Simplify your travel to Niagara Falls State Park with our easy-to-follow driving directions and GPS information. Browse the information below and find Niagara Falls directions from origins in both the U.S. and Canada. Or, you can click below to view our interactive Niagara Falls State Park Map for additional visual guidance.

From Albany & Areas East

For Niagara Falls directions from Albany and areas East, take the Interstate 90 West to Interstate 290 West to Interstate 190 North Exit and cross the South Grand Island Bridge (toll), continuing across Grand Island. After crossing the North Grand Island Bridge, immediately take Exit 21 to Niagara Scenic Parkway. Continue on the Parkway as it turns into Prospect Street. Signs will direct you to the state park's parking lots. On weekends or holidays, consider exiting the 290 at Exit 3 North/ Niagara Falls Blvd and heading into the city that way. While this route adds a bit more travel time, you may avoid long waits in traffic. You will find many parking options in the city that are just steps from the Park while avoiding a great deal of traffic.

Google Maps Directions


From the South

For Niagara Falls directions from the South, take either Interstate 90 West through New York or Interstate 90 East through Pennsylvania to Interstate 290. Take the Interstate 190 North Exit and cross the South Grand Island Bridge, continuing across Grand Island. After crossing the North Grand Island Bridge, immediately take Exit 21 to Niagara Scenic Parkway. Continue on the Parkway as it turns into Prospect Street. Signs will direct you to Niagara Falls State Park's parking lots.On weekends or holidays, consider staying on the 290 and using Exit 3 North/ Niagara Falls Blvd to head into the city that way. While this route adds about 10-15 more minutes of travel time, you will avoid long waits in traffic. You will find many parking options in the city that are just steps from the Park while avoiding a great deal of traffic.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If your group will be traveling to campus via bus, charter or van(s), we ask that you please share our driving instructions, with all those who will be responsible for driving to campus on this day. There are several narrow roads and pathways to campus that are not suitable or safe for buses and other large vehicles, so we kindly ask that in lieu of GPS, you follow these directions.

In commitment to serve as good neighbors for our surrounding community, we ask that you obey the posted speed laws while in the neighborhood. Additionally, and in accordance with our agreement with the Brentwood Homeowners Association buses and travel charters are required to follow our directions for campus arrivals and departures. Companies may be subject to a fine should they deviate from these instructions.

Refer to the Irving Parking Garage (directions) map to locate the garage entrance on Stadium Place. Once parked, walk to the ESF campus entrance via Stadium Place and E. Raynor Avenue to the ESF traffic control station.

Pierce College Fort Steilacoom and many Pierce College District offices are on 140 acres in the city of Lakewood, 10 miles southwest of Tacoma. The campus is next to Fort Steilacoom Park, 342 acres on Waughhop Lake, with walking and horse trails, play areas and fields. It is just one mile from the waters of the Puget Sound with snow-covered mountain ranges visible in both directions.

You can calculate directions (using a variety of methods of transportation) by using the DirectionsService object. This object communicates with the Google Maps API Directions Service which receives direction requests and returns an efficient path. Travel time is the primary factor which is optimized, but other factors such as distance, number of turns and many more may be taken into account. You may either handle these directions results yourself or use the DirectionsRenderer object to render these results.

The Directions service can return multi-part directions using a series of waypoints. Directions are displayed as a polyline drawing the route on a map, or additionally as a series of textual description within a element (for example, "Turn right onto the Williamsburg Bridge ramp").

To use directions in the Maps JavaScript API, create an object of type DirectionsService and call DirectionsService.route() to initiate a request to the Directions service, passing it a DirectionsRequest object literal containing the input terms and a callback method to execute upon receipt of the response.

Consult the Google Maps Platform Coverage Details to determine to what extent a country supports directions. If you request directions for a region in which that direction type is not available, the response will return the DirectionsStatus="ZERO_RESULTS".

The available options for a directions request vary between travel modes. When requesting transit directions, the avoidHighways, avoidTolls, waypoints[] and optimizeWaypoints options will be ignored. You can specify transit specific routing options through the TransitOptions object literal.

By default, directions are calculated and displayed using the unit system of the origin's country or region. (Note: Origins expressed using latitude/longitude coordinates rather than addresses always default to metric units.) For example, a route from "Chicago, IL" to "Toronto, ONT" will display results in miles, while the reverse route will display results in kilometers. You can override this unit system by setting one explicitly within the request using one of the following UnitSystem values:

Note: This unit system setting only affects the text displayed to the user. The directions result also contains distance values, not shown to the user, which are always expressed in meters.

Initiating a directions request to the DirectionsService with the route() method requires passing a callback which executes upon completion of the service request. This callback will return a DirectionsResult and a DirectionsStatus code in the response.

The DirectionsResult contains the result of the directions query, which you may either handle yourself, or pass to a DirectionsRenderer object, which can automatically handle displaying the result on a map.

The following example calculates directions between two locations on Route 66, where the origin and destination are set by the given "start" and "end" values in the dropdown lists. The DirectionsRenderer handles display of the polyline between the indicated locations, and the placement of markers at the origin, destination, and any waypoints, if applicable.

A DirectionsRenderer not only handles display of the polyline and any associated markers, but also can handle the textual display of directions as a series of steps. To do so, call setPanel() on your DirectionsRenderer, passing it the in which to display this information. Doing so also ensures that you display the appropriate copyright information, and any warnings which may be associated with the result.

Textual directions will be provided using the browser's preferred language setting, or the language specified when loading the API JavaScript using the language parameter. (For more information, see Localization.) In the case of transit directions, the time will be displayed in the time zone at that transit stop.

When sending a directions request to the DirectionsService, you receive a response consisting of a status code, and a result, which is a DirectionsResult object. The DirectionsResult is an object literal with the following fields:

When using the Directions service to search for transit directions, the steps array will include additional Transit Specific Information in the form of a transit object. If the directions include multiple modes of transportation, detailed directions will be provided for walking or driving steps in a steps[] array. For example, a walking step will include directions from the start and end locations: "Walk to Innes Ave & Fitch St". That step will include detailed walking directions for that route in the steps[] array, such as: "Head north-west", "Turn left onto Arelious Walker", and "Turn left onto Innes Ave".

Transit directions return additional information that is not relevant for other modes of transportation. These additional properties are exposed through the TransitDetails object, returned as a property of DirectionsStep. From the TransitDetails object you can access additional information for the TransitStop, TransitLine, TransitAgency, and VehicleType objects as described below.

The following example plots walking directions to certain tourist attractions in New York City. We inspect the route's DirectionsStep to add markers for each step, and attach information to an InfoWindow with instructional text for that step.

As noted within the DirectionsRequest, you may also specify waypoints (of type DirectionsWaypoint) when calculating routes using the Directions service for walking, bicycling or driving directions. Waypoints are not available for transit directions. Waypoints allow you to calculate routes through additional locations, in which case the returned route passes through the given waypoints.

Users may modify cycling, walking or driving directions displayed using a DirectionsRenderer dynamically if they are draggable, allowing a user to select and alter routes by clicking and dragging the resulting paths on the map. You indicate whether a renderer's display allows draggable directions by setting its draggable property to true. Transit directions cannot be made draggable.

When directions are draggable, a user may select any point on the path (or waypoint) of the rendered result and move the indicated component to a new location. The DirectionsRenderer will dynamically update to show the modified path. Upon release, a transitional waypoint will be added to the map (indicated by a small white marker). Selecting and moving a path segment will alter that leg of the route, while selecting and moving a waypoint marker (including start and end points) will alter the legs of the route passing through that waypoint. e24fc04721

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