Посольство Бартонии | Embassy of Bartonia

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ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Русский и английский языки будут на одной странице.

О Республике Бартония:

Бартония, официально Республика Бартония, является суверенным государством, известным как микронация в Австрии. Он был основан 27 мая 2020 года после краха Рабенберга. Он претендует на небольшую территорию площадью 2,1 км², которая не находится на бывшей территории Рабенберга. Все эксклавы не имеют выхода к морю от Австрии. Столица - Бартоново, в котором также проживает больше всего населения, самый большой по площади - Обервальд. Резиденция правительства находится в Бартоново на Зеленой площади. В Бартонии существует система планового хозяйства.

About Bartonia:

Bartonia, officially the Republic of Bartonia, is a sovereign state, known as a micronation in Austria. It was founded on 27 May 2020 after the collapse of Rabenberg. It claims a 2.1 km² small territory, which is not located on the former territory of Rabenberg. All exclaves are landlocked by Austria. The capital city is Bartonowo, which has also the most population, the biggest by area is Oberwald. The seat of government is in Bartonowo on the Green square. In Bartonia there exists the system of planned economy.

Information on the state of the economy of Bartonia:

The economy of Bartonia is very small, because of the small territory. It is supported financially by the conversion fees for the exchange of currencies to be able to pay in the store with Bartonian Kronos. In Bartonia there is no capitalist free market, but the system of planned economy. In Winter 2021, the Doge Cal Sewa worked on a ecological economy plan for Bartonia, and presented it on the 5th of January 2021 in the National-council. The plan has given the Bartonian economy a small boost, that the government had expected. On the 23 January 2021, Cal Sewa presented an economical 2-year plan. For the most necessities of life, the Bartonians have to go shopping in Austria.

For more info, please contact the ministry of foreign affairs of the Republic of Bartonia for consular and other diplomatic information which can be done through here.

Ambassador: Mr. Benjamin McShane