Hi, I have read many topics on here about using multi-threading for dsp and other real-time audio purposes in audio plugins. The majority of people seem to say not to do it due to the host application already performing thread management and optimisation.

Most DAWs will also try to schedule all the plugins and stuff in a way so that they can somehow balance the load on each core reasonably, obviously to get most out of the available processing power versus time constraints. The more they know and are able to predict how much time a plugin needs to process a frame, the better this works. And of course, to do that, the DAW needs to be in charge of things.

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The main issue I see it coming down to is making sure that all additional real-time threads have completed their processes by the time the audio callback needs to return. This can be ensured by threads regularly checking whether they need to exit. An option which can be used as an alternative or in addition to this is using a backup option that the program can fall back on if one of its threads is not ready in time. Obviously this is not always possible.

Please bear in mind that the version of multi-threading I gave in that talk is the starting point for a multi-threaded audio graph. Once you start optimising that process it gets a bit more complicated.

I have been trying to do real-time audio signal processing using 'pyAudio' module in python. What I did was a simple case of reading audio data from microphone and play it via headphones. I tried with the following code(both Python and Cython versions). Thought it works but unfortunately it is stalls and not smooth enough. How can I improve the code so that it will run smoothly. My PC is i7, 8GB RAM.

I'm preparing a unique project with archival audio sound rolls from the 1980s having recently been digitized. The project and film scans will be in 23.98 fps. When importing the WAV files for the digitized sound rolls I am prompted to set the start TC with the "Audio Start-Time Options" dialog box. I have set 23.98 since that is the project fps and the timecode on the WAV files does not correspond to anything meaningful. But obviously the sound was recorded in the 24fps film era.

I just wanted to verify with the community that the different Audio Start-Time Options do not alter the character of the sound in any way at all, right? I have compared a 23.98 start time vs. 24 and the waveforms appear identical except the 24 waveform is slipped/offset by about half a frame compared to the 23.98. I thought this was unusual and wanted to make sure the sound is not affected by either decision.

The Time Code on WAV files won't affect the audio quality. No matter what time code you assign to the file to apply a certain number of frames per second, it will still play the sound at 48K per second.

For our purposes, we can consider real-time to mean that we have a fixed - and very short! - window of time where we can process audio in order to have it played back by our audio device. This is how audio playback works for applications and plugins:

So, when we talk about real-time audio, what we care most about is the worst-case scenario: if our processing callback is super fast and smooth 99% of the time, but slow just once, that could be one drop-out too many for us.

The walls and limitations in place that constrain how you interact with the SuperCollider server are just the architectural limitations of interacting with any real-time audio process, as I described above.

In theory, nothing makes it inside the wall of the server without being totally sanitized and safe, which means you can have the freedom to do whatever creative / wild / totally ill-advised things you want outside the wall, and you will continue to have smooth audio playback while you do them.

The latency of a server (e.g. Server.default.latency) is how far in advance sclang schedules events, and thus how long the server has to make sure all the required resources are ready. This also represents a time delay between when you tell the server to do something, and when you actually hear the result.

The hardwareBufferSize is the number of samples requested by the audio device. It is usually larger than blockSize, so the audio callback will compute several DSP ticks in quick succession. Larger hardware buffer sizes allow for more fluctuation in CPU load:

If the hardware buffer size is 64 samples (the same as the block size), each DSP tick has to be completed in less than 1.45 ms (assuming 44.1 kHz sample rate).

If the hardware buffer size is 256 samples, 1 or more DSP ticks can take longer than 1.45 ms, as long as the total duration of all 4 DSP ticks (4 * 64 = 256) is less than 5.8 ms (256 / 44.1). This is especially relevant for audio algorithms with very uneven CPU load, such as FFTs. (A 1024 point FFT with no overlap has to buffer for 15 ticks and then perform a heavy computation in 1 tick.)

i heard there was an unofficial audio drama being made last year? i love this series but relatively new to it and find it hard due to the length of the books. maybe this would help me understand it more. did such a thing ever get released thanks.

If data is on disk, for example, a modern NVMe can read at 5+ GB/s which is much faster than bit-rates normally used to store voice data. Of course, the actual algorithm being applied can be more or less complex, so we cannot guarantee it will be processed at the maximum read speed but there is nothing inherent that limits such analysis to be in real-time speed.

The same principle applies to video but that requires much more throughput due to the huge amount of data in such files. That obviously depends on resolution, frame-rate and complexity of the analysis. It is actually difficult to perform sophisticated video analysis in real-time because analysis is almost always done on decompressed video, so the processor must have time to decode and analyze in a short period of time and keep data flowing so that by the time some analysis is done, the next block of video is already decoded and in memory. This is something I worked on for almost a decade.

When you playback video faster, words are unclear to you but the data is exactly the same. The speed at which audio is being processed does not affect the ability of the algorithm to understand it. Software knows exactly how much time each audio sample represents.

In reality, most audio processing algorithms will be somewhat sequential - after all, that's how sound files are meant to be interpreted when playing them for human consumption. But other methods are conceivable: For example, say you want to write a program that determines the average loudness of a sound file. You could go through the whole file and measure the loudness of each snippet; but it would also be a valid (although maybe less accurate) strategy to just sample some snippets at random and measure those. Note that now the file isn't "played back" at all; the algorithm is simply looking at some data points that it chose by itself, it is free to do so in any order it likes.

This means that talking about "playing back" the file isn't really the right term here at all - even when the processing does happen sequentially, the computer isn't "listening" to sounds, it is simply processing a dataset (audio files aren't really anything other than a list of recorded air pressure values over time). Maybe the better analogy isn't a human listening to the audio, but analyzing it by looking at the waveform of the audio file:

In this case, you aren't at all constrained by the actual time scale of the audio, but can look at whatever part of the waveform you want for however long you want to (and if you are a fast enough, you can indeed "read" the waveform in a shorter time than playing the original audio would take). Of course, if it's a very long waveform printout, you might still have to "walk" for a bit to reach the section you are interested in (or if you are a computer, seek to the right position on the hard drive). But the speed that you're walking or reading isn't intrinsically linked to the (imaginary) time labels on the x-axis, i.e. the audio's "real-time".

Think about it: A computer is reading the raw audio data from a CD at a speed faster than normal audio playback and running an algorithm against it to convert the raw audio into a compressed audio data format.

The first MP3 encoder came out on July 7, 1994 and the .mp3 extension was formally chosen on July 14, 1995. The point of this answer is to explain at a very high level that on modern PCs the act of analyzing audio quicker than real time playback already exists in a way we all use: The act of converting an audio CD to MP3 files.

A computer doesn't experience this phenomenon because its perception of time in the recording isn't based on actual time that has passed, but on the amount of data processed. A computer will never read data from disk faster than it can process it1, so it's never overloaded. Data rate always matches the processing speed perfectly.

Some algorithms depend on brute-force processing power. The more processing power you've got, the more processing (or the more accurate processing) you can do. We're at a point now where most audio processing is no longer resource-limited. Video processing is still resource-limited though, as can be seen by the continuing state-of-the-art in gaming.

After that though, the issue you have with real-time processing is latency - in this case the delay between you saying something and the computer putting the text up. All processing algorithms have some delay, but anything based on Fourier transforms is especially limited by this. By a mathematical theorem, the lower the frequency you want to be able to recognize, the more data you need to spot it, and hence the longer the delay before the computer gives you a result. So you do hit a point where it doesn't matter how fast you can do the maths, you're always at least that far behind. ff782bc1db

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