Privacy policy

Email client personal information

Email client app with your privacy in mind, so we do not collect personally identifiable information about you. Sensitive user information is only used to perform the basic functionality of the app, sending and receiving email. Mail does not automatically collect and send data to the developers of the app or any third party.

Explains for permission requests

in Email client, I request a sensitive permission to make functions of application work properly :

  • android.permission.CAMERA : to take photo, video and send to your friends
  • Read/modify your Contacts

The names and email addresses in the user’s address book (contacts) are used to provide suggestions and auto-complete recipients when composing a message.

  • Read from/write to Storage (Photos/Media/Files)

The storage area is used to save attachments or export app settings. It can also be used to import app settings or select files to attach to a message the user is composing.