¿Qué vas a aprender este año? (What will you learn this year?)

Les echo de menos mucho(I miss you very much.). Please review your weather terms via the videos below. Also, the link directly below will take you to how to say various prayers in Spanish. You have done a great job with the Hail Mary and the Pledge of Allegiance. Now, we are going to learn The Lord's Prayer and The Act of Contrition in Spanish. Feel free to utilize Quizlet to review your vocabulary using these links (2 out the 4 I have created):

Please note that any topics moved to the far right hand side of the page have been covered the class.


1. Family

2. School/work/careers

3. Animals/nature

4. Food and drink

5. Weather/seasons/holidays

6. City

7. Interrogatives

8. Colors

9. Religion

10. The arts/culture

11. Home and housekeeping

12. Travel and leisure

13. Health

14. Sports

15. Going shopping/services


1. Present tense of -AR; -ER; and -IR verbs

2. Irregular verbs and stem-changing verbs

3. Tener + expresssions

4. Ser and Estar

5. Hacer and expressions

6. Acabar de + infinitive

7. Command forms

8. Hay que + verb

9. Direct/indirect object pronouns


1. Famous Hispanic people

2. Artists/ musicians/ authors and works

3. Features of each Spanish-speaking country

4. Gastronomy

5. Mexican folklore

6. Religious influences throughout the ages

7. Traditional celebrations/ popular holidays

8. Pledge of Allegiance (in Spanish)

9. Prayers: Hail Mary; Our Father; Prayer of Saint Francis; etc. (in Spanish)

Journal entries:

1. La importancia de Dios en mi vida (The importance of God In My Life)

2. Mi ciudad

3. La razón por la estación de dar gracias (The reason for the season of Thanksgiving)

4. El don de Dios (The Gift From God)

5. La Navidad es......... (Christmas is.......)

6. La celebración del Año Nuevo The New Year's Celebration)

7. El Día de San Valentín (Saint Valentine's Day)

8. La Pascua representa.......... (Easter symbolizes.......)