About me
I am a von Humboldt fellow working in Munich with Vasco Brattka.
Before that, during the year 2022-2023, I was a post-doc at Saarland university working with Laurent Bartholdi. And before that, I was a PhD student working under the supervision of Andrzej Zuk.
Research interests
I work at the intersection of computability theory and of group theory.
In the study of infinite countable groups, many unsolvable algorithmic problems arise naturally, and computability turns out to be a very good tool to classify the complexity of different classes of groups: some classes are recursively enumerable, while others are not, some have solvable isomorphism problem, while others don’t, and so on.
I also work with the theory of numberings, which uses computability to build a theory of finite descriptions of infinite objects. In particular I have worked on the notion of "Type 1 computable topological space", the notion of computable topological space that we obtain by working with numberings.
With Laurent Bartholdi and Leon Pernak. Groups with presentations in EDT0L. Preprint, 2024 Slides
New definitions in the theory of Type 1 computable topological spaces. Preprint, 2023.
Multi-representation associated to the numbering of a subbasis and formal inclusion relations. Preprint, 2023
A generalization of Markov's approach to the continuity problem for Type 1 computable functions . Preprint, 2023
Remark and problems about algorithmic descriptions of groups. Preprint, 2021
Computable analysis on the space of marked groups. Preprint, 2021
Computability of finite quotients of finitely generated groups. Journal of Group Theory, 2022
Obstruction to a Higman Embedding Theorem for residually finite groups with solvable word problem. Journal of Group Theory, 2021
email: emmanuel.rauzy.14 at normalesup dot org
Some recorded talks
Présentations de groupes dans EDT0L (exposé en français)
Groups with presentations in EDT0L
Computability on the space of marked groups