About me

I'm a postdoctoral researcher at the Sustainable Economics Research Group within the Industrial Research Department, CentraleSupélec

In 2019, I earned a Master's in Electrical Engineering from CentraleSupélec, with a double degree in Management from ESCP Europe and a Master's in Energy Economics from Université Paris Saclay. I completed my PhD at IFP School and CentraleSupélec in 2022 on the deployment of carbon dioxide removal methods. In 2023, my PhD thesis earned the "Impact Societé" Award of the Fondation CentraleSupélec. 

Research topics: My research is positioned in environmental and energy economics. I focus on the deployment of carbon dioxide removal and international climate cooperation. To explore these topics, I use approaches rooted in cooperative game theory, microeconomics, and modeling.

Teaching activities: I teach Economics and Management at CentraleSupélec, with applications to Energy, Environment, and Climate Change.  I also teach Energy Economics at the Paris School of Economics.

Collective responsibilities: Since 2021, I have led CentraleSupélec's delegation to the UN Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC), allowing students and researchers to attend Climate COPs. I co-coordinate the RINGO Thematic Group on Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. In 2023, I became treasurer of the French Association for Energy Economics French Association for Energy Economics. 


Contact: emma.jagu[at]centralesupelec.fr

Curriculum Vitae in French below:
