Thanks again. yes technically they are in my database I when I send them the email request I create a ney thing and have them saved to the database as I would like to use this later. I will have close look at what you said and give it a go and see how I go.

I know how to get a shareable link for an email that has not been sent. What I need to know is, how do I get a shareable link for an email that HAS been sent. (Meaning a link that does NOT require someone to login to view it.)

This seems like a pretty basic feature, but I haven't found an option to do this.

Email Link

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You can either copy this link at the time of the creation of the email or open the preview of the email in your browser after it was sent. If the web version of the email was enabled, you should see the 'view in browser' link in the top right corner (which is where the web version link is placed by default).

Depending on what you need the shareable link for, you could clone the email, add the web version link to the email, and send it to yourself or whoever needs it so there is a publicly available link. It would just be from the cloned email, not the initial email, but with the same content.

The current solution is okay for now, they just have to click a single button to go to the sign in page, but I would prefer to make the UX as simple as possible so that they can click the email link and go straight to entering their email and password.

It is currently possible to use a meetings link personalization token in a Marketing Email. In order to accomplish this, you will want to be in your Marketing Email editor, and then select Personlize. You will then want to select the personalization token type of "Contact" and then search for the property "Contact Owner."

From here you can then select the user token of "Meetings Link" as this will insert a user's default meetings link in the Marketing Email depending on their owner. I'm attaching a screenshot of how this will look below for reference:

I'm building a marketing workflow for a client. It is personalized in that it comes from the contact owner. I want to embed a tokenized meeting link in the email as a hyperlink. For example, the text would read somethin like:

"Schedule a call", where the text would be a hyperlink to the contact owner's meeting link.

As I understand it now, if I have three different contact owners, I need to create three different workflows.

I believe this is about marketing emails, not one-to-one sales email templates. I had the same question, sometimes the meeting link option pops up as a recommendation but not always. Good to know you can add it as a personalisation token.

@OliviaRoberts will the meeting link then only show up as just that - a full link? I was hoping to be able to hyperlink to the word "here" or something like that, but I can only get it to insert a full long link into the email which doesn't look great.

Thank you Olivia. I have managed to add a link, but the link appears as a URL. I'd like the link to be used in conjunction with an ahref HTML statement to include the link with words. I.e., schedule your meeting HERE, here HERE is a link to the meeting. It does not seem this is possible.

Hi all, sorry if this is a really obvious question. I need some help with downloading my CC apps as the email link just isn't working. When I click 'download' next to the app, it takes me to the 'send me the link' page. I then put my email address in and send the link to myself. But when I open the email, it just takes me back to the SAME 'send me the link' page. I've tried copying the link before sending the email but that takes me to the same page as well. I've tried this several times on both my Chromebook and iPad Pro and get the same result. I can't find any option to just download straight from the 'Apps' page as the download link just makes me do the email thing. I'm so frustrated with this, could anyone tell me what the issue would be or how to solve it? It should at least work on one of my computers right? I've looked through the download help pages but even the links there to 'download the app directly' take me back to the same email page.

Hi I'm having this exact same problem . I can only try so many times before I give up. Tried both links within the comments . Can I ask if you managed to sort it and how you did it . It will let me buy it and use it but it's not allowing me to download the desktop version on my cromebook . It's very annoying

I have a set of 6 questions that pertain to project details that I am having our project managers fill out through the Survey123 app. I have a text question that is set to multi-line that contains some text and also pulls in the answers to the 6 questions to create what will be the body text of the email (please see below).

Next I have a "Note" question that has a calculation to pull together the hyperlink text that is needed to launch an email and then allow the user to send off the email. That works perfectly (see below).

When I send an email with 'Action URL(Link)', apiKey is exposed in the URL, even though an example url is written like " =action&oobCode=code". The actual URL which arrives to the email is like this " =action&oobCode=code&apiKey=key".

That API key string is public information the moment you publish your app. There is nothing private about it. You can think of it less like a private API key and more like a public unique identifier for your project. Any API calls from any source (both inside and outside your app) need to know how to identify your project, and that's how they do it. Without that, there is no way that the verification email can provide a link that actually verifies the user for your project.

To initiate the authentication flow, present an interface that prompts the user to provide their email address and then call sendSignInLinkToEmail() to request that Firebase send the authentication link to the user's email.

url: The deep link to embed and any additional state to be passed along. The link's domain has to be whitelisted in the Firebase Console list of authorized domains, which can be found by going to the Sign-in method tab (Authentication -> Sign-in method). The link will redirect the user to this URL if the app is not installed on their device and the app was not able to be installed.

androidPackageName and IOSBundleId: The apps to use when the sign-in link is opened on an Android or iOS device. Learn more on how to configure Firebase Dynamic Links to open email action links via mobile apps.

handleCodeInApp: Set to true. The sign-in operation has to always be completed in the app unlike other out of band email actions (password reset and email verifications). This is because, at the end of the flow, the user is expected to be signed in and their Auth state persisted within the app.

dynamicLinkDomain: When multiple custom dynamic link domains are defined for a project, specify which one to use when the link is to be opened via a specified mobile app (for example, Otherwise the first domain is automatically selected.

To prevent a sign-in link from being used to sign in as an unintended user or onan unintended device, Firebase Auth requires the user's email address to beprovided when completing the sign-in flow. For sign-in to succeed, this emailaddress must match the address to which the sign-in link was originally sent.

You can streamline this flow for users who open the sign-in link on the samedevice they request the link, by storing their email address locally - forinstance using SharedPreferences - when you send the sign-in email. Then,use this address to complete the flow.Do not pass the user's email in the redirect URL parameters and re-use it asthis may enable session injections.

After sign-in completion, any previous unverified mechanism of sign-in will beremoved from the user and any existing sessions will be invalidated.For example, if someone previously created an unverified account with the sameemail and password, the user's password will be removed to prevent theimpersonator who claimed ownership and created that unverified account fromsigning in again with the unverified email and password.

Firebase Authentication uses Firebase Dynamic Links to send the email link to a mobile device. For sign-in completion via mobile application, the application has to be configured to detect the incoming application link, parse the underlying deep link and then complete the sign-in.

You can also link this method of authentication to an existing user. For examplea user previously authenticated with another provider, such as a phone number,can add this method of sign-in to their existing account.

However, as the flow could end up on a different device where the original userwas not logged in, this flow might not be completed. In that case, an error canbe shown to the user to force them to open the link on the same device. Somestate can be passed in the link to provide information on the type of operationand the user uid.

If you created your project on or after September 15, 2023, email enumerationprotection is enabled by default. This feature improves the security of yourproject's user accounts, but it disables the fetchSignInMethodsForEmail()method, which we formerly recommended to implement identifier-first flows. 17dc91bb1f

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