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Same issue here. Simple hover states are not working for clients when they work perfectly on my local machine. I have tried re-installing the fonts with no luck. This never happened until the last update. This is a show stopper for me.

At the moment you cannot set the font dynamically from the cms binding, unless you perhaps used a little custom code to read in a font name from a collection field and change the css style using a little javascript at run time.

In ArcMap I had set up some standard/default text/font styles to use whenever I was labelling (either with Labels, or Annotations or just text on the Layout) for example streams and roads and such. So setting the font type, colour, size and orientation (left, middle, right).

Pretty same question here. The font size for the card is too hard to read even with H1.

There still a lot need to be approve for the canvas plugin, such as more customzed color for card, add section from notes like what we did usually.

I think a better approach in the next updates for the canvas, is making the card text increase together with the card size, like when you touch the edges and move (increasing the size of the card) should make the text inside the card increase as well

I completely side with @ Thatstheway. Increasing the card size should make text relatively larger. As it stands text gets often way too small compared to everything else on my boards, forcing me to type text in other applications and paste them as pictures.

Perhaps the text behavior inside the card can have justification settings (left, center, right, top, middle, bottom, and full). Full justification would fill the card with text such that font size is adjusted to fill the frame in the horizontal dimension.

When I inserted a text box in a PDF opened in Draw, I found it was using the Default graphics style. With the cursor in the text box, press F11 to open the styles and formatting box. Right-click the default style and Modify the style with different fonts, style, size, etc. This will change all the text boxes that use the default style.

I know there have been some similar topics but none of them have produced a solution that works for me. I have tried creating a HTML visual element and putting in .ql-editor {font-size: 20px !important;} but I suspect I have misunderstood/am missing something because I just get that as text with no results on the text box.

Elements have styles attached to them that can be edited from the style menu on the left side of the screen. If you click on a style for text (or create a new one) you should be able to edit it and set its font size to 14. Then you should be able to see right below where you can change the name of the style a grey text that allows you to set that style to default for text boxes.

The easiest way to avoid showing invisible text while custom fonts loadis to temporarily show a system font.By including font-display: swap in your @font-face style,you can avoid FOIT in most modern browsers:

The font-display APIspecifies how a font is displayed.swap tells the browser that text using the font should be displayed immediately using a system font.Once the custom font is ready, it replaces the system font.(See the Avoid invisible text during loading postfor more information.)

The L"Linear" form makes PyPlot treat the whole string as a math expression (as if surrounded by dollar signs in \LaTeX). Either use "Linear" or (to embed normal text in a math expression) L"\mathrm{Linear}".

Hi, I'm a product manager on the mobile Previews team. This was an intentional fix to make the fonts match between the edit/view experiences. Can you share screenshots for how this might negatively affect your workflow?

What I'm doing is making a "text" style with Times New Roman, size 12, and change it manually; but I was wondering if there's some option that would let me tell Scrivener to paste text in Times New Roman 12 as default? I looked through all the preferences settings and the Scrivener manual but I didn't see anything of the sort.

If you position the playhead on the clip thenselect it, open the filters menu and highlight your text filter then take a screenshot of the ____________, e.g. using the Windows Snippit tool, then post that screenshot, it would make it a lot easier to help as we can then see what you are doing - e.g. are you using Text:Simple ot Text:Rich, which font are you using etc.

It would still be better if we saw a screenshot. Is your text for example in 1__________? If so, it is possible that the font-family you are using does not have this style and will revert to the default in the export.

See here:

Currently this is what is happening:

I grab a handle of a text box that contains 12 point font, and scale it down. The text box scales down, but the font within does not. The font stays the same size (12 point), and eventually the words in the textbox simply overflow the textbox, because they no longer fit within the smaller dimensions of the scaled textbox.

What I am trying to achieve:

I grabe a handle of a text box that contains 12 point font, and scale it down. The text box scales down, as does the font within. The font goes from 12 point to whatever is need to keep its layout within the textbox (let's say 9 points). The words in the textbox don't overflow, as they maintain their original layout within the textbox.

Hi stutes,

Welcome to Affinity Forums 

Use the lower bottom right handle (the one that's detached from the bounding box itself) to resize the text frame and the text itself (without reflowing the text).

I've come to understand that you drag certain properties from effects or whatnot into the essential graphics creation panel, however I've only found myself able to customize the source text, and nothing else relating to the text. It seems like After Effects allows me to drag in effects that have been applied to certain layers, but when it comes to adjusting font size, color, the font itself, it seems as though I'm stuck with whatever original one I used in the composition.

Considering that I'm doing a lot of text-driven video content, its impossible for me to create thousands of different templates for each variation of the text I might want to use (one with bold text, one with italics, one slightly bigger, smaller, etc.) plus inside of the text I might need to adjust the color and style of one word and leave the others intact. So far I have not found any way to make these things customizable to be adjusted in Premiere Pro.

It's not doable in its current form and quite frankly to me having those options kinda defeats the purpose of "templates" or for lack of a better word, dynamic titles. I mean the whole purpose of template-izing stuff to me seems to not let artistically uneducated/ untalented people mess up a designers meticulous work... That said, the mere number of adjustments you propose sounds like your whole workflow is standing on its head and you seriously might need to reconsider it. Even if the system supported these features, it seems to me doing them in Premiere would be a rather unpleasant chore, given the massive amount of tweaks you have in mind. AE seems better suited for this right off the bat and would make things much easier by toggling different layers' visibility, using text animators to adjust text size and whatnot.

I think you may have misunderstood where I'm coming from. While I understand the "point of templates" is to create a framework for anyone to be able to plug & play, this is not the only use for templates. In my situation, as I mentioned, I am outputting a large volume of videos that involve text animations (slide in & out, up & down) and it would be very convenient if I could adjust the fonts, text size, color, etc within the essential graphics controls in PP since sometimes I need to italicize certain parts, color certain words, etc for the sake of the content I'm creating, and in this maybe you can understand why going back and forth between PP & AE would not be as efficient in the long run.

Secondly, there now seems 2___________________________________________________________________________ than the one Roei suggested for you can now simply drag from the text layer menu "transform" properties to the EGP as you wish. The slider would of course be more elegant and probably the best solution if you think you'll be doing a lot of those adjustments in Premiere Pro.

This was driving me crazy as well! I noticed that some of the Essential Graphics templates provided by Adobe have Font editing capabilities. I finally realized that these templates were originally created in Adobe Premiere rather than After Effects. When you make a title graphic with animation directly in Premiere, you can right-click on it and export as a Motion Graphics Template. These templates have more font editing capabilities in Premiere. Hope this also helps!

So just installed version 6, and from past topics, I thought the ability to choose the font was going to be included on version 6, but it appears to not be, or I cannot figure out how to change it. I would like to selectively change some of the text I place on a schematic to text. This will allow me to make an ASCII text table. So Right now I still have to place an image of a table. Ideally, the best solution is the ability to place a table, but I will gladly take just the ability to use a fixed-width font.

In older version of KiCad, making columns in tables with the tab character did not work at all.

Back then I resorted to using a separate text block for each column and that worked adequately for me.

I have a problem. Earlier I used Ubuntu, but now I've installed an Elementary OS to my notebook and then installed a sublime text 3. But I don't like a font_face in new OS. It is not so good, like it was in Ubuntu, e.g. Zero sign is not striped. And also keywords is not italic like. Can you help me to fix it?

If this doesn't work, 3_____________________. There are plenty of choices at Google Fonts. You just need to add the desired fonts to your collection, click the download icon in the top right, and install the .ttf's on your system, which should be as easy as opening the files and clicking on install. 5376163bf9

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