Assistant Professor at the University of Notre Dame

Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering

Contact Information

Emily L. Johnson

150 Multidisciplinary Research Building
Notre Dame, Indiana 46556 USA

Prospective Students

Prospective Ph.D. students: Apply to Notre Dame's AME graduate program ( and email Dr. Johnson ( with a brief statement on your background and interests in this research area.


I recently joined the faculty in the Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering at the University of Notre Dame. I earned my Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and WESEP at Iowa State University in 2021 and was a member of the Computational Fluid–Structure Interaction (CFSI) Laboratory.

My unique expertise lies at the intersection of parametric modeling, computational mechanics, and isogeometric analysis (IGA), and the approaches that I have developed integrate these three different areas to support a more comprehensive understanding of the model design space. The approaches that I have developed focus on the performance-based design of complex engineering structures, including in the fields of renewable energy, aerospace engineering, and healthcare. Some of the specific applications that I have worked on include structural analysis of composite wind turbine blades, algorithmic design and IGA of aircraft stabilizers and airframe structures, and analysis of heart valves with a focus on parametric design and IGA of the tricuspid valve.

Research Interests

Parametric design; isogeometric modeling and analysis; computational mechanics; high-fidelity computation; wind turbine blade design and structural analysis; composite materials; heart valve modeling and analysis; reliability-based design optimization; design, modeling, and analysis of complex engineering applications


  • Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering and WESEP, Iowa State University, August 2021

  • B.A., Physics and Mathematics, St. Olaf College, May 2016