Rising Heroes

Emerging Authors Program

Welcome to the first step of the hero journey!

Here at the Program for Rising Heroes and emerging authors, we encourage empowerment, expressiveness, determination and honesty. These are some of the many Qualiites that come with being your own hero. These are traits that i wish i had found early on but now that I have them, i can pass them on to you and any other students who follow. Friends and peers have called me Superman because of my ability to get things done in a short amount of time and still be there for others when needed. I am sure you will have your own Superhero call sign by the end of this program and will be able to pay it forward in your own way.

Unleash The Powerful Author inside of you

Write your inspirational book

Share your story with the world.

In this 3 month program you will learn the secrets and processes that have helped me to write and publish 5 books in 5 years.

You will also receive the coaching and support that you need as a new author to get that story out of your head and onto paper.

It's already inside you. That inner hero ready to take on a new challenge and create something with the power to change lives and change the world.

Imagine the joy you will feel once you have crossed the finish line and put those final touches on your book.

The success you will feel when you see your book at local retailers, amazon, and libraries.

The heartfulness you will feel when others approach you to share how much your book, your story, and your journey has inspired them and changed their life for the better.

In the next 90 days you can be well on your way to achieving this.

You just have to take the first step to get started.

Join my upcoming semiprivate group coaching cohort of inspiring authors just like yourself.

This 3 month program begins October 1st and by the end of this year you will be well on your way to becoming the author you always dreamed of.

Now, there are a lot of author programs out there. Here's how you will know that Rising Heroes is for you.

Do you know that you have a book inside you but feel intimidated by the prospect of putting your story to paper?

Do you want to take your time and be intentional with your writing so that it comes from a space of honesty deep within yourself?

Do you believe in the power of energy and that the power and feelings behind your written words can inspire and influence your audience?

If so then the Rising Heroes Emerging Authors Program is for you!

Imagine going into the new year achieving a goal that less then 1% of people have accomplished.

Although it may not seem like it now, I once struggled to express myself. For a long time I had a lot of ideas that I wanted to share with others but had difficulty getting it out in a way where others would listen. I wanted to learn about myself, who I was and what I was made of. When I began writing my first book it was the beginning step towards my journey of self discovery and self mastery. If any of the above resonates with you and you feel an urge to better express yourself through your writing then the Rising Heroes Emerging Authors Program is for you.

If you desire to achieve a goal, better yourself and create a masterplan and vision for your life while sharing your insight and life experience with others then the Rising Heroes Emerging Authors Program is for you.

Further writing is a powerful tool for feeling into your future self now. By writing your story you will begin to embody the words on the page as a way to tap into your future desires now.

When you write and publish your own book you will gain confidence, a sense of purpose, and clarity in your life.

My goal as your book writing coach is to have your back throughout the process. I want you to feel guided and supported with a sense of teamwork and camaraderie. My approach is that I provide guidance while giving you the space to explore. I walk side by side with my students and I am dedicated to their success. However they must be dedicated and committed to their own success. If this sounds like you then let’s get started.


With an investment of $3000 and 90 days of dedicated time and effort you can be well on your way to unveiling your unique story onto paper and into homes all over the world.

If you're ready to take that step of finally accomplishing your goal of becoming a published author, unleashing your inner hero, and inspiring others, then reserve your spot with a $500 deposit by September 15th or sooner. Plus with your early enrollment you'll save $500 off the total price!

That's right, if you take the action to make your commitment by September 15th you will only pay a total of $2500. Otherwise the final enrollment date will be September 29th for the original price of $3000.

Payment Plan Options

4 Month Payment Plan

$2500 payment plan option: $500 deposit + $500 monthly for 4 months.

$3000 payment plan option: $750 deposit + $562.50 monthly for 4 months.

10 Month Payment Plan

$2500 payment plan option: $500 deposit + $250 monthly for 10 months.

$3000 payment plan option: $750 deposit + $300 monthly for 10 months

Remember this program is only for those that are truly ready to make a commitment and bring their story to life.

Accepting payment through the following methods: Cashapp, Venmo, Paypal, Check, Credit card

If that's you and you're ready to become your own hero through the power of the written word

email me at wdavid447@gmail.com so that we may learn more about each other

and discover if working together is a mutually good fit.


David K Williams is currently a resident Of Queens, NY and is the proud Author of 5 books with another on the way. He also has a podcast known as The Be Your Own Hero Show that can be listened to via Apple podcast, google play and spotify. The purpose of his various works is to assist others in not only finding out what their inner power is but also their voice and encouraging them to be unapologetic about their gift.

David K Williams Anthology of Published Works

David K Williams Podcast: The Be Your Own Hero Show

Podcast for being your own hero

Discover more podcast episodes from David Williams by searching:

"The Be Your Own Hero Show"

on your preferred podcast platform.