The program is designed to automatically ping network hosts and detect their outages and connection quality problems. It uses ICMP pings to detect up/down statuses of the monitored hosts and estimates their real-time connection quality based on packet loss, latency and jitter metrics. The program stores information about every ping and allows you to get detailed statistics for any host during any historical period, such as the list of outages, uptime percent, average latency, latency deviation, etc.

The program includes built-in tools for data analysis and reporting. The collected monitoring information is aggregated and represented on charts, so you can easily estimate the hosts performance during any historical period and track its metrics.

Emco Ping Monitor 8 Download


The program uses ping monitoring to interact with network hosts and detect their state and network performance. The program can monitor many hosts simultaneously, and it interacts with every host independently. A special high-performance engine allows monitoring 8,000+ hosts with 0.01 ms latency precision.

The software continuously sends ICMP echo requests to every host and analyzes its echo replies. If a ping passes, the program saves its round-trip time. If several pings fail in a row, the program detects a connection outage, so the host state is changed to down and corresponding notifications are sent.

EMCO Ping Monitor uses the results of the latest pings to assess the real-time quality of the host connection by calculating the packet loss, latency and jitter metrics. The program determines the quality as good, warning, bad or critical depending on those metrics.

The program can also assess the host performance for any historical period using ping results for this period to calculate the host uptime percentage, packet loss, average latency, latency deviation, latency coefficient of variation (CV) and mean opinion score (MOS).

The Free edition allows monitoring up to 5 hosts. It does not allow any specific configuration for hosts. This edition offers the standard Windows ping latency measurement with a 1ms precision. It allows only one connection to a server at a time.

The Professional edition allows monitoring up to 250 hosts. Every host can have a custom configuration of its options, such as monitoring settings and e-mail notification recipients, etc.

This edition allows multiple clients with customized access permissions to connect to the same server and work simultaneously. It features high-precision ping latency measurement with 0.01ms precision.

The program has a special engine optimized to monitor a large number of hosts simultaneously. The technical limit is 32,000 hosts. Modern hardware allows monitoring 8,000+ hosts with a low system workload.

In the program, you can switch between the Windows standard ping latency measurement with 1ms precision and high-precision latency measurement with 0.01ms precision, which can be used in low-latency networks.

The program detects the current state (up or down) for all monitored hosts and saves information about all outages, so for any selected time range you know when and how long the hosts were up and down.

The connection quality of any host is assessed in real-time as good, warning, bad or critical using different ping monitoring metrics. You can customize the assessment criteria according to your needs.

All ping results are saved, so you can have access to statistics collected for every host. The program calculates different metrics and displays them on charts, so you can track the metrics changes over time.

Every ping is recorded, so you can visualize all pings for every host on a timeline chart for a selected time range to see how they changed. You can export ping data into a file that can be opened for analysis in an external tool.

The program uses ICMP pings to track state (up/down) and connection quality (the real-time characteristics based on packet loss percentage, latency percentile and jitter) of each monitored host. More about tracking

Every ping is recorded by the program, so you can see each ping latency for any host and selected reporting period. The program also provide aggregated statistics for historical periods. Statistics explained

The program pings each monitored host regularly to detect whether it is up or down. Host states are displayed on screen, state changes are registered and notifications are sent, so you are informed about all changes and can find required info easily.

Get detailed monitoring statistics for any historical reporting period. The program uses uptime percentage, packet loss percentage, average latency, latency deviation, CV to analyze host performance for the selected period.

Do you want to get detailed statistics for monitored hosts? The program generates two types of reports automatically on schedule in different formats and can send them by e-mail or upload to an FTP server.

To start using the program you need to specify hosts to be monitored. You can add hosts one-by-one by specifying a host name or an IP address. Alternatively you can specify an IP range to add hosts or import hosts from a file. Hosts can be organized in groups. If required, you can change monitoring settings and apply custom settings for a host or a group.

Once you add hosts, the program starts their monitoring. The program uses ICMP pings to send echo requests and receive echo replies to each monitored host regularly. If a host replies, the program saves ping latency data to be used for calculating host statistics and real-time connection metrics. If a host doesn't reply on time, the program registers that as a failed ping.

The program detects a host outage by tracking failed pings. If the particular number of pings are failed in a row, the program changes the host state to down. When pings echo replies are delivered again, the program changes the host state to up. You can customize ping intervals and outage condition, if required.

The program allows you to check real-time metrics of the host and its statistics for any historical period. Monitoring results are saved and aggregated automatically, so you can check a host statistics for a month, week, day or another period, including latency min/max/avg, CV and other metrics. You can also review raw ping results, if you need.

The program automatically monitors host state to detect whether the host is up or down by pinging the host on the regular basis. If the host doesn't reply on ping requests, the host state is changed to down and corresponding notifications are sent.

Continuous host pinging and analyzing latency allows to the program to measure real-time connection characteristics and classify the connection quality as good, warning, bad or critical. Packet loss and jitter metrics are used to measure connection quality.

The program works as client/server. You can install the server and client on different machines. The server performs host monitoring, collects statistics and generates reports. The client connects to the server and is used to configure monitoring and display data. Multiple clients can work with one server simultaneously.

Ping Monitor server works as a Windows service. It starts automatically when the server is started and monitor hosts even if there is no active Windows user sessions. After server restart it continue monitoring the same hosts that were monitored before the restart.

In addition to the full-featured GUI client, the program also provides the monitoring web interface, that allows to review monitoring information. You can use it to start/stop monitoring and also to review host status, connection quality and statistics.

The program provides a special monitoring module to replace the standard ping latency measurement with 1ms precision. The high-precision measurement has 0.01ms precision and allows using the program to monitor hosts in low-latency networks.

Do you want to see status of all monitored hosts on a single screen? The program has special views that allow to display host state and connection quality information for all hosts on a single screen. Use data sorting, grouping and filtering features to display important info.

Override global settings and apply specific settings for a host or group. This feature allows you to set custom monitoring settings for a specific host, for example. Or you can set e-mail recipient addresses for a group and all notifications will be sent to these addresses for all hosts in the group.

A ping is a method that allows to test and identify whether a particular destination IP address can accept the requests in the computer network administration. It is a command-line utility available on every operating system with network connectivity.

Ping Monitoring is the practice of regularly pinging a device or computer to check whether the device responds to the signal. If the device receives a network signal immediately, it will be a good ping. But if the device receives it too late, it will be a bad ping.

The time between sending the network packet and receiving the response is called ping time, which is usually measured in milliseconds (ms). The lower the value of your ping time, the better will be the ping quality. This signifies how fast and healthy your network is.

Furthermore, ping sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo request to the specific interface on a network. When the target receives the requests, it responds to the message immediately by sending the echo reply packets.

It is not practical to manually keep an eye on the uptime, especially when the network operates across multiple sites. Here, a ping monitoring solution can be used to automatically check the connection and response time on a defined schedule from various sources. This way, you can monitor your uptime, spot issues, and fix them.

If you are running a business, you need to ensure all your devices on the network are available all the time for your users. Rather than going site by site to check the availability manually, you can leverage ping monitoring software to check if the device is available or not. e24fc04721

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