When you begin a new project in Android studio, the project's structure will appear with almost all the files held within the SDK directory, this switch to a Gradle based management system offers an even greater flexibility to the build process.

I have already seen this question.But that's for Mac OS. I am using windows. Every time I create a new project or try to build/rebuild the project it freezes!! I have installed the latest version(9/10/2016). But things are getting worse. I want to completely remove it and install it as if I would be installing it for the first time. Any help be Appreciated.

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To delete any remains of Android Studio setting files, in File Explorer, go to your user folder (%USERPROFILE%), and delete .android, .AndroidStudio and any analogous directories with versions on the end, i.e. .AndroidStudio1.2, as well as .gradle and .m2 if they exist.

In 2021, If you are looking for uninstall.exe, the latest Android studio version doesn't come with an uninstaller. Download an older version of the Android studio from the Android studio download archive official LINK; you can download Android Studio 4.1.1.

Note that AppData folder is hidden by default, to make visible it go to view tab and check hidden items in windows8 and10 ( in windows7 Select Folder Options, then select the View tab. Under Advanced settings, select Show hidden files, folders, and drives, and then select OK.

This is running on Windows 7 64-bit with Java 1.7. During the installation, my Java 1.7 is detected, and the rest of the installation goes through just fine. However, when attempting to launch the application from the desktop icon, nothing happens. Looking at the task manager, a new process from the CMD is loaded. This is because it's attempting to run the batch file studio.bat.

Go to your Android Studio installation folder and locate the bin folder. Inside the bin folder, you will find studio.bat. Execute the file, and it'll show the error. If it is about the Java path then follow the tip 1.

Step 1: Go to the system properties by right-clicking on My Computer or by pressing windows button on typing This PC and right clicking on it and selecting Properties.

Edit: For Windows 8 and 10 Users: Try to run C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin\studio.exe instead of C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\binstudio64.exe

there I saw 2 exe files studio.exe and studio64.exe. Normally my start menu was pointing to studio64.exe which always kept on giving me "The environmental variable JDK_HOME does not point to valid JVM". So then I clicked studio.exe and it worked :)

I somewhat assumed that the issue was caused by having the x64 version of the JDK installed. But what was especially confusing was the fact that I could start Android Studio just fine when I started the studio.bat as an Administrator (even though the environment variables were set for my personal user account).

Windows 64 bit, JDK 64 bit (Solution that worked for me)Tried all the above solutions, and None of them worked, I have been trying to solve it for the past few days and now I did it successfully. For me the problem was when I first installed Android Studio my JDK version was 1.7, then after installing I updated the JDK to 1.8, then I removed the old JDK folder and everything was messed up, even uninstalling and reinstalling android studio randomly didn't solve the issue.

Even though I should know better and swear I did, make sure you restart studio after making these changes as it clearly does not check them on every build (which to me makes sense that system/user variables should only be read once on startup)

In my experience, I was unable (even after adding JDK_HOME) to launch Studio via either the shortcut or studio.exe itself. I had to first run bin/studio.bat (mentioned in the original question).After the first successful launch, I'm able to start it with the shortcut.

For me, the problem was that I had changed the GC vm arg to -XX:+UseParallelGC in the C:\Users\\.AndroidStudio2.1\studio64.exe.vmoptions file. That's what I use in Eclipse and I was trying various things to get AndroidStudio half way as efficent as Eclipse. I restored the GC to -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC.

The answer to the original question is that, might be you are opening android studio from 32 bit shortcut icon of android studio, try to open from icon "studio64" located under .../bin/ where android studio setup is install.

First of all, thank you for taking time out of your day to help. I did all that, then followed the instructions Ben put forth in the "setting-up-an-android-development-environment-for-windows" almost to the letter - I put Android Studio in C:\Program Files\android-studio.It started up OK, and I opened the project, which presented only one gripe, that AS used to be in C:\Program Files]Android Studio\android-studio. After a build attempt, I get a message similar to the one I had before:Installing Archives: Preparing to install archives Downloading SDK Platform Android 5.1.1, API 22, revision 2 URL not found: C:\Program Files\android-studio\sdk\temp\android-22_r02.zip (Access is denied) Done. Nothing was installed.

Figured it out. Doh. I had installed SDK under \Program Files\, and Windows (silently) objected to that, disallowing such fun things as fetching android-22_r02.zip, which subsequently could not be found and unzipped.

To install Android Studio with Chocolatey, all you need to do is to run the command choco install androidstudio in the Powershell command, and accept the installation. You can find the details of Android Studio package for Chocolatey here, if you want.

On this windows, click on the button + Create Virtual Device... and select the device of your choice.Personally, I took the Pixel 2, since it is my current phone.After selecting your device, you can use the recommended parameters for the device and validate its creation.

In this folder i place all my C++ and C code


Also place all the header files for SDL including SDL_mixer.h, SDL_image.h, SDL_ttf.h and SDL_net.h

I guess there is a better way to do this but I was desperate.

By default, the IDE is assigned a maximum of 750 MB. If you have a large project, or if you have a lot of RAM on your system, the IDE will run better if you increase the amount of memory it is allowed to use. To do that, create your own studio.vmoptions override (in the location explained above) and add a line like this:

Visual Studio

Visual studio offers a range of monitoring tools that are baked into the IDE. Tools such as CPU Usage and Memory Usage are available within the diagnostics tools window of the IDE. Read the docs on profiling tools for Visual Studio to learn more.

I am trying to use Backendless for a small android app for a school project. We are following the Android quick start guide exactly, but we cannot get past step 9. We loaded the dependency with Maven, added the import statement, the permissions in the manifest, and the init statement. Android Studio does not recognize the classes that should have been loaded with the API in maven. I have attached pictures of our code, our errors, and our dependencies. Please let me know if there is anything immediately obvious that we are doing wrong here. Thank you for your time.

Expand the "app" node (by clicking on the triangle). Expand the "java" node. Expand the "com.example.helloandroid" package node. Open the "MainActivity.java" (which actually has already been opened). REPLACE the onCreate() method as follows and add the import statement. Do not touch the rest of the codes, if any.

An Activity, which usually has a screen, is a single, focused thing that the user can interact with the application (hence called activity). The MainActivity extends the android.app.Activity class (or android.app.AppCompatActivity in the later version), and overrides the onCreate() method. The onCreate() is a call-back method, which is called back by the Android system when the activity is launched.

I started working on React Native recently. The very first roadblock I came across was configuring React Native on my machine. Since I had minimal working knowledge of Android studio as well as Node JS it took me a few days to figure this out. I am sharing my learning in this blog post to help you fast track your initial setup.

If you use Android Studio to open ./AwesomeProject/android, you can see the list of available Android Virtual Devices (AVDs) by opening the "AVD Manager" from within Android Studio. Look for an icon that looks like this:

If you're using the latest version of Java Development Kit, you'll need to change the Gradle version of your project so it can recognize the JDK. You can do that by going to {project root folder}\android\gradle\wrapper\gradle-wrapper.properties and changing the distributionUrl value to upgrade the Gradle version. You can check out here the latest releases of Gradle.

Download Android Studio: Go to the official Android Studio website and download it.

Run the Installer: Once the download is complete, run the downloaded executable file (e.g., android-studio-xx.x.x.x-windows.exe) to start the installation process. ff782bc1db

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