Emmanuel Atindama, PhD. Applied Mathematics

Data Science | Machine Learning | Statistics

Welcome to my online profile! I am a dedicated and highly motivated Ph.D. student in Mathematics with 6yrs of experience as a Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer. I have a strong background in Machine Learning and Statistics. I am passionate about applying mathematical concepts to solve complex real-world problems and seek new opportunities in my field.

When we think metals, do we ever think of crystals? Well, it turns out, the building blocks are microscopic crystal grains

Did you know that two samples of the same metal can have different structural properties?

An electron microscope can be used to scan and measure the orientation of each crystal grain (EBSD scan)

Grain crystal orientation can give information about the physical and structural properties of  the material. Commonly, we have missing regions when attempting to obtain crystallographic data using EBSD scan. Above shows a reconstruction process using a modified Criminisi algorithm

This shows our crystallographic data with missing regions

Left to right, we have our original data (left), the data with missing regions (middle), and reconstructed data (right)

I am a PhD Mathematics candidate at Clarkson university, with research expertise in:

3.  Mathematics

How can Mathematics improve human life? The Transformative Power of Mathematics and Data

My greatest passion is to study and creatively explore what improvements I can make, however small,  in human life and existence. From creating simple math models to explore the best choice of my first car, to finding the best moves to make in a game, to modelling complex real-world systems (in PhD research).

The brilliance of mathematics and the vast potential of data weave a narrative that holds the promise of a brighter, more optimized future. As we stand on the precipice of technological advancement, it becomes increasingly apparent that the language of numbers is not just a tool for the academically inclined but a beacon guiding us towards a realm where the improvement of human life is not merely a lofty ideal but an achievable reality.

At its most basic level, mathematics infiltrates the very fabric of our daily lives, offering a lens through which we can optimize even the simplest of tasks at home. From the algorithms powering smart home devices that adjust our environment to meet our preferences, to the mathematical principles governing the efficiency of household appliances, mathematics transforms mundane routines into seamless, time-saving endeavors. It is the silent architect behind the harmony of our domestic existence, enabling us to channel our energy towards pursuits that truly matter.

Venturing beyond the confines of our homes, mathematics emerges as a formidable ally in the realm of public health. The ability to study existing disease trends with mathematical precision empowers us to make preemptive measures that stand as bulwarks against the insidious spread of contagions. By analyzing data, we can identify patterns and hotspots, facilitating swift and targeted responses to potential outbreaks. In this battle against invisible adversaries, mathematics emerges as the unsung hero, tirelessly working behind the scenes to safeguard the well-being of entire communities.

Moreover, the marriage of mathematics and data reveals its transformative potential in biological studies. As we delve into the intricacies of life sciences, mathematical models unravel the mysteries of genetic codes and biological processes. The identification of relationships within complex biological systems becomes not only possible but also crucial in understanding diseases at their roots. This synergy enables researchers to develop more effective treatments, unravel the secrets of genetic disorders, and pioneer innovations in healthcare that were once deemed the realm of science fiction.

In essence, the profound impact of mathematics and data on human life lies in its ability to transcend the boundaries of disciplines and unveil hidden connections. It is the key that unlocks doors to innovation, progress, and a future where the quality of life is elevated for all. As we navigate the uncharted waters of the 21st century, let us recognize the transformative power of numbers, for in their elegance lies the blueprint for a world where the pursuit of knowledge and the quest for a better tomorrow converge into a harmonious symphony of progress.