ICDAR2021 Competition
Multimodal Emotion Recognition on Comics scenes
Lastest news:
Apr. 20th, 2021: Competition result available!
In this competition, we would like to tackle a problem of comic scene analysis: the emotion recognition of comic scenes. The competition task aims at extracting the emotions of comic characters in comic scenes
The emotions of comic characters are described by the Visual information, the Text in speech Balloons or Captions and the Onomatopoeia (Comic drawings of words that phonetically imitates, resembles, or suggests the sound that it describes). The task hence is a multi-modal analysis task which can take advantages from both fields: computer vision and natural language processing which are two of the main interests of the ICDAR community.
Original Codalab: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/27884
Latest legacy version: https://competitions.codalab.org/competitions/30954 (updated on Jan, 2024)
Important dates :
Registration open (click here): December 01, 2020
CodaLab, warm-up data and evaluation tools available: December 15, 2021
Training dataset and evaluation tools available: January 10, 2021
Registration deadline: February 24, 2021
Test dataset available: March 24, 2021
Result submission deadline: March 31, 2021 (midnight UTC)
Result notification: April 06, 2021
Technical description deadline: April 20, 2021 (old date 01 May 2021)
Result publication at ICDAR conference: September 5-10, 2021
Contacts :
Nhu-Van NGUYEN - nhu-van.nguyen at univ-lr.fr
Xuan-Son VU - sonvx at cs.umu.se
Christophe RIGAUD- christophe.rigaud at univ-lr.fr
Lili JIANG - lili.jiang at cs.umu.se
Jean-Christophe BURIE - jcburie at univ-lr.fr