Listen a Minute

This card set contains 1 minute listening lessons with audio & text.

Contents (Cards):

1. Accidents

2. Actors

3. Advertising

4. Advice

5. Airplanes

6. Airports

7. Alcohol

8. Aliens

9. Animals

10. Anti-Aging Creams

11. Apartments

12. Art

13. Autumn

14. Avatars

15. Babysitting

16. Bad Habits

17. Banks

18. Baths

19. Beauty

20. Being Afraid

21. Being Married

22. Being Single

23. Birthdays

24. Blood

25. Books

26. Bullying

27. Business

28. Busy

29. Calories

30. Carbon Footprint

31. Careers

32. Cars

33. Chickens

34. Children

35. Chocolate

36. Christmas

37. Climate Change

38. Clothes

39. Coffee

40. Computers

41. Cosmetic Surgery

42. Cosmetics

43. Credit Cards

44. Crime

45. Culture

46. Current Events

47. Cyber-bullying

48. Cyber Crime

49. Dancing

50. Danger

51. Death

52. Dentists

53. Diamonds

54. Digital Cameras

55. Directions

56. Disability

57. Discrimination

58. Diseases

59. Divorce

60. Doctors

61. Dogs

62. Dreams

63. Driving

64. Drugs

65. E-Mail

66. Eating

67. Education

68. Eggs

69. Electricity

70. Emergencies

71. Energy

72. English

73. Evolution

74. Exercise

75. Factories

76. Family

77. Famine

78. Fashion

79. Fast Food

80. Fear

81. Feet

82. First Impressions

83. Fish

84. Fishing

85. Flowers

86. Flying

87. Food

88. Food Safety

89. Football

90. Formula One

91. Four Seasons

92. Freedom

93. French Fries

94. Friends

95. Frustration

96. Fun

97. Funerals

98. Furniture

99. Gambling

100. Gangs

101. Gangsters

102. Gardening

103. Gardens

104. Genetic Engineering

105. Genocide

106. Getting Married

107. Global Warming

108. Globalization

109. God

110. Gold

111. Golden Week

112. Google

113. Gossip

114. Grammar

115. Gun Control

116. Guns

117. Hacking

118. Hair

119. Haircuts

120. Halloween

121. Hands

122. Hangovers

123. Happiness

124. Harry Potter

125. Hate Crimes

126. Health

127. Healthcare

128. Heart

129. Heart Attacks

130. Heaven

131. Heroes

132. Hiking

133. Hip-Hop

134. History

135. Holidays

136. Home School

137. Homelessness

138. Homes

139. Horoscopes

140. Hospitals

141. Houses

142. Housewives

143. Human Rights

144. Humour

145. I Love You

146. Identity Cards

147. Immigration

148. Inflation

149. Information

150. Insects

151. Intelligence

152. Internet

153. Investments

154. Jewelry

155. Job Interviews

156. Jokes

157. Journalism

158. Juice

159. Junk Mail

160. Kissing

161. Knowledge

162. Laughter

163. Language

164. Laws

165. Leadership

166. Learning

167. Libraries

168. Lies

169. Life

170. Lifestyle

171. Listening

172. Literature

173. Love

174. Love at First Sight

175. Luck

176. Magazines

177. Management

178. Marathons

179. Marketing

180. Marriage

181. Mathematics

182. Meat

183. Media

184. Medicine

185. Meditation

186. Memories

187. Men

188. Mental Health

189. Microsoft

190. Milk

191. Mobile Phones

192. Models

193. Modern Living

194. Monarchy

195. Money

196. Moon

197. Mothers

198. Mountains

199. Movies

200. MP3s

201. Multiculturalism

202. Murder

203. Muscles

204. Museums

205. Music

206. Musical Instruments

207. Mysteries

208. Nails

209. Names

210. National Anthems

211. Nationality

212. Natural Disasters

213. Neighbours

214. News

215. Night

216. No

217. Nobel Prize

218. Noise

219. Noses

220. Nuclear Energy

221. Nuclear Weapons

222. Numbers

223. Nursing

224. Obesity

225. Oceans

226. Oil

227. OK

228. Old Age

229. Olympics

230. One

231. Operations

232. Opinions

233. Organ Transplants

234. Overpopulation

235. Ozone Layer

236. Painting

237. Panic

238. Paper

239. Parenting

240. Parks

241. Parties

242. Passports

243. Pasta

244. Patience

245. Peace

246. Pensions

247. People

248. Perfume

249. Personal Problems

250. Personality

251. Pets

252. Philosophy

253. Phobias

254. Photography

255. Physics

256. Picnics

257. Pilots

258. Pizza

259. Plagiarism

260. Planets

261. Plastic

262. Poetry

263. Police

264. Politics

265. Pollution

266. Population

267. Pornography

268. Postal Service

269. Potatoes

270. Poverty

271. Power

272. Prayer

273. Pregnancy

274. Prejudice

275. Prices

276. Pride

277. Privacy

278. Pronunciation

279. Property

280. Prostitition

281. Protests

282. Psychology

283. Public Relations

284. Pubs, Clubs and Bars

285. Pyramids

286. Qualifications

287. Quality

288. Quality of Life

289. Quarreling

290. Questions

291. Quizzes

292. Quotations

293. Racism

294. Radio

295. Radios

296. Rain

297. Ramadan

298. Rap Music

299. Reading

300. Reading Activities

301. Reality TV

302. Recycling

303. Red

304. Refugees

305. Religion

306. Rent

307. Research

308. Restaurants

309. Retirement

310. Rice

311. Risk

312. Road Rage

313. Robots

314. Rock 'n' Roll

315. Roses

316. Royal Wedding

317. Rubbish

318. Rudeness

319. Safety

320. Salad

321. Sand

322. School

323. Science

324. Science Fiction

325. Search Engines

326. Security

327. Senility

328. Senses

329. Seven Wonders of the World

330. Sex

331. Sexism

332. Shopping

333. Sightseeing

334. Silence

335. Sin

336. Skin

337. Slavery

338. Sleep

339. Smells

340. Smiling

341. Smoking

342. Snacks

343. Snakes

344. Snow

345. Social Issues

346. Social Networking

347. Social Work

348. Socialism

349. Society

350. Software

351. Solar Energy

352. Solar System

353. Soldiers

354. Sound

355. Souvenirs

356. Speaking Activities

357. Speed

358. Spelling

359. Spelling Activities

360. Spiders

361. Sport

362. Spring

363. Standard of Living

364. Statistics

365. Stem Cell Research

366. Stereotypes

367. Stock Market

368. Stress

369. Students

370. Studying

371. Success

372. Sugar

373. Suicide

374. Summer

375. Sumo

376. Sun

377. Super Bowl XLIV

378. Supermarkets

379. Surgery

380. Sustainable Development

381. Sweatshops

382. Tax

383. Taxis

384. Teaching

385. Tears

386. Technology

387. Teddy Bears

388. Teenagers

389. Teeth

390. Telephones

391. Television

392. Temperature

393. Tennis

394. Terrorism

395. Tests

396. The Family Pet

397. Theatre

398. Tigers

399. Time

400. Tourism

401. Toys

402. Traffic

403. Trains

404. Translation

405. Transplants

406. Transportation

407. Travelling

408. UFOs

409. United Nations

410. Universe

411. University

412. Valentine's Day - Love

413. Valentine's Day - Hate

414. Vandalism

415. Vegetarianism

416. Video Games

417. Violence

418. Vitamins

419. Vocabulary

420. Vocabulary Activities

421. Volunteerism

422. Voting

423. Walking

424. War

425. War Crimes

426. Water

427. Wealth

428. Weapons

429. Weather

430. Websites

431. Wedding Anniversaries

432. Weddings

433. Weekends

434. Weight

435. Whales

436. Winter

437. Winter Olympics

438. Women

439. Words

440. Writing

441. Writing Activities

442. Xenophobia

443. X-Rays

444. Yes

445. Youth

446. Zoos

Tip: after the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open using English2Cards program and start learning offline.