MailBrother - The Best Gmail Extension for Email Marketing Strategy

When creating email marketing campaigns, it is best to have a tool that helps you out. Email marketing tools should ideally enable you to handle any marketing task quickly. If you have struggled to find the right tool for the job, MailBrother is likely what you need.

What is MailBrother?

MailBrother is an all-in-one email marketing extension for Gmail. It enables you to send bulk emails all at once, simplifying the process.

MailBrother enables you to log in to their website with Google and download a Chrome extension to access their software. If you want to hit your email lists quickly, MailBrother is a simple tool with powerful functions.

Below, we will go through some of the primary features that make MailBrother helpful.

Primary Features of MailBrother

Feature #1: The Ability To Establish Multiple Campaigns

MailBrother's primary feature comes from the ability to compose multiple eMail campaigns under one bucket. This program enables you to save a series of email addresses associated with particular campaigns.

This feature is essential, as you may run multiple campaigns at once. Those campaigns can be associated with appropriate groups of people from a single Gmail slot.

This tool enables small businesses to be competitive when sending these emails. If you don't have a large budget, you can remain competitive. These tools are similar to those you would expect on comparatively more expensive platforms.

Feature #2: Sending Thousands of Emails to Undisclosed Recipients

As a small business, you know that sending promotional emails is necessary but time-consuming. MailBrother saves time and provides security through two features:

  • First, you can create pre-set groupings of people from within MailBrother based on campaigns and emails. Those groups can include thousands of people.

  • Second, you can ensure that this data is undisclosed, meaning your audience won't see each other. In the world of marketing emails, exposing someone's email address can be a big deal.

Having your email leads exposed like that can also lead to potential competitors poaching your targets. To avoid this, MailBrother creates a great system that turns a typically non-commercial email system into something more significant.

Feature #3: The Ability To Make Bulk Emails Seem Like Individual Emails

When you send a large number of bulk emails, people notice this. Google tends to send these obvious bulk emails into the spam box. But if you want to avoid increasing your unsubscribe rates and conversions, individual emails are the key.

People love a personalized message, which is why MailBrother's system makes it appear as though the email is solely for your client. The client will only see themselves, making them feel special.

MailBrother's system goes beyond the bulk transactional emails, enabling you to connect with your client. While creating an engaging email subject will be up to you, this feature is a step in the right direction for customer connections.

Feature #4: Using Analytical Data to Track Your Successful Email Marketing Campaign

MailBrother has a spreadsheet-like system that enables its users to track the success of their campaigns. Data tracked includes the following:

  • Date - When you started the campaign

  • Sends - The number of people who have successfully received your email

  • Opens - The number of people who have opened your email after clicking the subject line. This does not include people who have clicked links inside of the email.

  • Clicks - The number of people who have clicked a link inside the email leading to your website.

  • Bounces - The number of people who have left your website after clicking the email without buying your product.

  • Action - It provides you a link to end the email campaign

  • Status - Whether the campaign is finished or in progress when sending emails.

MailBrother also provides graphical tables if you are more of a visual learner. From the campaign monitor, you can see what types of emails are most effective.

With this, you can modify your campaign to increase your click-through rates.

How Much Does MailBrother Cost?

MailBrother's pricing comes in two varieties: team and individual. The base pricing starts at $9 per month, which is cheaper than most email marketing software companies. You can also choose to save money by paying $108 a year for an individual plan.

If you work with more users, here is what MailBrother's team plans look like:

Number of Users

Monthly Cost

Annual Cost



















MailBrother's pricing and plans are entirely based on the number of users. If you are a small business that only needs it for you, it's a great tool.

The pricing is straightforward, enabling you to understand these costs clearly. There is no email limit or hidden features, making MailBrother one of the most straightforward services out there.

How Easy is MailBrother To Use?

MailBrother is incredibly simple to use, forgoing any chance of complicated dashboards. The system is built directly into your Gmail; you need to install the Chrome extension.

This section will tell you how you can easily create an account and start your first email campaigns.

How To Create an Account on MailBrother

MailBrother's account creation process starts by clicking on the "Sign In With Google" button. If you are already logged in with Google, you need to select your preferred account.

To increase your potential conversion rate, it is best to stick with professional emails. You won't get a positive response with ""

If you have a website, check to see if they work with Google. Otherwise, Google Work Station will enable you to create a professional email as a domain owner.

From there, you can email clients from a professional level. Once you do that, MailBrother can be incredibly effective.

How To Install MailBrother

To install MailBrother, you have one of two options:

  • Most of the orange buttons on the home screen will lead to the Chrome web store (seen above)

  • You can also search for MailBrother on the Chrome web store.

Because MailBrother is a Chrome-only extension, you will need to click the "add to chrome" button located in the upper-right.

You'll know you've done it right if you see a small MailBrother icon in the upper-right of your browser. You will also see a series of four buttons on the top of your email and a MailBrother button next to "send" while composing an email.

How To Send Emails Using MailBrother

You'll note that sending emails with MailBrother is incredibly similar to using Gmail from the image above. The main difference comes from your ability to create campaigns after clicking the Mailbrother button.

The MailBrother button will pull up information on creating an email campaign. It starts by creating a campaign. The creation of mass emails as individual emails is where this shines.

To send an email, start by clicking the regular "compose" button on your Gmail account. Fill out your email using one of your available email templates.

Email templates can make things incredibly simple, and filling them in can create a personalized experience. It also increases your open rate, which is compounded with MailBrother's individual mail experience.

Once you've selected all of your recipients, MailBrother will automatically filter them as individual sends. You should see your send inbox full of individual emails.

At this point, customers may reply to your emails one by one. This prevents the dreaded "reply all" issue, which will cause clients to bulk respond to each other, creating confusion.

How to View Data and Track Statistics Using MailBrother

On the top of your Gmail page, you will see a button labeled "statistics." The statistics button shows all of the data mentioned above.

This data can be broken down into visual chunks and desired tracking options. For now, the only two options are grid and chart.

The most helpful chart is the columns chart, enabling you to break down the number of clicks, opens, and bounce rate of those who go through.

This data enables you to see the effectiveness of emails in varying degrees. Emails that aren't opened need a tweak to the subject lines, while emails that have a low clicks rate don't have a compelling enough reason for your audience to look through.

You can narrow the data by date or campaign name, narrowing your focus on campaigns with success or failure. Replicating what works is crucial in any email marketing efforts.

MailBrother also enables you to export data in PDF, CSV, and TXT formats. With the proper use of this data, you will be able to create effective email marketing campaigns.

How is MailBrother's Customer Support?

MailBrother has a specialized customer support manager, Andrii Bavenko, to assist you. The dedicated support manager and constant contact enable you to apply a name to your customer support.

As a result, expectations of quality are high, creating higher potential customer loyalty. Having a dedicated source for your experience is essential. If you are trying to sell something with your email marketing list, you know the importance of being ready.

Different Ways You Can Use MailBrother Effectively

Email is a marketing channel people often forget about, so it's time for a bit of a refresher. If you want to know how to turn bulk email into something your business can use, MailBrother is a tool you can do it with.

This section will delve into different ways you can use MailBrother to manage your emails.

Method #1: Use MailBrother to Send Promotional Emails

The first method we've mentioned more than a few times is the creation of email marketing campaigns. These campaigns follow one of three stages of the buyer's journey:

  • They do not know about your product

  • They know a bit about your product

  • They know your product and are willing to buy

When you have unlimited emails at your fingertips, it's essential to be strategic and not overbearing.

For those who do not know your product, you need to focus on their problems. Create content that indicates your understanding of this and express how you offer a solution.

You can also encourage the person to join your newsletter, as you are incredibly unlikely to make a sale from your first email. Still, providing custom email signatures and reminding them of this solution isn't a bad thing.

If they know a bit about your product, your job is to educate them further. Email marketing campaigns after this fact need to focus on providing compelling reasons beyond why they should choose your product.

It would help if you were still focused on addressing your product, but they have already considered you worthy of following at this stage.

The last stage informs the audience of how they can buy your product, where they can buy your product, and current promotions. At this point, they've already gained a follower, meaning business owners are much more likely to make a sale.

Powerful tools like MailBrother can enable users to bring an audience through multiple levels of a buyer's journey.

Method #2: Use MailBrother to Manage Your Email Newsletter

You might think an email newsletter is a thing of the past. However, you'll find that long and engaging emails attract an audience.

One of the best email marketing tips you can get comes back to storytelling. Storytelling provides a natural hook to keep your audience around.

A beautiful email strategy resonates with your reader, making them consistent email subscribers. This enables you to sell solutions to them over the long term, not just sell products.

As an email marketer, you know that your email list is an essential tool. A single email can generate tens of thousands of dollars with the correct footwork.

MailBrother's focus on transforming the bulk email to individual makes a story feel personalized as an email tool. Using email templates that address your audience by their first name is also essential.

Method #3: As an Influencer, Use it For Your Content Engine

Internet influencers are trendy. Whether you use Tik Tok, Facebook, or Twitter, engaging your fans can be tricky.

Inactive subscribers are the bane of email marketing. As an influencer, regular contact (and content) is necessary to stay alive.

To get a good Return on Investment (ROI) for MailBrother, you must use it regularly. You can do this to update users on your latest content updates.

If you create YouTube videos, you know how ineffective Google's notification system is. Circumvent that by encouraging your subscribers to transition to your email newsletter.

The newsletter can link your various content channels (blog, YouTube, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, etc.). You have a much higher likelihood of getting a response if you tell your fans in their inbox.

Method #4: Use It To Teach People Skills as a Course Creator

Udemy, Skillshare, and MasterCourse are all great examples of areas where you can learn a new skill. While those companies will handle the promotion, you know the real money comes from creating a website to host your course.

Websites like ClickFunnels have been doing it for months, and they email marketing techniques to push their subscribers to buy further. While creating an engaging platform is up to you, being inspired by the methods of those who do it successfully is no problem.

Many of these course sellers regularly update their user base every two to three days. In that time, they are thankful and publish the success of students who use their course.

To make an impact with email marketing, you need to be able to hit them with emotions. Going back to that newsletter topic, storytelling is powerful, where your reader can be the hero they read about.

The customer journey starts with helping your audience visualize using your product to gain something they want. Dynamic content like this can be challenging, but MailBrother enables its users to create such content.

The simplistic platform enables its users to focus on what matters: excellent email content. You can even send attachments if you want to help your readers out further.

Method #5: Sending Regular Updates To Your Team on a Project

The bulk email format is excellent at keeping people up to date. While we've been talking about customers, MailBrother is also useful for inter-business communication.

Your business likely has some chat platform that lumps everyone together. You might have WhatsApp, social channels, or other media that can get cluttered quickly.

It can be challenging to read through the weeds in this case. But if you could reply with a personalized email that breaks things down on a one-on-one basis, that would be helpful.

MailBrother's bulk-to-individual presence enables you to receive replies from individuals. This means the dreaded "reply all" button isn't an issue, so you aren't starting a bulk chatroom because someone slipped and hit the wrong button.

If you have ever been part of a large company where someone has emailed everyone, you know what can happen. While it's funny for a bit, it can waste a big chunk of time. Get MailBrother to prevent this.

Method #6: Teachers Can Notify Their Parents

In an online world, it is challenging for teachers to find helpful resources. When parents constantly ask for updates, it can be challenging if you don't have the online tools.

MailBrother's system of bulk emails enables you to send emails to 500 recipients at once (Google's limit). This is well over your standard classroom size, making it suitable for all groups. However, you can increase this number to two thousand if you are a Google Workspace user.

Smaller child care facilities might also use these to inform clients of updates, events, and other relevant messages. It is essential to think outside of the box when it comes to finding the right tools.

Despite MailBrother being a powerful part of digital marketing campaigns, its simplicity enables it in all industries. Whether writing cold emails or emailing to your staff, MailBrother has tools that work for all groups.

Given this extensive list of people, you can tell that MailBrother is handy for many different groups. Email editors, social media managers, sales personnel, marketers, and human resources specialists all have ways to use MailBrother.

MailBrother FAQs

Can I Send Attachments Using MailBrother?

Yes, all features available on your Gmail account (including attachments and media) are part of MailBrother. You can attach images, files, and anything else.

These files can help provide additional tools for readers. These can include checklists, spreadsheets, and eBooks.

Does MailBrother Provide Me With An eMail?

No, MailBrother will not provide you with an email. Instead, they utilize your existing Google email to send the emails.

If you want a custom email, it is best to retrieve one from a domain provider. Site builders like WordPress, Wix, and GoDaddy are all solid options.

Can MailBrother Read My Emails?

MailBrother's extension works in such a way where we have no access to emails. MailBrother does not store text, attachments, or any email content.

Thankfully, MailBrother does prioritize your privacy in Here is the data that they grab from the extension:

  • Dates

  • Subject Lines (to determine effectiveness)

  • Recipient email addresses (for statistics on who is clicking)

Does MailBrother Offer Email Automation Features?

At this time, MailBrother specializes in providing a simple email tool. This tool offers nothing regarding automation and scheduling of emails. It also does not write the content for you.

Personalized content is crucial, which is why MailBrother doesn't include these features.

Final Thoughts - Is MailBrother Worth Your Time?

Compared to other email marketing platforms, MailBrother keeps it simple. Many people try to cram too many features in their email software, making it wholly confusing and worthless.

MailBrother is one of the few companies that understand the importance of providing specialization. It is solely a tool for creating bulk emails that appear to be individual emails. That way, you can add the personal touch and creating engaging email content.

While MailBrother does not have any free trial, you can test it out for $9, cheaper than some coffees. So give it a shot to see if it fits your needs.

We hope this article helps you out with your email marketing campaigns. Thanks for reading!