Easy Conversations For Beginners

This card set contains about 270 Easy English conversations with audio & text to improve your speaking skills.

Contents (Cards):

1. Daily Life: I Live in Pasadena

2. Daily Life: I Have a Honda

3. Daily Life: Do You Have a Girlfriend?

4. Daily Life: Walking the Dog

5. Daily Life: Borrowing Money

6. Daily Life: Going to the Beach

7. Daily Life: My Wife Left Me

8. Daily Life: What's on TV?

9. Daily Life: A Nice Place to Live

10. Daily Life: The New Mattress

11. Daily Life: My Laptop Is So Slow

12. Daily Life: How about a Pizza?

13. Daily Life: The New House

14. Daily Life: Fish Are Everywhere

15. Daily Life: A Bad Boyfriend

16. Daily Life: Talking Animals

17. Daily Life: Housecleaning Day

18. Daily Life: A TV Lover

19. Daily Life: Write to Your Grandma

20. Daily Life: Are You Sleepy?

21. Daily Life: God Is Watching

22. Daily Life: Feed the Cat

23. Daily Life: Shave Your Face

24. Daily Life: Two Polite People

25. Daily Life: Give Me a Puppy

26. Daily Life: Kittens to Give Away

27. Daily Life: Happy in Heaven

28. Daily Life: His Line Is Never Busy

29. Daily Life: Friday the 13th

30. Daily Life: Do You Love Me?

31. Daily Life: Dad Has a Girlfriend

32. Daily Life: What's That Smell?

33. Daily Life: They Deliver

34. Daily Life: A Lost Button

35. Daily Life: Did You Say Something?

36. Daily Life: Washed and Folded

37. Daily Life: Talk Radio

38. Daily Life: A Bad Diet

39. Daily Life: A Ham Sandwich

40. Daily Life: Time for Your Bath

41. Daily Life: A Black Screen

42. Daily Life: A New Hard Drive

43. Daily Life: Your Email Address

44. Daily Life: Time for a Nap

45. Daily Life: Thinking about His Funeral

46. Daily Life: The Elephant

47. Daily Life: You Can Have Some of My Friends

48. Daily Life: If You Cheat, You Will Die

49. Daily Life: Let's Not Go Out

50. Daily Life: Fill Out the Form

51. Daily Life: The Animal Shelter

52. Daily Life: Is It Raining?

53. Daily Life: It's So Hot

54. Daily Life: A Snowman

55. Daily Life: The ATM

56. Daily Life: Move the Blue Bin

57. Daily Life: Digital TV

58. Daily Life: Just Shoot Me

59. Daily Life: Don't Be a Racist

60. Daily Life: Use a Tissue

61. Daily Life: Two Little Ones

62. Daily Life: But Is It Art?

63. Daily Life: Life Is for Living

64. Daily Life: A Tough Choice

65. Daily Life: Patch It or Sew It?

66. Daily Life: What's So Funny?

67. Daily Life: Spanish Spoken Here

68. Daily Life: It's the Only Earth We've Got

69. Daily Life: No Time for Rhyme

70. Daily Life: Dumb and Happy

71. Daily Life: Live from NBC 4!

72. Daily Life: Life after Death

73. Daily Life: Wipe Your Feet

74. Daily Life: Mother's Day

75. Daily Life: A New Flag

76. Daily Life: Work up an Appetite

77. Daily Life: Dialing for a Dollar

78. School Life: I Go to College

79. School Life: A Lost Pen

80. School Life: Gravity for All

81. School Life: New Glasses

82. School Life: School Items

83. School Life: A Good Magazine

84. School Life: Shake Your Pen

85. School Life: Do Your Homework

86. School Life: The Soldier

87. School Life: The English Major

88. School Life: No Parking

89. School Life: Keep Your Eyes Open

90. School Life: Two Plus Two

91. School Life: Prayers

92. School Life: Hit and Run

93. Transportation: What Will People Think?

94. Transportation: Don't Ride the Bus

95. Transportation: Don't Cut the Tires

96. Transportation: The Crosswalk

97. Transportation: It's Okay to Speed

98. Transportation: Check Your Tires

99. Transportation: Don't Be in a Hurry

100. Transportation: A New Car

101. Transportation: I'm Going to Explode

102. Transportation: The Missing Car

103. Transportation: Too Many Cars

104. Transportation: Don't Call the Police

105. Transportation: Wash the Car

106. Transportation: Windy Weather

107. Transportation: Two Birds with One Stone

108. Transportation: Beat the Light

109. Transportation: A Dream Car

110. Transportation: A Bad Driver?

111. Transportation: A Slow Walker

112. Transportation: Hit and Run

113. Transportation: Beware the Carts

114. Entertainment: A Great Movie

115. Entertainment: A Card Game

116. Entertainment: I Have Four Aces

117. Entertainment: Too Much Volume

118. Entertainment: Don't Waste Your Money

119. Entertainment: Rained Out

120. Entertainment: A Sip of Coffee

121. Entertainment: A Chilly Day

122. Entertainment: A Crazy Driver

123. Entertainment: It Isn't News

124. Entertainment: The Great Wall

125. Entertainment: The Beatles

126. Entertainment: See a Movie

127. Entertainment: People-Watching

128. Entertainment: Free Money

129. Entertainment: Old Movies

130. Entertainment: Something for Nothing

131. Entertainment: Judge Judy

132. Entertainment: A Good Singer

133. Entertainment: Going Digital

134. Dating: A Blind Date

135. Dating: Let's Have Dinner

136. Dating: Blue Eyes

137. Dating: True Love

138. Dating: Ask Her Out

139. Dating: A Night by Himself

140. Dating: Go on a Blind Date

141. Dating: Two Pineapples

142. Dating: One Date Only

143. Dating: A Bad Date

144. Dating: Sweet Dreams

145. Dating: I Love You More than Money

146. Dating: A Good Nose

147. Eating Out: I Feel Like Chinese

148. Eating Out: A Slow Burger

149. Eating Out: A Good Lunch

150. Eating Out: A Bad Steak

151. Eating Out: Dirty Nails

152. Eating Out: Hot Bread

153. Eating Out: Fear of Germs

154. Eating Out: Bad Service

155. Eating Out: A Good Table

156. Eating Out: Do I Hear $60,000?

157. Sports: Take Me to the Ball Game

158. Sports: Golf Is Silly

159. Sports: Fresh Fish

160. Sports: I Love Baseball

161. Sports: New Shoes

162. Sports: I'm Worried about Tiger

163. Sports: Where Is Tiger From?

164. Sports: Babe Ruth

165. Sports: The Season's Over

166. Sports: Cheap Seats

167. Sports: Golf Is No Picnic

168. Sports: A Player Cheats

169. Safety: Too Much Crime

170. Safety: No One Ever Leaves

171. Safety: Fire and Smoke

172. Safety: Play with Fire

173. Safety: Fasten Your Seatbelt

174. Safety: Use the Stepladder

175. Safety: A Puddle on the Floor

176. Safety: The Fire Alarm

177. Safety: Double-Check Everything

178. Safety: Guns for ALL

179. Safety: Crime Reduction

180. Safety: Two Different States

181. Travel: Beautiful Hawaii

182. Travel: A Real Meal

183. Travel: New Sheets

184. Travel: The Airport

185. Travel: A Christmas Flight

186. Travel: Fear of Flying

187. Travel: Row Your Boat

188. Travel: A Cruise

189. Travel: Prepare for Takeoff

190. Travel: The Grand Canyon

191. Travel: Hotel Hell

192. Travel: A Long Day

193. Travel: A Free Trip

194. Travel: Serving Your Country

195. Jobs: I Need a Job

196. Jobs: Before Going to an Interview

197. Jobs: Work Is Hard

198. Jobs: Peas in a Pod

199. Jobs: I Am a Babysitter

200. Jobs: Hire Me

201. Jobs: What If?

202. Jobs: Become a Teacher

203. Jobs: Over and Over

204. Jobs: A Bad Boss

205. Jobs: Light My Fire

206. Jobs: Still Working

207. Jobs: All His Eggs in One Basket

208. Jobs: His Parents Are Disappointed

209. Jobs: Nice Doggy

210. Jobs: Knock, Knock!

211. Food: A Good Salad

212. Food: We Get Cheese from Cows

213. Food: I Used to Work in a Deli

214. Food: A New Diet

215. Food: Bad Manners

216. Food: Same Old Diet

217. Food: A Pink Orange

218. Food: Roasted or Boiled

219. Food: A Pound a Week

220. Food: No More for Me

221. Food: Don't Be Lazy

222. Shopping: I Like That Shirt

223. Shopping: Pants That Fit

224. Shopping: The Shopping List

225. Shopping: Poor Pockets

226. Shopping: Wipe Everything

227. Shopping: The 99 Cents Store

228. Shopping: PC or Mac?

229. Shopping: Bad Business

230. Shopping: Sharpen the Pencil

231. Shopping: To Save Money

232. Housing: A New House

233. Housing: We Can't Afford This House

234. Housing: On the Corner

235. Housing: A Great Apartment

236. Housing: Fix the Doorbell

237. Housing: Almost Perfect

238. Housing: Life Was Hard

239. Housing: Sell Now

240. Housing: Who Cares?

241. Housing: Hungry Bears

242. Voting: Yes, We Can

243. Voting: Don't Vote for Him

244. Voting: He Got Reelected

245. Voting: Change Is Good

246. Voting: A Powerful Position

247. Voting: A Traveling Man

248. Voting: Vote for Ralph

249. Voting: Why Vote?

250. Voting: Every Vote Counts

251. Voting: George Tells Jokes

252. Voting: Give Them More

253. Voting: They're Lying

254. Health: A Stomachache

255. Health: A Blood Stain

256. Health: Sore Fingers

257. Health: Too Much Stress

258. Health: A Paper Cut

259. Health: Cigarette Smoke

260. Health: Nose Drops

261. Health: Skin Cancer

262. Health: Quitting Smoking

263. Health: A Bad Back

264. Health: Three a Day

265. Health: Brush, Brush

266. Health: A Hot Hike

267. Health: Another Pimple

268. Health: No Need to Worry

269. Health: Use a Tissue

270. Health: A Dirty Remote

271. Health: An Earful of Pain

272. Health: A New Face

273. Health: A Sore Hand

Tip: after the file is downloaded, double-click on it to open using English2Cards program and start learning offline.