4E Cognition Workshop

Date: 6-9th June, 2022

Location: Toyako, Hokkaido, Japan

4E Cognition Workshop



This 3-day workshop will bring together multidisciplinary researchers from philosophy, psychology, cognitive sciences, neuroscience, artificial intelligence and artficial life to discuss the future of 4E (embodied, embedded, enacted, and extended) cognition research in Japan. Given that most academic events in Japan in the last two years have been hosted virtually, this workshop will take advantage of in-person interaction with an emphasis on collective reflection and brainstorming in small focus-groups. The aim is to identify the most prominent fields in which 4E research is taking place in Japan, such as in relation to artificial life, HCI, and phenomenology, and to articulate the most important open questions in those fields and what is unique about adopting a 4E perspective for answering them.

We intend for this workshop to provide the initial impulse for the organization of a special issue on "4E cognition in Japan" for the journal Adaptive Behavior.

Keynote Talks

Each evening of the workshop, there will be a keynote lecture by a PI of the 3 institutions that are organizing this event.

  • Dr. Tom Froese, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Japan

    • Title: "Re-conceiving enaction as the irruption of consciousness"

  • Professor Takashi Ikegami, University of Tokyo, Japan (confirmed)

    • Title: TBD

  • Professor Shigeru Taguchi, Hokkaido Univeristy, Japan (confirmed)

    • Title: Self in Superposition: Husserl and Tanabe on the nature of the self

Workshop Program

Coming soon! ⇒ Programme

Registration Fee

5,000 YEN

The funds collected via this registration fee will be used to cover general costs arising from the organization of this workshop, especially the conference room facilities at the venue.

If a participant does not have access to research funds that would permit the reimbursement of this fee, please contact one of the local organizers to ask for a waiver of the fee.

Venue and Travel Information

Conference venue:

  • Toyako Manseikaku Hotel Lakeside Terrace, Hokkaido, Japan [Official Website]

  • Accommodation is available at the conference hotel and other nearby hotels

Travel from Chitose Airport:

  • By train: express train. the airport -> minami-chitose -> Touyako (1 hour and half), and 20mins bus.

  • By taxi: fixed price taxi 27,100 yen for 5 persons + highway fee

⇒ More Details


Tom Froese - OIST, Japan

Hiroyuki Iizuka - Hokkaido University, Japan

Keisuke Suzuki - Hokkaido University, Japan

Natalya Weber - OIST, Japan

Contact Information

For any additional information, please contact our local organizers:

  • Hiro Iizuka (iizuka at ist.hokudai.ac.jp)

  • Keisuke Suzuki (ksk at chain.hokudai.ac.jp)

  • Natalya Weber (natalya.weber at oist.jp)