A Swing for Pru
I Have a Rendezvous With Life
Countee Cullen - 1903-1946
I have a rendezvous with Life,
In days I hope will come,
Ere youth has sped, and strength of mind,
Ere voices sweet grow dumb.
I have a rendezvous with Life,
When Spring's first heralds hum.
Sure some would cry it's better far
To crown their days with sleep
Than face the road, the wind and rain,
To heed the calling deep.
Though wet nor blow nor space I fear,
Yet fear I deeply, too,
Lest Death should meet and claim me ere
I keep Life's rendezvous.
Tea with Bubbie
Grand Master at Work
Under Assault
Jason Harlow
The years have not been kind to her vestments.
Strife-torn and dirt-stained, they hang off her frame
like sails on a storm-ruined caravel
whose crew may not reach the shores of their dreams.
Her head which once she held up high in pride
is now bowed to gaze at her aged limbs,
heavy with the weight of this knowledge:
foes burden freedom as much as ever.
She is under assault from enemies
inside the ranks of those who claim her crown.
Still, she raises her torch above the fray,
undeterred to shine that persistent light –
a beacon of welcome for all who strive
at release from tyranny, both near and far.
Monster Putin