Elnaz Seylabi
Welcome to our lab!
I am an assistant professor in the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the University of Nevada Reno. Before joining UNR in 2019, I was a postdoctoral scholar at the Mechanical and Civil Engineering Department at the California Institute of Technology (2017-2019).
I received a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering (with a major in Structural Mechanics and a minor in Applied Mathematics) from the University of California Los Angeles, an M.Sc. in Earthquake Engineering, and a B.Sc. in Civil Engineering from the Sharif University of Technology.
You can learn more about our activities and upcoming events on our news page.
Postdoctoral (US Citizen/Green Card Holder Only): Our lab invites applications for a Postdoc Position in the Structural and Earthquake Engineering program starting in the Summer of 2025. Interested applicants should contact me directly and include their CVs and unofficial transcript(s). Required qualifications are as follows:
PhD in Earthquake/Structural Engineering, Computational Mechanics, or a closely related field.
Experienced in nonlinear finite element modeling and soil-structure interaction.
Strong analytical and quantitative background and determination to explore new ideas.
PhD: Our lab invites applications for a PhD Position in the Structural and Earthquake Engineering program starting Fall 2025. Interested applicants should contact me directly and include their CVs and unofficial transcript(s). Required qualifications are as follows:
MS in Earthquake/Structural Engineering, Computational Mechanics, or a closely related field.
Experienced in finite element modeling and scientific machine learning.
Experienced in programming.
Strong analytical and quantitative background and determination to explore new ideas.
Contact Info
Elnaz (Esmaeilzadeh) Seylabi, Ph.D.
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno, Nevada, 89557, Mailstop 0258
email: elnaze@unr.edu
phone: 775 682 6568