Energy Boost IV Clinic Toronto (647) 549-3484

Based on a pioneering IV drip known as the “Myers’ Cocktail”, the Energizer IV treatment may facilitate in balancing the body’s nutrients.

With its cocktail of vitamins and minerals, this IV drip has been reported to help relieve mild to moderate fatigue, brain fog, low energy, extreme lethargy and malaise. It may help boost your energy without feeling uncomfortably “wired.”

Energizer IV Clinic Toronto - The IV Lounge (647) 549-3484
Energizer IV Clinic Toronto KWs

For more information on Energy IV Drip Clinic, visit or call the clinic at:

The IV Lounge

1200 Bay Street #1102

Toronto, Ontario M5R 2A5

(647) 549-3484

Energy IV Drip Clinic Toronto Links