
Why teachers are using Quizizz

Being a student myself, I have came across a lot of platforms that allow for quizzes in the classroom. Some of these include Kahoot, PearDeck and Quizlet. These are both great, however, Quizizz allows for so much more. Teachers are loving the features that Quizizz allows. You can teach a lesson, have students answer multiple choice questions, free write and even work in groups with Quizizz. You no longer have to combine multiple platforms in one class period, you just need Quizizz!

The Quizizz website allows you to share your lessons with other educators, and they can share their lessons with you! Students can view your lessons on their own or on a shared screen. They can also work in teams or by themselves. Allowing these options for students helps when trying to create a Universal Design for Learning and a classroom that is focused on Inclusion. UDL is a very important piece to the education puzzle. Using Quizizz in the classroom enables all students to learn the content by delivering it in a variety of ways.

Quizizz has great integration across the board, including Edmodo, Google Classroom and even Remind. You can easily upload your Quizizz to Classroom and let students work on it at their own pace. This is why Quizizz has become so important, as it is useful in virtual, and virtual asynchronous learning.

Features of Quizizz

  • Remote Access

  • Instructor Paced Lessons

  • Student Paced Lessons

  • Interactive and Engaging Learning

  • Different Question options (multiple choice, free write, check-box, fill-in-the-blank and poll)

  • Many Pre-Made quizzes

  • Quiz plus lessons in same slide deck

  • Customizable quiz sessions

  • End of Lesson/Quiz Reports on each student or whole class

Where Teachers can Learn more About Quizizz

Quizizz Get Started

Quizizz Blog

Quizizz Tips and Tricks

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