Fluidsim is a HPCcode written mostly in Python. It uses the library Fluidfft to use very efficient FFT libraries.Fluidfft is written in C++, Cython and Python. Fluidfft and fluidsim takeadvantage of Pythran, astatic Python compiler which produces very efficient binaries by compilingPython via C++11. Pythran is actually used in Fluidsim through Transonic, which is a new and cool project for HPCwith Python.

Fluidsim is a young package but the list of solvers already implemented (seefluidsim.solvers) gives a good idea of the versatility of thisframework. However, currently, Fluidsim excels in particular in solvingequations over a periodic space:


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Fluidsim is a HPCcode. It is part of the wider project FluidDyn and its pseudospectral solvers relyon the library fluidfft to use veryefficient FFT libraries. Fluidfft is written in C++, Cython and Python.Fluidfft and fluidsim take advantage of Pythran, an ahead-of-time compilerwhich produces very efficient binaries by compiling Python via C++11.

Nonetheless, I feel that the fluidsim uses waaaaaay too much ram. It would be great if it could get optimised so that the mesh only gets adaptively tesselated as needed.

Plus it would be great if it was possible to pause a bake, close blender, start blender, reload scene, and then continue the bake from where it left off.

Hey! I am a student in a high school aerospace engineering class. I designed a plane model in Solidworks and wanted to try using a fluid sim to test its aerodynamics. I already spent 100 bucks on a student license (my class was using Fusion but I wanted to use Solidworks out of preference) but I didnt see the fluidsim bundled with it when I tried to download it. Is there any way to get a license for it as a student?

The Python package fluidsim is introduced in this article as an extensible framework for Computational Fluid Mechanics (CFD) solvers. It is developed as a part of FluidDyn project, an effort to promote open-source and open-science collaboration within fluid mechanics community and intended for both educational as well as research purposes. Solvers in fluidsim are scalable, High-Performance Computing (HPC) codes which are powered under the hood by the rich, scientific Python ecosystem and the Application Programming Interfaces (API) provided by fluiddyn and fluidfft packages. The present article describes the design aspects of fluidsim, which includes use of Python as the main language; focus on the ease of use, reuse and maintenance of the code without compromising performance. The implementation details including optimization methods, modular organization of features and object-oriented approach of using classes to implement solvers are also briefly explained. Currently, fluidsim includes solvers for a variety of physical problems using different numerical methods (including finite-difference methods). However, this metapaper shall dwell only on the implementation and performance of its pseudo-spectral solvers, in particular the two- and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes solvers. We investigate the performance and scalability of fluidsim in a state of the art HPC cluster. Three similar pseudo-spectral CFD codes based on Python (Dedalus, SpectralDNS) and Fortran (NS3D) are presented and qualitatively and quantitatively compared to fluidsim. The source code is hosted at Bitbucket as a Mercurial repository bitbucket.org/fluiddyn/fluidsim and the documentation generated using Sphinx can be read online at fluidsim.readthedocs.io. be457b7860

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