For younger students, or for students first being introduced to active listening, start with something hands-on and familiar, like drawing. For these active listening activities, either you or a student lead will list step-by-step instructions for an image.

For this speaking and listening activity, you or a student will select a broad topic of choice, such as movies or animals. Then, students will take turns commenting on or asking a question about the topic. If a question is asked, no one is allowed to speak unless responding to the question until an answer has been given. This is repeated until every student has spoken at least twice for one to two minutes.

English File Elementary Listening


This classic childhood game is perfect for practicing listening skills in small groups. To make this game into a center, you or a student lead will say a command then wait to see if the players responded correctly. To make this game slightly more challenging for older grades, have students take turns giving commands.

Another classic listening activity for kids is telephone. In this center, students will form a circle, then take turns creating a message that will be whispered to each student until it reaches the student who created the message. If the message at the end matches the message from the beginning, the group wins! The next student in the circle creates the next message and the game repeats.

eSpark is the only elementary curriculum resource that combines play-based learning with evidence-based direct instruction to create a personalized, differentiated learning experience for every student in math and reading. The interactive stories and poems shared above are just a small sampling of the many unique and fresh activities students will encounter on their Quests or teacher-assigned Small Group Skills. Click the button below to claim your free trial account and see for yourself why teachers everywhere are talking about how eSpark delivers engagement they can feel and results they can see.

Do you need ways to integrate more Classical music into your elementary music classroom? Listening maps are the perfect way to engage elementary music students and help them learn about melodic contour, texture, form, style, and other elements of music.

Listening maps are easy for teachers to assign and students to use in the classroom, for homeschool, flipped learning, or blended learning. For accountability, students can write a short reflection, answer a few simple questions about the piece, or even create their own listening maps.

These graphic listening maps are also among our favorites! They help students identify the melodic and harmonic lines. The concept of texture becomes visual as well as auditory. These visual representations make it easy for students to identify thick or thin textures.

Classical music still has a place in the elementary music classroom. Add a variety of styles of music and types of listening maps to your elementary music lesson plans. This will appeal to the varied interests of your students and widen their repertoire and knowledge base.

The Elementary School Listening Program continues to provide daily listening to all subscribed schools. The scripts for the daily listening are being translated into Spanish.

The Elementary School Listening Program delivers daily classical music listening to be implemented in the classroom. Musical selections are about five minutes in length and come with discussion scripts in both English and Spanish, and a monthly supplemental Arts Integrative Curriculum Module. Santa Rosa Symphony places a priority on ensuring that all students have access. This program is excellent for distance learning.

Some schools play the music over the PA system while others provide teachers the ability to incorporate it into their daily activities. Teachers with the most success implementing this program have found that the music is effective for managing transitions in the classroom, helping students to relax, focus and move on to deeper study. 

"We have listened faithfully to the weekly selections in our classroom. We've even voted on our favorite piece of the month. Sometimes I'll play the pieces on the piano, if I know them. It has given me permission to add bits and pieces about composer biographies and musical terminology in a fun and low-key manner. I know my students have been greatly enriched and appreciate music in a new way." A teacher from Forestville scool.

Cost: $350 for five years




As part of a school board initiative to elevate student voice in Kelso, the district is hosting listening tours at each school to hear directly from our students about opportunities, barriers, and celebrations in regards to their experience in our district.

The Vigo County School Corporation Board of Trustees held a special listening session regarding the proposed repurposing of Meadows Elementary School on Wednesday, January 5. To view the presentation from the evening, click here.

I've been listening to it in the background and actively. I hope its helping as I slowly understand the basic ideas they are talking about. Have you found listening to radio helped with listening? I am starting a course in a couple weeks but maybe this is helping too?

Social emotional learning plays a crucial role in the development of elementary students. It helps them build essential skills such as self-awareness, empathy, and effective communication. One important aspect of social emotional learning is reflective listening, which allows students to actively listen and respond to others. In this blog post, we will explore the definition and benefits of reflective listening and provide a step-by-step guide on how to teach this skill to elementary students.

Reflective listening is a communication skill that involves fully focusing on and understanding what the speaker is saying, and then responding in a way that shows understanding and empathy. It goes beyond simply hearing the words and requires active engagement and attention. By practicing reflective listening, students can develop stronger interpersonal relationships, improve their communication skills, and enhance their overall social emotional well-being.

It is important to differentiate reflective listening from other listening skills, such as passive listening or selective listening. Reflective listening requires students to actively engage with the speaker, show empathy, and respond in a way that demonstrates understanding. This skill is particularly important for elementary students as it helps them develop empathy, improve their ability to resolve conflicts, and enhance their overall social emotional intelligence.

Begin by defining reflective listening in simple terms that are easy for elementary students to understand. Explain that reflective listening means really focusing on what the speaker is saying and responding in a way that shows understanding and empathy. Emphasize the benefits of reflective listening, such as building stronger relationships and resolving conflicts more effectively.

Modeling is an effective way to teach any skill, including reflective listening. Demonstrate reflective listening through role-play or storytelling. Choose a scenario where reflective listening is important, such as a disagreement between friends or a conversation about a challenging situation. During the demonstration, highlight key elements of reflective listening, such as maintaining eye contact, nodding to show understanding, and paraphrasing what the speaker said.

Pair students up and provide a prompt or topic for discussion. Encourage them to take turns practicing reflective listening skills. Remind them to maintain eye contact, listen attentively, and respond in a way that shows understanding. After each practice session, offer feedback and reinforcement to help students improve their skills.

Incorporate reflective listening in various classroom activities to reinforce the skill. For example, during group discussions or partner work, remind students to use reflective listening techniques. Encourage them to practice reflective listening outside the classroom as well, such as with family members or friends. Provide ongoing support and reinforcement as students continue to develop their skills.

Teaching reflective listening to elementary students is an essential part of their social emotional development. By actively listening and responding with empathy, students can build stronger relationships, resolve conflicts more effectively, and enhance their overall social emotional well-being. By following the step-by-step guide outlined in this blog post, you can help your students develop this valuable skill. Start your EverydaySpeech Free trial today and empower your students with the tools they need for success.

A single stratagem was taught to 36 students: 12 each in the second grade, the fourth grade, and the sixth grade, to improve their listening skills. The basic six stratagem taught the children how to ask who, what, when, where, why, and how questions. The children were seen three times a week in groups of six. The results of a pre - post test showed statistically significant improvement for the children in the listening program. The second-grade group showed an average improvement of 3.92 correct answers, a 23% improvement. The fourth-grade group showed an average improvement of 5.75 correct answers, a 23% improvement. The sixth-grade group showed an average improvement of 4.55 correct answers, a 12% improvement. Their classmates in the fourth and sixth grades, who also took the pre - post test, show no improvement in their pre - post test scores. The second-grade classroom children showed a significant improvement of 1.55 correct answers, which was a 9% improvement. The listening skills of children in the elementary grades can be improved through a direct teaching of a specific stratagem in a small group setting. e24fc04721

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