Embrace of the Vampire is a 1995 American direct-to-video[2] erotic horror film directed by Anne Goursaud. It stars Alyssa Milano as Charlotte, a chaste girl who is haunted by a vampire played by Martin Kemp.

Charlotte is influenced by The Vampire and starts behaving wantonly, going to a party wearing nothing but ankle boots and a short, low-cut dress from her friend Nicole's wardrobe. She has her drink spiked and after briefly kissing a student called Milo, they are interrupted by his girlfriend Eliza, the "campus slut." The Vampire intervenes, killing Eliza by banging her head against Charlotte's door, and then licking the blood from the door as Charlotte listens in a state of arousal from the other side.

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Charlotte drifts in and out of her dream as The Vampire tells her to come to him. He believes there is nothing left for her here (on Earth) and he only has hours to exist unless he can get Charlotte to love him. After some dream scenes, Charlotte is in the tower with The Vampire. Chris is there too, but The Vampire pushes Chris away and is about to bite Charlotte when she utters Chris's name; he initially tells her not to think of Chris and instead think of himself and her as a couple. Then, after Charlotte calls out Chris's name again, The Vampire angrily warns her that she cannot take Chris's love to the eternal life he was offering her, and he disappears. The story concludes with Charlotte and Chris awakening in the morning, sharing a tender kiss, while The Vampire meets his demise in his desolate room.

Regarding her nude scenes in the film, Milano said in a 1995 interview, "I'm not going to say that I was manipulated into doing things that I didn't want to do. I did it because it was a woman director and I felt protected. And I learned a lot as far as knowing where the camera is and what coverage they need so that it's not all explicit."[3]

In a retrospective positive review for Fangoria, Alexandra Heller-Nicholas wrote of the film, "Embrace of the Vampire is good, trashy, '90s fun, and with the broader compelling stories about Milano and Goursaud to go along with it, it makes for quite a ride."[4]

I think there are more examples of this in previous editions, but yes this is the way I myself has always handled the issue.

The Buffy-style direct-to-dust might be effectful, but makes no sense and creates some issues. It would mean damaged tissue on vamps would become dust, not to speak of dismembered parts. And getting those vampire-teeth for your talisman or level five ritual becomes impossible.

It could be explained that only when the Kindred got the Final Death, then their bodies should return to their true age and at the end disappear as a natural way of self-preservation, if things like fangs, bones or body parts are dismembered, they should not disappear, as long as the Magi or Kindred kept it well conserved at the beginning, basically, if there was flesh on it.

This is the approach that I like. Give a bunch of possibilities. The setting already has a bunch of internal ideas about the Embrace. Collect some of those, add some mechanical weight and throw them into a section for optional stuff.

The other option is acceptance. Many who have made peace with their lives go out of this world with a bit of a smile and the knowledge that what comes next is out of their control and so surrender to it. Someone embraced in this fashion might see their unlife afterward as heave, hell, or probably more appropriately a kind of purgatory. They see their embrace as a transitionary period more than anything else.

So a Vampire who relishes in his inhumanity (such as one who follows a Path of Enlightenment) may make his childe more prone to her new found inhumanity, while a Golconda seeker might make it easier for his childe to follow the same route.

The humans soul could have a effect on the embrace. A murderer may have a easier transition from mortal to vampire than a (non True Faith) priest. Or links between the mind of the mortal and the vampire might have an effect, so the murder might be better suited for the embrace from the vampire on a Path of enlightenment than the Golconda seeker and vice versa for the priest.

Then there is the mortals body. If she has supernatural elements, how will that effect the embrace. We already have fae blooded becoming the Kiasyd, but others. A Kinfolk (or a Garou that has not undergone her first change) might have stronger beasts, or a mage have better affinity for blood magic.

The non supernatural elements of a mortals body might effect her embrace. The Efficient Digestion Merit allows a vampire to gain three blood points for every two drunk, so would athletes be more prone to this effect.

you are correct there are some who would not miss them. There are some who would not miss Ventrue. There are some who feel that the whole clan Tzimisce could be done away with. But there are also plenty who would miss them horribly

One thing Requiem did was create reasons why the Embrace would be regulated by the Powers That Be beyond simple political advantage. There are so many ways that it could go wrong that everyone has a vested interest in not letting Nellie Neonate embrace her boyfriend.

I would like it if M4 incorporated something in that vein, as a horror element, possibly to do with each clan; Lasombra childer that dissolve into evaporating darkness, Brujah that enter an unending frenzy, Tzimisce that explode into shrieking monsters, and so on.

Another thought that I had was that the embrace takes a random number of willpower points to accomplish. If a vampire fails to have the proper amount of willpower points to spend, but spends at least 1, it produces a Caitiff. If none are spent, the embrace fails. If the requisite number of points are spent, the childe is of clan.

I think that the Embrace is akin to a church Mass, a rite or a collection of rites that involve physical acts underlying a greater metaphysical processes. Just as some church rites can be long and complicated (like the vigil on Easter Eve) and some can be short and sweet (like Compline before bed) rites can vary, and these variances can have meaning to some.

This question is surprising, as the embrace never seemed like a contentious point to me. Aside from the ghouling issue, the embrace has always been pretty clear in vampire books: a mortal needs to be freshly dead and the sire must give the smallest amount of his or her blood to create a new vampire, who is the same clan as the sire. Caitiff are either created by other caitiff or are the result of thin blood embraces. The Sabbat had many caitiff because once it was common for many vampires in the pack to give their blood to embrace mortals, so instead of having many Clans a new vampire is caitiff.

The idea of being a former ghoul and thus having potence as a vampire was always problematic, imo.

Questions like timing. You need to be recently dead to be embraced. To a thousand year old vampire anything in the last decade is recent. If I initiate the process and then stick the vamp to be on Ice, can I hold him ready to be embraced for weeks at a time? Does doing something like this affect the experience of the embrace or leave traces in the vamp afterwards?

You need to be drained to the point of death. But is being drained by a vamp actually part of the process or can you be bleeding out from a war wound? Bled dry like a Kosher calf at the butchers? Does the nature of the bleed affect things? Is there some subtle difference between draining from the neck, or the bleeding out from a gut wound or being fed from via the artery in the inner thigh

How long does the process take? Is it instantaneous or do they not awaken until nightfall the following day? Being forced to choose between embracing someone on the spot in an unsafe place or possibly moving them to somewhere you can wait out the change but having the window of opportunity till they are just a corpse seems like a good ST device. Or is it variable and someone who thought the process failed could be leaving a trail of vamps behind them.

Might be nice to make certain benefits tied to higher generation. So Caitiff can only exist at Gen 10+, for instance. Diluting blood might offer a weaker curse or some ancillary benefit, but any Sire above a certain generation would dominate the pool and drown out the perks.

Regarding mixed blood embraces i say this: The usual result is a Caitiff unless one of the donors is of a significatly lower generation (3 steps lower). So if a 11th gen Malkavian, a 12th gen Nosferatu and a 10th gen Lasombra mix their blood in a bowl and feed it to the dying person, that person is embraced as a caitiff, generation determined by the lowest gen in the group (in this case 11th gen).

If the Lasombra was 8th gen, the newly embraced Vampire would be a Lasombra as well, now a 9th gen.

Another thing i want to discuss is Ghouls. When a Ghoul is Embraced all of his stats should be kept, inluding Disciplines and the Bond. Actually, i think reworking the Former Ghoul merit is the way to go here as well.

Former Ghoul should give you the usual social bonus plus allowing you to start wth one or more dots of Disciplines in addition to the 3 starting dots you usually recieve.

The downside is the Blood Bond, you are fully blood bound to you sire/former regnant. Not only will this dissuade players from choosing the merit it will also cut back on the cost.

Keep generation as is. I like the Blood Potency concept, but generation makes VTM what it is. I did like the idea that the clan curse is stronger for low generation vampires and weaker for higher generation.

How the Kindred get the weaknesses and other bloodline characteristics, it could have something to do with staying close to its Sire, like the children that learn from good to bad things from their own parents.

The Sire needs to drain all the blood from the would be Childe, and at or just after the point of death, feeds them some of their own blood, basically directly, and in most cases the Curse begins to take effect. They die, and they come back as a Cainite. 152ee80cbc

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