This is not a general solution. I don't use VPN and my Android Fire device is on the same local subnet. The devs have acknowledged that there is an issue with some devices. So the question is not whether something is broken but if and when we get a fix to make emby viable for travel again.

Yes, there is definitely an issue with the Android app saving to external SD card. I have a Samsung S9 with 256gb SD card. When I set the download/sync to "external", nothing gets saved to the SD card even though the folders gets created. On the server it just says "ready to transfer". But when I switch it to "internal", everything syncs and downloads onto the phone.

Emby Download Ready To Transfer


If you're not in need of converted media and have space to spare, using in a browser and downloading the orignal file has been my workaround. Downloading from a browser has been very reliable in my experience.

Have you checked your Emby server dashboard to see if it's still converting the media? I've found that it won't update the app to tell it that the media is still converting, so the app saying "Waiting to transfer" is not very useful information.

Edit: I found my problem was disk space was running out. The emby download progress bar was always at 0%, so that never updated to tell me it was downloading, and the error message that eventually came just said that the download failed, with no indicator it was because there was no disk space. I think the download manager should pre-allocate the required space BEFORE attempting the transfer, and fail with a proper error message if there isn't enough space.

This was working for me until I installed as long as I didn't do transcoding. Now when I initiate a transfer on my iPad, it goes to my iPhone as long as I'm logged in on the iPhone. If I log off on the iPhone, the download button on my iPad does nothing.

Same problem with Downloads to offline view stuck on "Ready to transfer" on iPadOS 16.2 with Emby app 2.2.5, while it works well on iOS 16.2 with the same Emby app version - downloads are instant and quite fast.

I can't download certain movies in mkv format. The file gets converted, but it never downloads. It just stays at ready to transfer. @LukeCan you fix this issue? I've tried on 2 different devices with .12 and neither works.

Yesterday I started the conversion of a series (a kid cartoon); after some time, the conversion finished, but the operation is stucked with "Ready to transfer" message.

I tried to force the transfer from the scheduled operations, but it is still in the same situation.

if youre using something like plex, or emby or whatever, why would you have it look at your downloads folder, those files are temporary and sonarr or radarr is going to move them to their proper folders, which should be monitored - or have them tell plex/emby that they are ready.

What I did was basically avoid that module and try to download SOME others, it worked great. I though "Ok, I'll try again the whole folder but only download unwatched ones" (the troublesome srt was in a module I had already gone through) but it didn't go well. From the log I saw another misbehaving .srt file that caused another exception.

Edit** Seems like switching the iPad from my home Wi-Fi to my phones hotspot triggers the transfer. Thanks for the tip above. I appreciate how quick Emby is able to do the conversion outside of this strange issue.

first thing first, im new to the community, spent a few days to research, may not know every details of the ecosystem. currently, i have a samsung tv (4k HDR ready) and RP4 and want to build the first ambilight (for the emby server playback only), and because:

From what ive been reading thus far, hopefully someone can confirm it if they read this post, USB offers faster transfer rather than serial but can still be limited or bottlenecked by the baud rate set - Could be wrong though.

Your call man, imo id be looking to go wired just to ensure no delay is added due to the wireless as you are already planning to do a type of piggy back approach rather than watch and grab on the one source type of thing, Your callbacks to sync playback may cause its own set of timing issues but only 1 way to find out

the reason why i want to try wireless is, it gives huge benefit for my setup, since the RP4's wifi module is rather weak, online playback of 4k video is not possible, and requires workaround like video conversion and transfer an offline copy in advance

i've tested the playback sync, so far it looks pretty good

from what i've seen of the D1 mini setup, it doesnt include other component except 470ohm resistor to prevent voltage spike, should i be worried about the voltage as you mentioned? btw i ordered ws2812b instead

I hate to jump on the band wagon here, but this is the same thing for me. I'm already having to sign up for other services and download other software so that I can have "mobile media" with me on my upcoming vacation. It really sucks to not be able to take any of my Emby library with me.

After this change, however, when I tried again to download a movie, the movie showed up under an unrelated device with an entirely different name. I tried several times and it happened in all cases. It happens to be the first device list in the Admin/Devices/Downloads which might be related. To work around this issue, I opened emby in a browser and chose the Download To option which lets you specify a device name. It defaulted to the other device for some reason. I changed it to my ipad name and it correctly added the download to my device. I am now seeing the Transfering 0% message as expected. This feels like a bug. At least there is a workaround.

Yep same problem here, it will download some files straight away but others (even when they are the only file set to download) it sits on "ready to transfer" but never does the transfer. edit: also all files are set to download in original format/size. Android phone running latest OS and version of the app with ample free storage space on the internal drive.

I just experienced this issue today with a friend's iPad. It seems when two separate iPads are using the same account (husband and wife), one of them becomes the prime (I believe this is because the content was already downloaded to their iPad) and so the secondary one sees "waiting to download" but nothing downloads.

For those on Android, I had the same problem. I fixed it by uninstalling then reinstalling the app. This will delete all media you have downloaded so it will need to be redownloaded. Just write down or screenshot what's already downloaded.

I'm experiencing this issue with iOS.

Some files transfer, others don't. Conversion is not a problem. Streaming the files works perfectly, including live transcoding via gpu.

Files just sit on 'ready to transfer' with the occasional blip where it says 'transferring 0%' for a while before returning to 'ready to transfer'. Nothing ever gets transferred.

Given the fact this issue seems to occur across both iOS and Android, I'm inclined to say it's an Emby server related issue? It seems odd that both Android and iOS experience the same issue, given the different platform and different way they handle background tasks, where Android usually has no issues whatsoever.

In an effort to prevent background running tasks being a problem, I've verified that the app is allowed 'background refresh' in the phone settings, and I've even removed the download from the server/app, then rebooted the phone and the server. I reinitiated a download, which converted just fine. During the whole process I even tried streaming another file (which worked perfectly) to prevent the app from becoming inactive.

Really disappointed that this issue is still not resolved as it appears to have been a problem for many years now.

I've checked the logs to try and see if I could determine any potential points where an error occurred and found nothing, if you could highlight any particular syntax/strings to look for I'd be happy to share log sections privately. Only thing I've observed is nothing shows in the conversions tab, ever. The only thing that shows is on the main management screen, that there's a running conversion task.

So im using rclone in vfs cache mode full so i can build a cache for my server and all the other things scanning it. From what i understand with the cache mode on full it should cache in chunks the most used parts of the files (like for plex and emby scans). It seems to be doing this but im having a couple performance issues that have me confused. I assumed that since that cache was on local disk and my dir cache time high that i should be able tog et basically local storage list times on the mounted directory. but when i do ls -R to the mounted directory it takes a quite a long time. However if i do the same thing to the directory where the cache is stored it takes almost no time at all.

Shouldnt these times actually be a lot closer?

rclone should be serving from the stored data in the cache and using the dir cache for this before hitting the remote right?

i would think that because these are stored locally and shouldnt need to be requested from the remote that the times should be just slightly slower then if listing the actual directory where the cache is. 2351a5e196

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