About me
I am a Ph.D. student at the department of mathematics, Algebra group at KU Leuven, under the supervision of professor Fatemeh Mohammadi.
I am interested in algebraic geometry and combinatorics. My research is currently on Matroid Varieties.
Address: Celestijnenlaan 200B, building B, office 01.100 - bus 2400 - 3001 Leuven (BE) .
Email: emiliano.liwski@kuleuven.be
Summer school on algebraic combinatorics- MPI Leipzig - July 2024.
Meeting on Computer Algebra and Applications (invited speaker)- Madrid- June 2024.
Dutch-Belgian seminar in discrete mathematics- Vrije Universiteit Brussel- May 2024.
5th GSM on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics (invited speaker)- Freie Universität Berlin - April 2024.
Algorithms in algebraic geometry- KU Leuven - Spring 2024.
Matroids and applications- Online - Spring 2024.
Workshop on matroids and applications- at KU Leuven and contributed a lightning talk (15 minutes) on Matroid Varieties - November 2023.
Conference on Yang Baxter equation- Vrije Universiteit Brussel- November 2023.
Workshop: Geometry of polynomial System solving. Optimization and Topology-IHP Institute, Paris-October 2023.
Hopf days in Brussels-ULB Brussels University-September 2023.
Arithmetic, Groups and Analysis (AGRA) IV – Part II- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - June 2022.
Number Theory and Algebraic Geometry- KU Leuven.
''Licenciatura'' degree in Mathematics (2019-2022) at University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).
Thesis (in Spanish): Representations of Yokonuma Algebra.
Supervisor: Professor Martin Mereb.
Spring 2024- TA for Analysis and Linear Algebra II (KU Leuven).
Fall 2023- TA for Calculus and Linear Algebra (KU Leuven).
Spring 2023-TA for Numerical Calculus (UBA).
Spring 2023-TA for Introduction to Advanced Calculus (UBA).
Spring 2023-TA for Computational Linear Algebra (UBA).
Fall 2022-TA for Introduction to Advanced Calculus (UBA).
Spring 2022-TA for Introduction to Advanced Calculus (UBA).
Honors and Awards
2022 I received the distinction ''Outstanding student of the University of Buenos Aires''.
2019 Gold Medal at the XXXIV Ibero-American Mathematical Olympiad, Mexico.
2018 Gold Medal at the XXXIII Ibero-American Mathematical Olympiad, Spain and Portugal.
2019 Gold medal at the XXXI Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad.
2018 Bronze Medal at the LIX International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), Romania.
2018 Bronze medal at the XXVII Rio de la Plata Mathematical Olympiad, Argentina.
2018 Second place at the Argentinian Mathematical Olympiad.
2018 Bronze Medal at the XXX Asian Pacific Mathematical Olympiad.
2018 Bronze Medal at the V Iranian Geometry Olympiad.
2017 Silver Medal at the XXVIII Southern Cone Mathematical Olympiad, Ecuador.
2017 Honorable Mention at the LVIII International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO), Brazil.
Paving Matroids: Defining Equations and a Decomposition of Associated Matroid and Circuit Varieties- Meeting on Computer Algebra and Applications- 26 June 2024.
Introduction to Real Algebraic Geometry - Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry - 13 May 2024.
Introduction to Real Algebraic Geometry - Algorithms in Algebraic Geometry - 15 April 2024.
On the equations defining a matroid variety in high dimensions- 5th GSM on Applied Algebra and Combinatorics- 11 April 2024.
Defining equations of matroid varieties- Matroids and applications- 7 March 2024.
Defining equations of realization spaces of matroids - Workshop on matroids and applications - 21 November 2023.
Paving Matroids: Defining Equations and Associated Varieties with Fatemeh Mohammadi [arXiv, 2024]
Solvable and Nilpotent Matroids: Realizability and Irreducible Decomposition of Their Associated Varieties with Fatemeh Mohammadi [arXiv, 2024]
Representations of Yokonuma-Hecke algebras with Martín Mereb [arXiv, 2024]