
I graduated in Meteorology, Oceanography and Geophysics at the faculty of sciences of the University of Lisbon in 2006 followed by a Master in Geophysical Sciences in 2007 and PhD in 2011 in cold climate processes at University of Lisbon. In 2011 I joined the research department of European Centre for Medium-Range Weather forecasts (ECMWF, Reading, UK). In 2017 I moved to Instituto Dom Luiz, in Faculty of Sciences of Lisbon University as a researcher. In April 2020 I started a new position in the Portuguese Weather Service (IPMA) in the LSA-SAF group.

My main research focus on land surface processes and the importance of the land surface within earth system models and meteorological forecasting systems. In particular I am interested in modelling of land surface processes, large scale hydrology, land surface drivers on sub-seasonal to seasonal atmospheric predictability, drought monitoring and forecasting and the role of the land surface in climate projections.


IPMA Rua C do aeroporto, 1749-077, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Email: emanuel.dutra@ipma.pt

Phone: +351 218447031


Follow me on twitter @EmaDutra

October 2018: Special Issue "Data Assimilation of Satellite-Based Observations into Land Surface Models" open until September 2019: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/remotesensing/special_issues/LSM

June 2018: Two new papers just published: The use of the new ERA5 reanalysis (doi:10.5194/hess-22-3515-2018 ) and Spring snow albedo feedback over North Eurasia (doi:10.5194/tc-12-1887-2018 ).

May 2018: Project funded funded by the Portuguese national science foundation (FCT) "CONTROL": CONsTRaining land-atmosphere exchanges using earth Observations" was funded with a budget of 247k€.

The project will focus on three main components: (i) development of key processes in a land surface model (ii) data assimilation of EO data to constrain model parameters, and (iii) weather forecasts and climate simulations. This will enhance current weather forecasts skill of near-surface fields, such as temperature, and improve the realism of present day climate models leading the way to increase climate change projections reliability. The work will focus on the ECMWF and EC-EARTH models along with the LandSAF land surface temperature, via a complementary team with expertise in modelling and EO data, providing a new insight on the use of EO data to constrain land-atmosphere exchanges.

April 2018: Article about the forest in RTP Notícias (Portuguese)

July 2017: The first water resources reanalysis paper of the Earth2Observe project has ben published in ESSD. Have a look at the data portal to access the data: http://wci.earth2observe.eu/

May 2017: Our paper exploring the use of EO land surface temperature on constraining the HTESSEL land-surface model has been published on HESS

April 2017: Our paper evaluating snow depth over Eurasia in long-term reanalysis has been published on The Cryosphere