English Conversations For Intermediate

This card set contains about 490 English conversations with audio & text for Intermediate learners cover many speaking topics to improve your speaking skills.

Contents (Cards):

1. Small Talk: Greetings

2. Small Talk: Weather (1)

3. Small Talk: Weather (2)

4. Small Talk: Weather (3)

5. Small Talk: Calling a Friend

6. Small Talk: Describing People

7. Small Talk: Expressing Concern for Someone

8. Small Talk: Expressing Joy at Someone's Success

9. Small Talk: Complimenting Someone's Clothes

10. Small Talk: Leisure Activities

11. Small Talk: Favorite Movie

12. Small Talk: Favorite Music

13. Small Talk: Sports

14. Small Talk: Invitation to a Movie

15. Small Talk: A Sick Classmate

16. Small Talk: Sharing News and Information

17. Small Talk: Changing the Subject

18. Small Talk: Receiving Visitors

19. Small Talk: Waiting for an Invitation

20. Small Talk: Accepting an Invitation to a Party

21. Small Talk: Declining an Invitation to a Party (1)

22. Small Talk: Declining an Invitation to a Party (2)

23. Small Talk: Ending a Conversation

24. Small Talk: Leave-Taking

25. College Life: Registering for a Class

26. College Life: Meeting New Students

27. College Life: Finding a Classroom

28. College Life: Buying Textbooks

29. College Life: Talking about a Professor

30. College Life: Making an Appointment with Your Professor

31. College Life: Turning Homework in Late

32. College Life: Finding an Error in Your Test Score

33. College Life: Borrowing Class Notes

34. College Life: Grading Policy

35. College Life: Discussing Your Grades with Your Professor

36. College Life: Talking to Professor about Being Absent

37. College Life: Talking to Professor about Leaving Early

38. College Life: Talking to a Counselor

39. College Life: Adding a Class

40. College Life: Date and Time of a Field Trip

41. College Life: Where to Buy Lunch

42. College Life: Using a Vending Machine

43. College Life: Getting a Library Card

44. College Life: Returning Overdue Books

45. College Life: Using a Parking Meter

46. College Life: Purchasing a Parking Permit

47. College Life: Parking at School

48. College Life: Fighting a Parking Ticket

49. At the Library: Applying for a Library Card

50. At the Library: Applying for a Passport

51. At the Library: Asking Questions at the Information Desk

52. At the Library: Asking the Librarian for Assistance

53. At the Library: Reserving a Book

54. At the Library: Late Fees

55. At the Library: Borrowing a Book from Another Library

56. At the Library: Checking Out a Book

57. At the Library: Checking Out a Magazine

58. At the Library: Checking Out a Video

59. At the Library: Paying for Damage Made to a Book

60. At the Library: Returning Books Late

61. At the Library: Using a Computer

62. At the Library: Using a Copier

63. Transferring to a University: Transfer Plans

64. Transferring to a University: What College to Transfer to

65. Transferring to a University: Classes Taken for Transfer

66. Transferring to a University: Classes Needed for Transfer

67. Transferring to a University: Filling out a College Application

68. Transferring to a University: Registering for Classes Needed for Transfer

69. Transferring to a University: Talking to a Counselor about Transferring

70. Transferring to a University: Asking a Professor to Write a Reference Letter

71. Transferring to a University: Deciding not to Transfer

72. Transferring to a University: Accepted to a University

73. Transferring to a University: Before Transferring to a New School

74. Transferring to a University: First Day at a New School

75. Transferring to a University: Transferring from another school

76. Socializing: Going to a Party

77. Socializing: Making Plans for the Weekend

78. Socializing: Inviting a Friend to a Birthday Party

79. Socializing: Inviting Boss to a Dinner Party

80. Socializing: Accepting Invitation to a Party

81. Socializing: Buying Flowers

82. Socializing: Choosing a Gift

83. Socializing: Greeting a Visitor

84. Socializing: Greeting an Old Friend

85. Socializing: Accepting Food or Drinks

86. Socializing: Declining Food or Drinks

87. Socializing: Gossiping

88. Socializing: Wedding Discussion

89. Socializing: Going to the Beach

90. Dating: Dating Discussion

91. Dating: Asking for a Date (1)

92. Dating: Asking for a Date (2)

93. Dating: Meeting a Blind Date

94. Dating: Calling After the Date

95. Dating: An Argument

96. Dating: Rejecting an Invitation

97. Dating: Stopping the Relationship

98. Renting an Apartment: Scheduling an Apartment Viewing

99. Renting an Apartment: A Broken Window

100. Renting an Apartment: Asking about Public Transportation

101. Renting an Apartment: Interviewing a Potential Roommate

102. Renting an Apartment: Garbage Disposal

103. Renting an Apartment: Security Deposit

104. Renting an Apartment: Warning about Late Rent Payment

105. Renting an Apartment: Checking Smoke Detectors

106. Renting an Apartment: Mailbox Key Missing

107. Renting an Apartment: Calling the Landlord about Moving Out

108. Renting an Apartment: Looking for an Apartment

109. Renting an Apartment: Subleasing

110. Renting an Apartment: Responding to an Ad for Roommates

111. Renting an Apartment: Finding an Apartment

112. Renting an Apartment: Asking about the Apartment Location

113. Renting an Apartment: Asking about the Neighborhood

114. Renting an Apartment: Asking about Safety Features

115. Renting an Apartment: Asking about Floor Plan

116. Renting an Apartment: Visiting a Rental Agent

117. Renting an Apartment: Discrimination

118. Renting an Apartment: Make an Appointment for an Apartment Viewing

119. Renting an Apartment: Talking about the Lease

120. Renting an Apartment: Negotiating the Price (1)

121. Renting an Apartment: Negotiating the Price (2)

122. Renting an Apartment: Policy Towards Pets

123. Renting an Apartment: Checking the Apartment for Anything Damaged

124. Renting an Apartment: Asking a Friend to Help Move In

125. Renting an Apartment: Calling a Moving Company

126. Renting an Apartment: Calling the Water Company

127. Renting an Apartment: Where to Put the Furniture

128. Renting an Apartment: Greeting a Neighbor

129. Renting an Apartment: Prohibited Parking

130. Renting an Apartment: Trash and Recycling

131. Renting an Apartment: Laundry Room Rules and Hours

132. Renting an Apartment: Neighbors and Help

133. Renting an Apartment: Visitors and Extra Tenants

134. Renting an Apartment: Locked Out

135. Renting an Apartment: Noisy Neighbors

136. Renting an Apartment: Asking the Neighbor Not to Make Noise

137. Renting an Apartment: Poor Area Lighting

138. Renting an Apartment: Fumigation and Relocation for a Night

139. Renting an Apartment: Key and Lock Problems

140. Renting an Apartment: Calling the Landlord to Report a Leak

141. Renting an Apartment: Roof Leaking

142. Renting an Apartment: Plumbing

143. Renting an Apartment: Threatening not to Rent

144. Renting an Apartment: Poor Upkeep

145. Renting an Apartment: Asking the Landlord about Fixing a Problem

146. Renting an Apartment: Explaining the Problem to the Plumber

147. Renting an Apartment: Calling the Police about a Burglary

148. Renting an Apartment: Talking about Apartment Upgrades

149. Renting an Apartment: Moving Out

150. Renting an Apartment: Eviction Notice

151. Renting an Apartment: Getting the Deposit Back

152. Taking the Bus: Asking about Where to Get Off

153. Taking the Bus: Asking for a Transfer

154. Taking the Bus: Complaining about a Late Bus

155. Taking the Bus: Getting Off Too Early

156. Taking the Bus: How to Buy a Pass

157. Taking the Bus: On a Wrong Bus

158. Taking the Bus: Student Discount

159. Taking the Bus: Talking to Someone on a Bus

160. Taking the Bus: The Bus System in LA

161. Taking the Bus: Where to Buy a Pass

162. Taking the Bus: Where to Take the Bus

163. Taking the Bus: Where to Change the Bus

164. Taking the Bus: Which Bus to Take

165. Taking the Bus: Why to Buy a Pass

166. Daily Life: Calling Credit Card Company

167. Daily Life: Disputing a Charge

168. Daily Life: Ordering Cable Services

169. Daily Life: Inquiring About Internet Services

170. Daily Life: Installing High Speed Internet

171. Daily Life: Reporting an Internet Problem

172. Daily Life: Asking for Credit for Service Interrupted

173. Daily Life: Troubleshooting a Computer Problem

174. Daily Life: Making an Appointment to Have a Haircut

175. Daily Life: Making Requests to the Hairdresser

176. Daily Life: Paying the Hairdresser

177. Daily Life: Complaining to the Hairdresser

178. Daily Life: Talking to People at the Laundromat

179. Daily Life: Operating the Washer and Dryer

180. Daily Life: Returning a Call to Child's Teacher at School

181. Daily Life: Meeting Child's Teacher at School

182. Daily Life: Asking Someone to Run Errands

183. Daily Life: Riding the Bus

184. Daily Life: Talking with Angry Parent

185. Daily Life: Cleaning Up the Room

186. Daily Life: Buying a Burrito

187. Daily Life: Caring for Puppies

188. Daily Life: Cooking Dinner

189. Daily Life: Washing Clothes

190. Daily Life: Time for Bed

191. Daily Life: Waking Up for School

192. Shopping: Talking to Someone about a Sweater

193. Shopping: Shopping for a Sweater

194. Shopping: After Trying on the Sweater

195. Shopping: Returning a Radio (1)

196. Shopping: Returning a Radio (2)

197. Shopping: Exchanging a DVD Player

198. Shopping: Exchanging a DVD

199. Shopping: Looking for a Perfect Gift (1)

200. Shopping: Looking for a Perfect Gift (2)

201. Shopping: Applying for a Credit Card (1)

202. Shopping: Applying for a Credit Card (2)

203. Shopping: The Sale Is Over

204. Shopping: Misleading Advertisement

205. Shopping: Exchanging a Dress

206. Shopping: Buying Flowers

207. Shopping: Going to an Antique Shop

208. Shopping: Buying a Pan

209. Shopping: Grocery Shopping (1)

210. Shopping: Grocery Shopping (2)

211. Shopping: Buying Business Cards

212. Shopping: Flea Markets

213. Shopping: Asking about a Furniture Set

214. Shopping: Buying a Refrigerator

215. Shopping: Calling to Reschedule a Time

216. Shopping: Shopping Budget

217. Shopping: Getting Things Fixed

218. Shopping: Making a Shopping List

219. Shopping: Negotiating a Price

220. Shopping: Not Delivered on Time

221. Shopping: Returning a Defective Item

222. Shopping: Scheduling a Delivery

223. Shopping: Shopping for New Clothes

224. Shopping: Trying on a New Outfit

225. Shopping: Warranty Expired

226. Shopping: Where to Buy What

227. At the Bank: Setting up a Bank Account

228. At the Bank: Asking about Checks

229. At the Bank: Making a Deposit

230. At the Bank: Making a Withdrawal

231. At the Bank: A Check Bounces

232. At the Bank: Transferring Money

233. At the Bank: Canceling an Account

234. At the Bank: Cashing a Check

235. At the Bank: Canceling a Check

236. At the Bank: Using the ATM

237. At the Bank: The Card Gets Declined

238. At the Bank: Asking about Fees

239. At the Bank: Paying Fees

240. At the Bank: Minimum Balance Requirement

241. At the Bank: Not Getting a Bank Statement

242. At the Bank: Reporting Wrong Charges

243. At the Bank: Opening Another Account

244. Food: Breakfast

245. Food: Lunch

246. Food: Dinner

247. Food: Drinks

248. Food: Fruit

249. Food: Salads

250. Food: Desserts

251. Food: Meat

252. Food: Snacks

253. Food: Vegetables

254. Food: Nutrition of Foods

255. Food: Foods Available at the Cafeteria (1)

256. Food: Foods Available at the Cafeteria (2)

257. Food: Ordering Food at the Cafeteria (1)

258. Food: Ordering Food at the Cafeteria (2)

259. Food: Where to Buy Food

260. Food: Making a Shopping List

261. Food: Buying Meat

262. Food: Comparing Foods from Different Stores

263. Food: Finding Foods in the Supermarket

264. Food: How to Cook a Meal

265. At a Restaurant: Choosing a Good Restaurant

266. At a Restaurant: Making a Reservation

267. At a Restaurant: Being Seated at the Restaurant

268. At a Restaurant: Ordering Food and Drinks

269. At a Restaurant: Ordering Appetizers

270. At a Restaurant: Ordering Main Entree

271. At a Restaurant: Ordering Drinks

272. At a Restaurant: Ordering Dessert

273. At a Restaurant: A Mistake by the Waitress

274. At a Restaurant: Making Positive Comments on Food

275. At a Restaurant: Making Negative Comments on Food

276. At a Restaurant: Good Tips for Good Service

277. At a Restaurant: Little Tips for Bad Service

278. At a Restaurant: Talking Positvely About the Restaurant

279. At a Restaurant: Talking Negatively About the Restaurant

280. At a Restaurant: Ordering Fast Food

281. Buying a Car: Asking a Friend About Car Insurance

282. Buying a Car: Buying Insurance

283. Buying a Car: Deciding to Buy the Car

284. Buying a Car: Declining to Buy the Car

285. Buying a Car: Detecting a Problem with the Car

286. Buying a Car: How to Pay for the Used Car

287. Buying a Car: Making an Appointment with the DMV

288. Buying a Car: Negotiating a Price with a Student

289. Buying a Car: Negotiating a Price with a Dealer

290. Buying a Car: Test Driving the Car

291. Buying a Car: Title Transfer

292. Buying a Car: Where to Buy a Used Car

293. Buying a Car: At the Window of the DMV

294. Driving: Applying For a Driving Permit

295. Driving: Taking the Written Test

296. Driving: Learning How to Drive (1)

297. Driving: Learning How to Drive (2)

298. Driving: Failing the Road Test

299. Driving: Passing the Road Test

300. Driving: Getting the Driver's License

301. Driving: Asking Where to Park on Campus

302. Driving: Getting a Parking Ticket

303. Driving: Paying Off Parking Tickets

304. Driving: Failing to Stop at a Stop Sign

305. Driving: Driving Through a Red Light

306. Driving: Fighting a Ticket in Court (1)

307. Driving: Fighting a Ticket in Court (2)

308. Driving: Paying the Ticket Fine

309. Driving: Calling a Traffic School to Make an Appointment

310. Driving: Talking to the Traffic School Instructor

311. Driving: A Traffic Incident

312. Driving: A Car Accident

313. Driving: Calling the Insurance Company

314. Health: Health Insurance

315. Health: A Medical Emergency

316. Health: Going to an Emergency Room

317. Health: A Stomachache

318. Health: A Toothache

319. Health: Buying Over-the-Counter Medicine

320. Health: Filling Prescription

321. Health: Calling about Test Results

322. Health: Calling in Sick

323. Health: Missing Classes

324. Health: Discussing Test Results

325. Health: Changing an Appointment Time

326. Health: Going Home Early Because Of Being Ill

327. Health: Having a Blood Test in the Lab

328. Health: Having a Cold

329. Health: Making a Doctor's Appointment

330. Health: Blood Pressure

331. Health: Not Feeling Well

332. Health: Physical Check-up

333. Health: Seeing a Doctor in an Emergency

334. Health: Taking an X-Ray

335. Health: Seeing the Doctor

336. Health: Talking to the Doctor about Problems

337. Health: How to Stay Healthy

338. Health: Prescribing Medicine

339. Employment: How to Find a Job

340. Employment: Preparing for a Job Interview

341. Employment: Greeting by Receptionist

342. Employment: Job Interview (1)

343. Employment: Job Interview (2)

344. Employment: Asking Questions at an Interview

345. Employment: Accepting a Job Offer

346. Employment: Talking on the Phone

347. Employment: Making a Request for Office Supplies

348. Employment: Offering Help

349. Employment: Asking for Help

350. Employment: Responding to a Plea for Help

351. Employment: How to Do a Timesheet

352. Employment: Making a Phone Call

353. Employment: Making an Appointment for a Meeting

354. Employment: Rearranging an Appointment

355. Employment: Giving an Excuse for Being Late to Work

356. Employment: Accepting Excuses for Not Meeting Commitments

357. Employment: Asking for a Description of a Person

358. Employment: Asking for Permission

359. Employment: Agreement and Disagreement

360. Employment: Certainty and Uncertainty

361. Employment: Likes and Dislikes

362. Employment: Making Promises

363. Unemployment: Collecting Unemployment Benefits

364. Unemployment: Forms to Fill Out

365. Unemployment: Questions about the Forms

366. Unemployment: EDD Office

367. Unemployment: Payment Not Received

368. Unemployment: Reduced Payment

369. Unemployment: Looking for Jobs at EDD

370. Unemployment: Talking to People at EDD

371. Unemployment: Attending a Workshop at EDD

372. Unemployment: How to Go to an Interview

373. Unemployment: Finding a Job

374. Travel: Visiting a Travel Agent

375. Travel: Making a Plane Reservation

376. Travel: Booking a Flight Online

377. Travel: Buying a Plane Ticket

378. Travel: Making a Hotel Reservation

379. Travel: Getting a Passport

380. Travel: Luggage Limits

381. Travel: Carry-on Luggage

382. Travel: Dropping Off at the Airport

383. Travel: Picking Up at the Airport

384. Travel: Going through the Customs

385. Travel: Talking to a Curbside Agent

386. Travel: Talking to a Flight Attendant

387. Travel: Talking to a Seatmate

388. Travel: Ordering Food and Drink

389. Travel: Missing Connecting Flight

390. Travel: Ground Transportation

391. Travel: Arranging a Tour of the City

392. Travel: Complaining about a Tour

393. Travel: Sightseeing

394. Travel: Making Alternate Plans

395. Travel: Shopping for Souvenirs

396. Travel: Trying to Find a Doctor

397. Travel: Losing the Wallet and Passport

398. Travel: Being Cautious in a Big City

399. Travel: Local Customs

400. Travel: Shuttle Bus at the Airport

401. Travel: Arriving Home

402. At a Hotel: Calling to Get a Reservation

403. At a Hotel: Checking into the Hotel

404. At a Hotel: Requesting a Wake-up Call

405. At a Hotel: Asking the Concierge for Sightseeing Advice

406. At a Hotel: Asking the Concierge for Restaurant Advice

407. At a Hotel: Talking to Room Service

408. At a Hotel: Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (1)

409. At a Hotel: Calling to Report a Cockroach Problem (2)

410. At a Hotel: Asking about the Hotel Gym

411. At a Hotel: Asking for More Amenities

412. At a Hotel: Asking Where to Make a Copy

413. At a Hotel: Calling to Report a Medical Emergency

414. At a Hotel: Calling for a Wireless Connection

415. At a Hotel: Requesting More Supplies for the Minibar

416. At a Hotel: Asking about the Swimming Pool

417. At a Hotel: Getting a Taxi via the Front Desk

418. At a Hotel: Checking Out

419. At a Hotel: Disputing the Bill

420. At a Hotel: Storing Luggage for a Few Hours

421. At a Hotel: To Hold a Parcel for Pick-up

422. At a Hotel: Calling to Cancel a Reservation

423. Buying a House: First Meeting with a Realtor

424. Buying a House: Pre-Qualifying for a Loan

425. Buying a House: Setting up an Appointment to View Houses

426. Buying a House: Viewing Houses with a Realtor

427. Buying a House: Not Liking the Houses

428. Buying a House: Making an Offer through a Realtor

429. Buying a House: Discussing Counter-Offer with a Realtor

430. Buying a House: Re-offering and Acceptance

431. Buying a House: Going to an Open House with a Friend

432. Buying a House: Discussing Home Inspection with an Inspector

433. Buying a House: Signing Escrow Papers

434. Buying a House: Discussing Details of Moving in

435. Selling a House: First Appointment with Realtor

436. Selling a House: Marketing the House

437. Selling a House: Setting an Asking Price

438. Selling a House: Signing Contract With Realtor

439. Selling a House: Home Security During Listing

440. Selling a House: Fixing Up the Interior

441. Selling a House: Fixing Up the Exterior

442. Selling a House: Preparing for an Open House

443. Selling a House: Accepting an Offer

444. Selling a House: Counteroffer

445. Selling a House: Accepting a Counteroffer

446. Selling a House: Rejecting a Counteroffer

447. Selling a House: Deciding Which Offer to Accept

448. Selling a House: Deciding Whether to Carry Part of a Loan

449. Selling a House: Deed Transfer

450. Selling a House: Preparing to Move Out

451. Selling a House: Moving Day

452. In a New Neighborhood: What to Do in the Neighborhood

453. In a New Neighborhood: Meeting New People

454. In a New Neighborhood: To Have a Better Life

455. In a New Neighborhood: Where to Find a Church

456. In a New Neighborhood: Where to Find a Movie Theater

457. In a New Neighborhood: Where to Find Places to Eat

458. In a New Neighborhood: Where is the Nearest Mall

459. In a New Neighborhood: Looking for the Library

460. In a New Neighborhood: Searching for a Book in the Library

461. In a New Neighborhood: Hailing a Cab

462. In a New Neighborhood: Taking a Walk around a Park

463. In a New Neighborhood: Playing with Kids at the Park

464. In a New Neighborhood: Enrolling a Child in a New School

465. Crimes: Discussing a News Report on a Crime

466. Crimes: Discussing a Robbery

467. Crimes: Being Robbed

468. Crimes: Reporting a Break-in

469. Crimes: Witnessing a Robbery

470. Crimes: Picking a Suspect out of a Line-up

471. Crimes: Answering Questions of the Police

472. Crimes: Being Arrested

473. Crimes: Being Pulled Over

474. Crimes: Pleading Not Guilty in Court

475. Crimes: Being Set Free

476. Crimes: Discussing a Lawsuit against the Police

477. Crimes: Talking to a Lawyer

478. Crimes: Filing a Complaint at the Police Station

479. Voting: Election Day

480. Voting: Election System

481. Voting: Polling Place

482. Voting: Absentee Ballot

483. Voting: Speaking Negatively about the Candidate

484. Voting: Speaking Positively about the Candidate

485. Voting: Fundraising for Campaigns

486. Voting: Volunteering for Campaigns

487. Voting: Working at the Polling Place

488. Voting: Asking Questions at the Polling Place

489. Voting: Meeting Candidate before Voting

490. Voting: Interviewing a Voter

491. Voting: Excitement after Voting

492. Voting: Discussing Who You Voted For

493. Voting: Disappointed at the Result

494. Voting: Happy with the Result

495. Voting: Comments on the New President

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