is an online bilingual dictionary that aims to offer the most useful and accurate Hausa to English or English to Hausa translations and definitions. This site contains a wide range of Hausa and English language materials and resources to help you learn Hausa or English. Pick up some basic terms and phrases here, expand your vocabulary, or find a language partner to practice with. Other ways to learn is through language immersion where you spend a good amount of time with the language you would like to learn through a combination of reading, listening, or watching Hausa content on YouTube, Arewa24, or Hausa films. To learn more about and its mission, click here.

This is a dictionary of Bole, a little documented language of the Chadic family, spoken in northeastern Nigeria. This is one of the most comprehensive dictionaries of any Chadic language other than Hausa. All entries for Bole are fully marked for tone and vowel length. The Bole-English-Hausa section has full definitions and explanations of meaning in English with numerous examples of use. Each entry has a Hausa gloss. The English-Bole section is intended mainly as an index to the Bole-English-Hausa section. There are appendices of flora and fauna terms, cultural terms, pronouns, and comprehensive paradigms of verb forms.

English To Hausa Dictionary Free Download


The dictionary was launched on Saturday at the Bayero University Kano (BUK).

The 627-page book, written by an Indiana-based linguistics scholar from the United States, Paul Newman, and his wife, Roxana, was published by BUK press, Daily Trust reports. is an outstanding, groundbreaking news website that encourages citizen journalists to report ongoing corruption and government malfeasance in Africa. Using photos, text, and video dynamically, the site informs and prompts concerned African citizens and activists globally to act, denouncing officially-sanctioned corruption, the material impoverishment of its citizenry, defilement of the environment, and the callous disregard of the democratic principles enshrined in the constitution. 152ee80cbc

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