I don't know if this is the right subreddit to post this, but I'm trying to get started in Japanese literature and seeing as I don't read Japanese, but am fluent in English and Mandarin, I was wondering which language it more accurately translates into? I've read an English translation of Battle Royale and it was so badly translated to the point of being cringey.

I find myself often times consuming it as option A, consuming it back in English. For reference, I'm about 6 months into learning Japanese, and my first real dive into another language. I'm only fluent in English so I don't know how it feels to have a second language at your disposal. When you listen to your second language, do you automatically translate it back into your native language, and vice-versa? Would it beneficial for me to slowly start practicing not thinking in English?

English To Japanese Google Translate

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The translator uses the Mecab morphological analyzer with that decomposes Japanese sentences into different components with detailed word types, based forms, and pronunciation. The Japanese paragraph is translated into English or other languages by Google Translate Service.

All of these things quickly add up, so if you hire a stranger to translate a giant text file of dialogue into Japanese, the result is probably going to be very bad unless you provide lots of extra notes, screenshots, videos, and back-and-forth communication. Otherwise you get moms talking like demons, tough guys talking like little girls, etc.

Problem 1 is interesting, because when localizing the first Crash Bandicoot game, they were told by the Japanese people handling it to translate absolutely everything. Even they noticed that Japanese games had much more English text than that. But, those localizations also had a habit of adding in a lot of unnecessary, useless features, so maybe the Japanese side was someone trying too hard to justify his job.

What do you enjoy? Did you know there are people who translate marketing? Websites? Video games? Novels? - Pick a subject that interests you and you'd enjoy working on and learning about in both languages.

Are you studying Japanese and interested in translation? But you have no idea how to translate something from Japanese into English? This article on translating Japanese for beginners is for you!

A few years ago I completed an MA in Theory and Practice of Translation at SOAS, London. At the time I wrote about how to translate Japanese to English for beginners. However, my MA was surprisingly not that good for teaching you translation and I had to teach myself a lot over the years.

I had to translate a video game that had a character who played volleyball once. As a result I researched everything to do with volleyball, although mostly the positions and how they interacted with one another.

I do not understand any anime, any movie, any drama, any video game with a minimum of plot, nothing. In class, the only thing we have done has been to translate texts from textbooks and some news from NHK Easy News, which has not prepared me at all for the profession of translation.

@Raionus Yes, being part of a translation fan team would definitely help to gain some translations skills and it would be a great practice, although right now I feel what I need the most is an academic and exhaustive program that teaches me to translate professionally.

You can do the same thing with class and item names too, though the item UI is different from the two others. But it should be using the same method as before. Now, do it for every single untranslated names, one by one each for each section.

I am trying to make a simple translation app for japanese. Japanese is the target language. I am using native translator extension. It works well, I get the japanese text with japanese text characters. What I need is pronunciation text of japanese translation. For example hello -->tag_hash_111 but I need Kon'nichiwa

Translating my birth certificate2020/2/26 17:42 My birth certificate is all in English and I think when I visit the embassy and then get married later at city hall, I will need a translated copy of my birth certificate. 

I do not know how to translate it. I know there is people you can hire, but what is the process? I want my girlfriend to translate it to Japanese so I don't have to pay for a translator, but I don't even know how to do that. Do I need a print out an empty template of a birth certificate for her to fill out by copying mine but in Japanese? If so, where do I find it? 

I'm rather lost on this part. What is the process so that I may have a translated copy of my birth certificate ideally done by my girlfriend? Thank you.by Goosie

Re: Translating my birth certificate2020/2/26 17:57 I don't think that English documents have to be translated for immigration purposes. Only languages other than English.

by Ujirate this post as useful

Re: Translating my birth certificate2020/2/26 18:40 I think you need to provide the translated document to get married at city office. it can be done by anyone, like your future spouse.


 ken (guest)rate this post as useful

Re: Translating my birth certificate2020/2/26 19:08 My Japanese husband also translated my birth certificate into Japanese for us.

Just made a word doc and typed it out in Japanese, no special layout.

Put his name at the end and his personal seal. 

It always best to check the requirements at the city hall where you intend to marry to make sure you have all the documents the need to hand, some require different things to othersby Shelly (guest)rate this post as useful

Re: Translating my birth certificate2020/2/27 08:03 The ones I have assisted with:

 - You need a full birth certificate - not a short form issued by some countries.

 - English and any other language to be translated into Japanese (kana/phonetic is fine).

 - Translation can be done by anyone. A service I have used before was 6,000 yen per page so doing it yourself can save a lot.

 - Check the requirements of our local city hall - not all are as up-to-date with requirements or even procedures for visitors getting married. I've used Minato in the past as they were good to deal with.by JapanCustomToursrate this post as useful

In 1989, the Islamic Center in Japan requested publishers, newspapers, magazines and broadcast stations not to translate or reproduce the novel, which it called an "anti-Islamic" work that "contains filthy remarks and ridicules fundamental beliefs of Islam."

When I was in college and declared my major as Japanese Studies, people constantly asked me what I was going to do with it. To be honest, I didn't really know what I wanted to do, I just knew I wanted to learn the language and study Japanese culture. My default answer became, "Oh, I'm going to be a translator," because it got people off my back. Ah yes, they would say, that sounds like a responsible adult job. But the more I said it, the more I started to believe myself. I liked literature, I liked reading, oh geez, I did want to be a translator after all. But after taking countless classes and bothering my Japanese professors, I hadn't gotten very far. There were no true translation classes at my college and it seemed that no one could tell me where to start or even where to go from here. It wasn't until my last semester that my advisor helped me do an independent study where I was able to translate a short story, that I finally took my first step into that world.

This guide will mainly focus on translation because most of the information and skills you need to translate overlap with interpretation and language localization. Many translators end up doing more than one, if not all three, in their careers so it's important to remember that they are all intertwined.

The ability to thoroughly research topics, even the most seemingly insignificant details, is also very important. When you translate something, you become an expert in whatever that is. Developing good research skills is vital.

Learn Japanese! If you're in high school or college take Japanese courses, study abroad, talk to Japanese exchange students. If you're an adult you can also sign up for university and community college courses to learn the language. The first step to becoming any kind of translator is to learn the language you want to translate! You'll have a hard time going any further if you skip this step. And no, you don't have to have a degree in Japanese. Majoring in something that gives you a skill, business, marketing, anything else, may be more useful to you.

Get familiar with Japanese resources. Developing the research skills necessary to translate takes the time and effort to familiarize yourself with them. When you're starting out, especially once you start doing professional work, being able to correctly look up things you don't know is essential. Here are some really helpful sites that you should become familiar with:

Passing JLPT N1 does not mean you will be a good translator, though. The skills you need to pass the test are not the same skills you need to translate. The test is timed, it's stressful, you can't have a dictionary, and you don't have to do any outside research to answer correctly. It's a standardized test, and those are only capable of testing specific things.

One more method to breaking into the Literary Translation scene is by trying to win a translation prize. Even if you don't win, you can still list the translated work on your resume. You can also compare your work to the winning translation to see exactly where the choices you made differ from theirs. Use it to improve and see what it is that publishers are looking for. If you do win, you will gain recognition and an even better resume booster. Either way, the practice itself will help you improve. Here are some you can choose from to enter:

There are actually quite a few websites that you can work for translating Japanese to English. This falls under the third party company section of commercial and technical translation. People and businesses contact these sites with what they need translated and the site passes the work onto the appropriate translator. Here are a few of these websites that hire translators of Japanese: e24fc04721

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