority , Explanation

32. Golf , Terminologies

33. Greeting , Basic

34. Grocery Shopping

35. Habits and Health

36. haircut and Massages

37. Happy and Feeling Good

38. Health

39. Hobby - Questions and Answers

40. Honeymoon

41. House Care

42. How is your Day - General Statements

43. Jewelry

44. Love , Family

45. Mail

46. Marriage - Getting a Church

47. Married Life

48. Movie Discussion - General Statements

49. Movies - Asking Friend

50. Movies Types - Action and Drama

51. Neighbors

52. Organizing Time

53. Other Emotions , Emotional

54. Pediatric Care

55. Pet Care

56. Phone

57. Poker , Terminologies

58. Pregnancy and Birth

59. Roommate , Dormitory

60. Sad or Depressed

61. School , Kids

62. Shopping , Clothes

63. Sleeping and Dreams

64. Small Talk

65. Smoking

66. Sports in General

67. Stress , School

68. Talking About Girls - Types You Like or Dislike

69. Talking About Guys

70. Tomorrow's Plan - I am going to

71. University Classes

72. University Life - Meeting New Students

73. Vacations

74. Weather - Summer and Autumn

75. Yesterday - The Past - General Statements

Tip: after the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open using English2Cards program and start learning offline.