Submission Guidelines

Our June Issue will be our PRIDE Issue. We will be accepting work from all members of the LGBT+ family. If you would like to submit to this issue, please use the word PRIDE in the subject line of your submission email. 

All other work will be considered for our July Issue.

General Guidelines

We accept literary and general fiction, poetry, flash fiction, creative non-fiction, essays, and artwork. 

We publish previously published work.

We accept simultaneous submissions (we don't believe it is fair on creatives to refuse this!).

We will NOT accept the following: Horror, gore, fantasy, sci-fi or other genre works. We will also not accept homophobia or racism, pornographic pieces, or pieces that depict harm to animals or children.

We realise rejection emails can be disappointing, and even damaging to some individual's mental health or confidence. If you would prefer that we didn't email you to notify you of your rejection, please note this in your email. 


Short stories of up to 2,000 words. 

Size 12 Arial or Times New Roman Font sent in a Word.doc

Please send no more than one short story at one time.


Poems no longer than 30 lines.

Size 12 Arial or Times New Roman Font sent in a Word. 

Please do not send more than two poems per submission.

Flash Fiction & Vignettes

No longer than 250 words.

Size 12 Arial or Times New Roman Font sent in a Word.doc

Please send only one piece per submission.

Creative Non-Fiction and Essays

No longer than 1,000 words.

Size 12 Arial or Times New Roman sent as a Word.doc

Please send no more than one piece of CNF or Essay at any one time.


We accept hand-drawn and hand-painted artwork. Digital work will have to be exceptional to be considered.

How to Submit

Please send your submission addressed to Elinora Westfall to our email:

With the heading, "Submission of (poetry/fiction/Art) by (your name).

Please also send a professional writer or artist biography, as well as any social media or website links you would like us to include in the publication.

Where to Purchase the Journal

Issues of Vita & the Woolf can be purchased via Amazon (paperbacks and e-books) and Etsy (e-book only).


Payment is one digital download of the journal, though we aim to pay contributors in the future.