Dr. Pineda is currently licensed in Tennessee. Through PSYPACT she can also provide telehealth to residents of additional states. Currently, PSYPACT states include:
Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, and Wyoming
Is telehealth a good fit for me?
Online mental health therapy services offer an easy-to-use, convenient, and flexible option for adults, college students, adolescents, and children. We use a HIPAA-secure website for online therapy sessions. Online therapy may be a good fit if you:
have limited time--the additional travel time to and from counseling sessions can be a limiting factor for some individuals. Online therapy enables you to remove the commute and focus on therapy and the rest of your busy life.
have limited provider options in your area or want the choice to expand your choice of providers
have limited transportation options
want more convenient counseling options, including being in your own comfortable and private spot, no driving, less time, etc.
There are some situations when we may determine that online therapy is not the best option. If so, we’ll discuss this and will help you find therapy services appropriate for your needs.
Is telehealth as effective as in-person therapy?
Yes, studies show that teletherapy is as effective in-person therapy. If you have concerns feel free to ask Dr. Pineda.
What do I need for telehealth sessions?
Internet-connected computer, laptop, or tablet
Built-in camera or webcam on your device
A phone as a back-up method of communication
A private and comfortable place where you can talk with no interruptions
How do we start a telehealth session?
Once you have submitted the paperwork and booked your appointment, we will send you a link to our virtual waiting room. Simply click on the link, and you’ll be in the waiting room. There is no software to download.
What if we get disconnected during our online therapy session?
If we lose our connection during a video session, I will call you to troubleshoot the reasons we lost connection. If I cannot reach you, I will remain available to you during the entirety of our scheduled session. If you call me back and there is time left in your session, we will continue. If the loss for connection is a result of something on my end, we can either complete our session via phone or plan an alternate time to complete the remaining minutes of our session.
Tips to help ensure a good connection:
Restart your device before the session.
Use fast internet. Use an ethernet cable if available. Connect your computer to the WiFi router with a cable, or move very close to the WiFi router.
Close out of all other non-therapy programs before the session (e.g., web browser tabs, cloud-based backup software, Skype, Dropbox, Google Drive, other file synchronization/sharing services, & other programs you don’t need during the session). This will help free up your internet connection. Most things we use on the internet are asynchronous so we don’t notice when things have slowed down (for example, a show streaming online is already loading the next few minutes so we don’t experience disruptions), but online therapy is happening in real-time so even one second of a problem can be noticeable.
Make sure your antivirus program and system software updates aren't scheduled to run during the session (e.g., computer may restart automatically after an update, connection may be poor during an update).
Test your camera and microphone from the waiting room.
Use headphones.
104 East Park Drive, Suite 208 Brentwood, TN 37027 - 615-370-4977