Email marketing

Email Marketing: Still the most powerful tool for taking your business to the next level.

The key to running a successful business is getting customers to do business with you. So, are you trying to entice customers during a global pandemic, or are you expanding your markets during "normal" business times, the question is, how do you do it? What's the best way to attract customers to your store, website, restaurant, office, etc.?

We all know the answer: it's marketing. But marketing is not an easy process. There are various practices, tactics and strategies that are part of the overall marketing plan, and they are constantly evolving. This can make it difficult to put together a marketing plan for your business.

To simplify the process, there is one marketing method that has retained its notoriety. Email marketing continues to promise the highest ROI of any marketing channel.

While email marketing can boast of its effective ROI, not all businesses use it. According to the report, 66% of surveyed businesses said they use email marketing to "promote their business or communicate with potential customers."

If you're not in that percentage, it's time (indeed, a long time ago) to incorporate email into your marketing strategy. If your ROI isn't enough to convince you, remember that email is the marketing channel that most consumers say they want businesses to use to communicate with them.

However, you are likely to have questions about whether email marketing is right for you. Take a look at some of the common questions that the survey answers.

How effective is email marketing?

Highly. 79% of those surveyed believe that it is "important" or "very important" for their business. However, while business owners recognize the importance of email marketing in general, only 60% consider their own email marketing strategies to be “effective” or “very effective”, while 26% consider them “ineffective” or "Very ineffective."

Effective email strategies are "personal, targeted, and designed with customer goals and objections in mind."

How do you measure success?

You cannot know how effective your email marketing is without defining the parameters you want to measure.

How often should I send emails?

About 40% of respondents report that they send emails “at least once a week, but less often than daily”. More than 30% send emails “at least once a month, but less than once a week”. And about 12% send emails daily or less than once a month.

Still not sure what to do? Mark Asquith, co-founder and CEO of Rebel Base Media, advises those new to email marketing to send emails once a week. “Instead of sending more, check out what you are already doing. Then check the frequency. "

Its main point is that you shouldn't send more emails that don't work and fewer emails that do, and the best way to define this is "test, test, test!"

But, don't worry about how often you send emails. Writing awesome emails that deliver value is the most important thing. If your emails are incredibly interesting, informative, and interesting, you can send as many of them as you like. To measure their effectiveness, keep a close eye on your open rate and unsubscribe rates.

Does the size of the base matter?

The majority (43%) of business owners have email lists ranging from 0 to 500 subscriber addresses. Just over 30% have between 1001 and 9999 email addresses, and less than 7% of businesses have over 50,000 addresses.

Does the size of your base affect performance? Yes, having at least 500 subscribers does matter. Of the businesses surveyed, 42% with over 500 subscribers said their email marketing strategies are effective or highly effective, while only 20% of businesses with 500 or fewer subscribers say the same.

Expanding the base is obviously important. The larger your base, the more conversions you can achieve.

The E-mail Marketing course will help you build your marketing strategy correctly. Think of email marketing as one of the most powerful tools to start your business and take it to the next level. It's efficient, affordable, and works.

Business Email Benefits

Why do you need email? This is what we use every day, but many marketers have yet to grasp the possibilities of email marketing. You can even use email marketing without understanding how it can affect your business. Therefore, you may not be paying enough attention to it.

We're going to fix this today. Get ready to learn everything you ever wanted to know about the benefits of email marketing and the benefits you will get if you do it wisely.

Think of email marketing as your direct line of communication with the customer. Best of all, you can connect with people who haven't even made a purchase from you yet.

You can use email marketing to generate leads, support leads, upsell, cross-sell, and build relationships. But we recommend that you use it for all of the above.

More importantly, it can become one of your most powerful tools. However, if you are not well versed in the benefits of email marketing, you may not be able to take advantage of it properly.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing involves collecting the email addresses of people who have purchased your products or have shown interest in your business. Then, you segment those email addresses based on the position of each individual customer in the sales funnel.

From now on, you can send emails to each separate list depending on the type of content they want to receive. Email marketing allows you to educate, entertain, and inspire your audience. It also allows you to promote your content as well as your products to your potential customers.

In other words, email marketing is a sales and lead generation machine.

We recommend automating your email marketing campaign to reduce the time you spend promoting your products. Automation allows for more accurate market advancement.

In addition, we recommend testing different formats and frequency when it comes to email marketing. Every entrepreneur has a unique audience with unique preferences.

For example, some entrepreneurs find that their audience prefers to hear them less often. They only want to receive emails when there is a major promotion or discount on the products they are interested in.

Another audience likes to receive emails more often. They enjoy receiving emails with tips, strategies, and links to blog posts.

The only way to know what works best for your audience is to test different strategies and find out which one provides the most engagement.

Why is email marketing important?

Email marketing often provides the best ROI of any marketing strategy. There are several reasons for this, perhaps the most important of which is that almost all consumers have email addresses and communicate by email on a daily basis.

However, there are many other reasons to get into email marketing. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Attract more leads

If you create a lead magnet, you can collect email addresses much faster for a diverse audience that is deeper connected to your business. A lead magnet can be anything: an ebook, video, case study, or anything else that is truly valuable to the recipient.

For many entrepreneurs, a lead magnet is a catalyst for generating leads and moving them down the sales funnel.

It's all about collecting as many email addresses as possible - preferably from qualified leads who genuinely want to buy from you.

Engage your potential customers

As mentioned above, lead generation is just the beginning. When you have a long sales funnel, you need to engage the potential customers you are attracting in order to get them closer to making a purchase.

This is why we recommend segmenting your mailing list. You might have one list for people who are not familiar with your business, another for consumers who interact with your business more often, and a third for people who have bought from you in the past.

In fact, you can have as many mailing lists as you want.

Email marketing is perfect for attracting leads because they will get used to seeing your name in their inboxes. You will know when they finally decide to make a purchase.

Just make sure you are targeting every listing with the correct message. For example, consumers at the top of the funnel do not want or need an active sales pitch. They are looking for information to help them make a purchasing decision, but they haven't made any purchases yet.

Additional sales for your customers

Many of the people who have subscribed to your mailing list have yet to make a purchase decision. They may not even know what they need.

This gives you a valuable opportunity for additional sales.

Upselling is when you present your customer with a more expensive version of the same product. For example, you might be selling three different products pertaining to your niche. Your email newsletter gives you the opportunity to highlight your most expensive product and explain why it's worth the price.

This can be done in several ways. For example, you can present a simple comparison chart that shows your potential customers what they can expect from each product. This way, they will be able to make an informed decision about your products and what you offer.

Additional sales are especially useful when your customers reach the “review” phase of the sales funnel. They are actively interested in purchasing a product but want to get the most out of their investment. You can demonstrate how your most valuable product will benefit them.

Cross-selling to your customers

Many entrepreneurs confuse cross-selling and upselling, but they are actually two completely different concepts. While you use upsells to convince your audience to buy the more expensive version of your product, cross-selling means selling additional products to customers who already want to buy them.

You see this all the time in retail stores. For example, at the service counter, you might see many small, inexpensive products stacked in boxes or on shelves. The company wants to offer you cross-selling when you arrive at checkout.

This also happens when interacting with shoppers in brick-and-mortar stores. The salesperson may see that you are buying a pair of shoes and then ask if you need new socks to complete the look. This is cross-selling.

But this does not only happen in person. Have you ever bought something from an online store like Amazon? The company shows you other products that customers have bought in addition to the products you just put in the cart.

It can also work for email marketing. Cross-sell to subscribers after they buy one of your products. Put them on a special list so you can offer them related products.

Reach leads and customers more efficiently using mobile devices

We live in a mobile world. If you've recently visited a restaurant, you might have noticed that half of the customers browse emails or social media feeds on their phones.

The same goes for public transport, waiting rooms and other public places around the world. In addition, research shows that people generally watch at least two screens at the same time, such as a TV and a tablet.

This tells us that we need to consider mobile technology when it comes to marketing our products. If content isn't easily accessed through a mobile device, we can easily lose a sale.

This is the last thing you want. Fortunately, email marketing makes it even easier to reach people on mobile devices. Most people carry smartphones with them wherever they go. When they receive an email, they receive a notification that they have a new message.

Email marketing has proven to be effective in capturing the attention of potential customers and converting them into customers. If you are using a marketing medium that does not display well on mobile devices, you will simply frustrate your potential customers.

Of course, this means that you need to use an email marketing service that allows you to optimize every message for mobile devices.

Once you start your email marketing campaign, make sure you optimize your subject line and text for readers who use mobile devices.

Keep your customers informed

When you have something new, you want to let your followers know about it right away. Email marketing allows you to instantly communicate special offers, promotions, and new product launches.

You don't want to use every email to promote your products. However, you don't want to pass up the opportunity to inform potential and past clients about your new material.

You can use words like "promotion" and "discount" to give your subscribers an idea of ​​what this is about.

You can also use email marketing to inform people about updates and changes to your products or services. They can test these changes and take advantage of the new services that you offer.

Remember, your potential customers have tons of other businesses they can order from. You want them to stay with you because you keep in touch with them through email marketing and other channels.

By being open and honest with your followers about changes to your business model, new product launches, and other important events, you will build customer loyalty and increase sales.

Customize and personalize your messages

Personalization has become one of the most important aspects of internet marketing. When you personalize material, such as an email, your target customer feels more valuable.

For example, you can start each subject line of an email with the recipient's name. Instead of the general "Hello!" you make it clear to the client that you value him or her.

There are, of course, many more ways to personalize an email than adding a name in the subject line. Your products may be highly geographic dependent. In this case, you can segment your mailing list by geographic region and then include that information in the body of the email.

Other personalization options include mentioning the recipient's job title, company name, last purchased product, or last interaction with your company.

However, don't include too much personalization. Excessive zeal can scare customers away and make them feel like you are trying to take advantage of them.

Instead, try different forms of personalization until you find the one that resonates the most with your target audience. This form can be different for different industries and even for enterprises in the same industry.

Send more targeted messages

We've talked a lot about segmentation in email marketing. There is a reason for this. If you include all email addresses on the same list, you risk sending the wrong message at the wrong time.

Let's say your target customer just found out about your business. If you send a long email about all of your products, you will quickly overwhelm your leads. It never works well.

By segmenting your email base, you can send more targeted messages that will appeal to the people who receive them. As you gain traction, you can segment your list further based on the analytics you collect from past campaigns.

Think of other marketing channels like blogging. While you can always write a blog post targeted at a specific customer, you have no control over who actually reads the article.

The same limitation does not apply to email due to the ability to segment your database. You decide who gets which marketing message and when.

Delivery of coupons and promotions

Many people subscribe to mailing lists just because they want to receive coupons and discounts on the company's products. While this may not seem like enough, it can actually help you increase your sales.

Have you ever put off buying a product just because you didn't want to pay the full price? Then, out of the blue, you get a digital coupon that lets you buy the product you want at a discounted price.

Great day, right? You are thrilled to receive the product, and even more thrilled to be able to buy it at a discounted price.

The same psychology applies to email marketing. After you've warmed up your leads for your offer, submit a discount code or other offer that your leads can't refuse. People who didn't convert can take another look at your products.

Increase your conversions with email

Sometimes, consumers visit a website, check sales pages, read a few blog posts, and subscribe to a supplier's email list. Then they click and forget that the website ever existed.

It's easy to see why this is happening. We are so busy and distracted that it is easy to get carried away with something else, even if we are interested in what we are reading.

One of the best ways to get people back who left your site prematurely is to re-contact them via email. Since they subscribed to your list, they are clearly interested in the products you offer. They simply may not remember that you exist.

You can use email marketing and CRM software to track every lead throughout your marketing and sales funnel. If you notice that a prospect has spent a lot of time on your website but haven't purchased anything yet, you can add them to a dedicated return mailing list.

As we discussed above, throwing out a discount code or coupon can help with this. You want to incentivize your potential customers to come back to your site - and in particular to your sales pages.

Get Excellent Return on Investment from Email Marketing

Email marketing doesn't cost a lot of money and doesn't take too long. This means that even if you only generate a few sales through the channel, you will still come out ahead.

Marketing has so many facets that it is sometimes difficult to keep track of them. However, it is important to know which marketing channel provides the highest efficiency. Email marketing can be that channel for you.

ROI can be calculated in a variety of ways, but it essentially boils down to the amount of profit you make after deducting what you spent on closing the sale. If you spend less money and make more profit, you increase your ROI.

This is every entrepreneur's dream.

Maybe you can't afford to run expensive ads, hire a more professional marketing team, or spend money on other efforts. Or perhaps you just don't want to spend this money. Either way, email marketing gives you an inexpensive way to reach your target audience and turn leads into customers.

Easily measure email marketing results

The more you know about your target audience, the more successfully you can sell to it. Data provides you with tangible evidence of your potential customers' engagement with your business.

Some marketing channels are difficult to track. Email marketing is not one of them.

Using data from your email marketing service, you can determine how many people open your emails, interact with calls to action in your emails, and delete your unread emails. Using this data, you can customize your approach to maximize your conversion rate.

Take advantage of email integration

You can also benefit from email marketing by integrating it with other tools in your marketing toolbox.

When you integrate tools like email marketing and CRM, your data becomes even more complete. You have a better understanding of what your customers are doing in sales and marketing funnels, which means you can set up funnels faster and abandon campaigns that no longer work.

Invest time in a reliable platform

We think it's pretty clear that the email isn't going anywhere. Although other communication channels have become popular, most of us check our email several times a day.

In other words, it's a solid platform that won't evaporate under your feet once you're comfortable with it.

You can rely on email marketing to keep you going for years. Your base will continue to grow long after you first publish a subscription form on your website.

While it is great to try new technologies and new strategies, you also need to have some solid footholds. This is exactly what email marketing does.